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Thread: Too-rare technique components

  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Seranthor
    .There is a biped inaccessable spot for Giant Flame and Giant Fire Beetles with no named and a constant spawn of them that you can single pull them all day long. That is unless TG has touched them also with the spawn nerf bat that they appear to have used on the majority of the spawns that bipeds can get to.
    I'm a dragon but my favorite hunting spots for giant flame and fire beetles are very biped accessable. I typically hunt flame beetles from the tunnel into the valley of fire island. For fire beetles I'll work my way around the south end of the valley. No need for mass killing, no need to jump through hoops, just need to know how to pull them one at a time, and that isn't very hard.

    And if you don't want to fight a named, it's never hard to avoid doing so.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Aiya + Saritova, Chaos


    Quote Originally Posted by Jazmyn
    I went out to Satyr Island the other day and got 12 Blue Vexator Fringes in about 3 hours. I was with two friends though.

    12 Fringes for 3 people in 3 hours? 12 fringes in 9 man hours. So thats what 1 every 45 minutes per person. Also thats with a group which always kill more over time. Still seems rare to me.
    ~Robins (Dark Defenders)




    Snibor (Adult Dragon) (68)Adv/(100)Craft/(100)Lair

  3. #83


    Wow, 12 fringes in 3 hours is impressive, even with a group...just finding 12 blue vexes in 3 hours is really something to boast about ..getting 12 fringes outta it? Well, thank your lucky stars my friend because that is the exception and not the rule lol.
    'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, ..., the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars' - Kerouac

  4. #84


    Many people have listed the rare drops thing is long and tedious hours even if you have the skills necessary to survive the mobs does not "increase the fun factor" i have watched both sides of this argment and in reality is that all the raritiy of the mentioned nadia changes combined extreme rairity will increase the divide between the Haves and th eHave nots
    Sir adien(sp) rarely if ever lists these comps as far as i know i hve never seen one of them on him, lets just put it this was for the normal/average player 16 to 18 hours in game of constant fighting and getting half the 1 specific comp part they want for their armor is notr fun matter of fact its infuratiing and dishearting people tend to give up and not bother some people have their avatars tweaked to survive that kind of hunting I sure dont i rarely if ever anymore go out to the satyr islands its nearly impossable to find a group going out there and they do not want to stay out there long enough for me to gather what I need those that can hunt out there simply for the most part dont sell the techs they do have in any form so for me its again a matter if frustration i can not hunt for the techs and i can not afford to buy them now. that leaves me in such a quandry with out teched armor i die to easy as many mobs hit me 2 to 3 times harder then i will ever be able to hit them or spend mind numbing hours racking up massive amounts of death points to tech up and still die but not as often in other words its a no win scenerio for me I do not want to be forced Into being okay its time to get another 100 adv school attitude the grind will kill any potential for fun for me
    Given enough time and the proper temperament anything doable in game is possible
    Confectioner first last and always

  5. #85


    The only comps i would consider too rare are zombie ogre toes, next would be kwell energy nodes, all the reast are doable and drop in quantities that make them challenging but rewarding.

    Too ez to get ? dire wolves , fire dire wolves , giant beatle < frost , fire, and flame >, gruok snouts, purp spider venoms, skulk fins.

    Those I put in the too ez column I guess i should define, as too rare or too ez are relative terms. Any comp that my partner and I can get more than say 30 of in under 2 hours is too ez. As a point of reference, we have gotten 80 or more of the dires and fire dires in less than 2 hours.


  6. #86


    The only tech comp I really see as being too rare is zombie ogre toes. This is the one comp that I sometimes have to buy, or advise guildies they will have to buy.

    There's an element of luck involved in comp hunting which means there's obviously going to be a wide range of perceptions on rareness. My best ever drop rate on blue fringes was 9 of them in 45 minutes, hunting solo. That was an extremely lucky night's hunting. There've been other nights when my partner and I have hunted and not gotten a single fringe in 3 hours. These are both extremes. In an average 3 hours of hunting we'll usually bring back around 4-8 fringes. Now if all we got for the 3 hours work was 4 fringes, then maybe I'd think they were too rare. But while we're there we're also killing other mobs and will also collect abomination chest skulls, red fringes, vet blight bindings, ghost vapours, kwellen nodes and aegror pus packets. In total we probably average around 15 - 30 comps from our 3 hour hunt. Some of those other comps will be ones which we need (we usually have a list of comps for a full set of armour or scales or whatever). Others of them we obviously don't need - but maybe they'll be needed on the next order we get, or maybe we can trade them for some that we do need, or maybe (now that Nadia's prices have skyrocketed) we can actually sell them for a reasonable amount of coin.

    The one area of tech comps that I would really like to see reworked is which techs need which comps. There are currently comps dropped which either aren't used in any techs at all, or are used in only 1 or 2 techs, and yet we have fiery dire wolf fangs which are required for 17 techs.

    The other thing difficulty is that several techs needed for one school use the same comp. Yew knots are needed for fletching, carpentry, logging, lumbering and woodworking. That means a fletcher, carpenter or blacksmith is going to need huge amounts of that one comp for each and every item he wants to tech. Marble frags and mith frags are the same. While I can see the logic behind this idea (and if I were designing techs it's the way I would've gone too), from a comp collecting viewpoint it just makes things harder/more boring.

    Currently the comps for a carpenter's set of jeweller number 6,8,8,8 (various) and 30 yew knots. Add in similiar figures for the armour pieces and I'm going to be hunting yews til the cows come home. I'd much rather have a list that read 6,8,8,8, (10,10,10 various).
    It gives me satisfaction being able to cross a comp off my list and say 'great, got all of those, now for the next one'. People like to see visible proof that they're making progress on their goals.

    Edit: Forgot the ones that are too easy: peridot chips, icy mandibles, ice wolf fangs, dire wolf fangs, purple spider and tarantula venoms, gruok snouts.
    Last edited by Rhyssa; July 12th, 2006 at 12:50 AM.
    I'm a biped. Even when I look like a dragon, I'm a biped.

  7. #87


    Vexator fringes of any color seem to be what my guildees are looking for most of the time.

  8. #88


    zombie ogre toes
    blue/red vex fringes

    have consistanly been the hardest to aquire, by far. drop rate might be ok, but there are too few of them spawned.
    torvos: shadow to chaos shard

  9. #89


    Well I agree that ogres are few and far between at times, but i always find several Vexators. Well if you know where to look. Or maybe its my attractive personality


  10. #90


    *falls out of chair*


  11. #91


    Lets be realistic there i hve been out hunting for comps for my armor and to be honest i give up. I am not nor ever will be an uber-adventurer and yea try in marketplace to buy the "rare techs" it aint gonna happen what they have done is simply unbalance the game so that the players with the bet toon build can camp and everyone else will be at their mercy not my idea of fun its not crafters that have ruined the economy, never was. People are simply afraid to sell components etc as they always feel a nerf is coming down the path at them. The Reality is to obvious to most people i guess the game was never intended to have virtual stasis if there was something to buy that was worth the money people would buy it.
    Given enough time and the proper temperament anything doable in game is possible
    Confectioner first last and always

  12. #92


    Vand surely you have not given up! I gave you several already and if you would like to get some of the others i am more then willing to help. I have an order for vexators that I need to do, and if you let me know what you need then I can look for those mobs too.


  13. #93


    giving up for me is a relative term im not giving up the game i simply will stop trying to tech my stuff vet abom chest skulls are simply now far beyond my cash limit and or my hunting skill. maybe someday i will have some inherent maddness pop into my life and ill go mega tweak my character with dozens of adventure levels i honestly think pray and hope ill be too busy cooking food and will get my techs delivered in trade for food but i wont hold my breath. I am just not going to fight the current "pound of cure is better then and ounce of prevention attitude" From my entirely craft-centric viewpoint Increasing difficulty increasing time spent for x reward is not Increasing the "fun" factor in all actually its quite the reverse why is is so hard to chose a middle path why is it always an all or nothing change the world isnt black and white alone its a lot of gray why does it seem that it never goes to a middle position but always an extreme its just frustrating and or infurating. I know i can work myself into a massivly multiclassed adventurer taht can kill with virtual impunity but that isnt my passion or desire. Give me tons of fluff eye candy things i want and need ill do it but comp hunting is plainly a long term extremely boring process
    Given enough time and the proper temperament anything doable in game is possible
    Confectioner first last and always

  14. #94


    How many do you need Vand?

  15. #95


    Dont forget about Wraith Master Ectoplasm. It is a very rare T3 component.

  16. #96


    Dont forget about Wraith Master Ectoplasm. It is a very rare T3 component.

  17. #97

  18. #98

    Default Ha

    Ever Try Hunting mith frags i spend most of my Time when i am not Hunting Radiant Cristals inedl hunting Mith frags For my guiled hear is the Braindamaging Prossess

    Gold Rage Silver Strike ore Hit twap Kill hit twap kill *Fants He got one after 1.5 Hrs 400 more to go

    if your going to male the drop Harder at Least Give me More Targets to Sloughter and Pls Replenish the Travian Golems i think i broke them there are verry rare now
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  19. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Svayvti
    Tier 1:

    Too Common: Sand Beetle Carapace

    Too Rare: Water Golem Droplet (a rare drop off of only the highest of T1 mobs), Brittle Fyakki Leg.
    I disagree that they're too common. One of the NT dragon quests needs you to loot one, and my hatchie spend a long time trying to get one, as well as a sand pygmy ear.

    Anyway, I think that T3 beetles (ice and one other I can't think of) are too spread out and rare to find enough of them for the related dragon quests (Find Frostbite in such a huge area in a blizzard that reduces your line of sight significantly? Geez.) or to find tech comps off of.

    Also, snow and frost ogres and pygmies are so dense in Abandoned Island that it's often difficult to attack them for any purpose.

    And we can't forget flame, ice, and energy bone splinters. Aside from Nadia, they only exist for three dragon quests, and when you're not on one of them, they won't drop at all, yet bone splinters are still needed for banners.
    Ryushu Suisen, Tathar Nuar, and PhoenixStar, Guildmaster of the Construction Crew
    Check out our wares!

  20. #100


    Do sand pygmy ears even exist? I've killed hundreds of sand pygmies, mostly by the lighthouse in Kion and on the other side of the island where there are pygmies/ogres together. Not a single ear.

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