Ok, AE went down the crapper, TG sold out and EI owns the game now. We've been through server merging, boring event after boring event, 1 hit kill foes that do 10 times the damage needed to kill any one of us. Then there is Nadia price change, the decimation of t6 resource and golems spawns, pawn broker changes. The list does seem long and Holy Snakesnot Batman! in it's capacity to make a player base want to seek greener pastures.

986 days ago I created Kwinn and have been through a lot with HZ. I'm still here and have no real plans to leave. Why? Believe it or not, it's as simple as one little 3 letter word...FUN. I'm still having FUN, still entertained, and still playing. Why are YOU still playing?

Yikes! 2 edits and counting. More coffee! I need more coffee!