this is for players, on the chaos server.

why wait for a big event to come to us?? why can't we take the inititave of re takign Satyr island?? i say this for i have herd it would be suicide for the wrogn sort of people, so why not try it??

i mean sure we cannot take it back because the creatures re-spawn but why not figth our way across it just for the sake of doing it?? whats' the problem with that??

sure enough this comes around every i dunno how logn but i missed the last Event somehtign to do with Valkor, but can soem one give me the link at least so i know what is commign up and where to be and when or what time cos i never know about them untill basically the next day or some one tell's me oh there's an event on in blah and i no nohtign about it.. so yes but i thinkw e shoudl all rally together and re take Satyr island for the sake of groupign together with a big party.