Don't know if anyone else has this problem but if I select a house, run away to another building, like a silo, or my hut, Then double click instead of click.... wait.... double click, it will not select the new building, but will rather bring up the inventory of my last building.

To try this out:
1. Click on any of your plot buildings. It should be selected now.
2. Walk to another of your buildings, and then double click on it as if you wanted to browse it.

What will happen is that it will issue the double click command on the currently selected item. It SEEMS like it's not shifting selected target on the first of the double click.

In Mosaic speek we would have to issue both the 'Select object under cursor on mouse up', and THEN the 'Activate default behaviour on targetted object on doubleclick' actions when double clicking.

A minor client bug, but I thought it's worth pointing out, it's one of the cumulative annoying little things that add up to a poor experience. Like the corrupted visual textures when messing with equiped crystals and things like that.
