Can someone please change the colour of the text given to channel operators within the horizons game, or at least make it player changable?

Colourblindness affects approximately 10% of caucasian males. Most of those people have either a defeciency with either their green or red receptors.

The colour for normal players is white (R 255, G 255 B 255), whereas the channel operators are cyan (R 0 G 255 B 255). I have a lack of red receptors, and I have absolutely no idea who's a channel operator and who isn't, so I really would appreciate if this was changed so that I could also tell what's going on. (I'd suggest dropping the green value to around 180-200, since it would still be quite a light colour, but enough of a change in contrast so that anyone can tell the difference between the two.)

I'd also like to take this opportunity to quickly explain something about colourblindness :

People with defeciencies usually learn to tell the difference between colours by guessing. Green, for instance, is usually much darker than yellow in the natural world, and so someone with a red defeciency will learn to guess that the lighter colour is yellow, while the darker one is green, even though there's very little difference between the two aside from the contrast.

The problem really comes in where are two colours which are approximately the same contrast, and only vary in the affected colour scale. On a computer screen, bright green is usually far lighter than you'd find it in things like plants, and it's infact identical to bright yellow. A person with a red defeciency has no hope in hades of telling bright yellow and bright green apart on a computer screen. (This is particularly annoying to me, since almost all games use green and yellow in their interface colour schemes.) Basically, the point I'm trying to get across is that it's a good design principle to make sure all the colours differ in contrast as well as the actual colour differences.

If anyone is further interested on the subject, there's a reasonably good overview here :