Well folks after conciderable checking it would seem the drops needed for the "Solve the Hermit's Riddles" is broken. If your looking for the shrunken head forget it. There "seems to be a problem" "again".

The RoP for both Helian or Lunus or both to be broken isunthinkable for as long as this game has been out. Its not uncommon to find bugs here and there, happens all the time. But to have a "Major" part of the game not working and if we're lucky to get it fixed by this weekend is rediculus. There seems to be no problem with adding new content to drive us nuts, LOL, But to leave a major part of the game unfixed????

After all this what is it going to take to make things right? Ladies and Gentalmen its going to take us!!! I need everyone who really cares about this game to speakup and let them know this will no longer be tolerated and we will take our business eleswhere if necessary to get our point across.

I really like this game and I think it has great potential but come on lets get it together! I don't want to quit playing but it to the point I'm not having fun anymore. I don't think anyone should pay to be frustrated and angered because of a game.

Well that is this writers opinion for what its worth...