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Thread: Would like to come back but....

  1. #1

    Default Would like to come back but....

    Greetings all. I left Horizons about a year and a half ago but there is something that keeps pulling me back to this game. I want to activate my subscription but am torn between my desire to come back and many of the things that I have read such as the billing issues, server performance and the perception of a decreasing population. I am hoping that someone can offer some guidance on these topics.

    My toon name was/is Unacceptable and resided on Chaos in a guild called “Faith�. It was a great group of people and hopefully I’ll be able to reconnect with them if I do return. Anyway, if someone has some spare time, could you please let me know if the billing issues continue to occur? Also, based on what I read, Chaos seems to be less stable than Order. Is that the case? And lastly, I know the community in Horizons is outstanding but are there enough players to create a decent economy? Any answers or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2


    These are solely my perceptions - take them for what you will

    There is very little player economy right now as there is very little player base left actually playing. However, usually there is someone available in the Marketplace channel to get something made if you need it. Consigners are rarely stocked anywhere near what they used to be however.

    I've been playing on Chaos for the past 7 months and I'm not sure I've run across anyone from the guild you mentioned. Is it possible they merged with another guild? Or changed names?

    Chaos is more unstable than Order right now. We've been having strange lag/login problems intermittently for the past couple of months now. They come and go and seem to have a mind of their own sometimes as to what time of day they will strike and how long they will last.

  3. #3


    Thanks Kerech. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

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