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Thread: Final Farewell

  1. #1

    Default Final Farewell

    well folks this is it
    this dwarf will no longer walk the world of blight
    kirs and blood have been put back to sleep and zarb put away
    why ?
    first off a suggested price increase is insulting , not only to me but to the others of my group overbilled and unrefunded by Ei
    I know this new mob had nothing to do with it but to even suggest ' if you want development then you must pay for it' is a bad idea
    for 3 years prior to Ei i payed and played on blight ... only on blight .. the meer hint of the increase sent shockwaves through the group with many phone calls and last nite a meeting where it was agreed that 26 accounts will not be renewed such is the bitterness still felt.

    To some this post will seem to be a flame or a rant or a bitter ex player it aint its a sad farewell .. for good .. to the people i called friends and fellow blighters that not only remain but who have also departed
    a new former unitarian Dava
    Ruf/Elek plus alts
    Tigger and Ann
    and others un named but not forgotten I wave my final farewell
    Luck in Battle Blight

  2. #2

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    Sorry to see you go, but you do know that everything discussed in the billing thread it tentative and instead of being forced to just pay more you have an opportunity to discuss what is feasible and possibly reverse what you have perceived as final decisions, right?
    "We live only ONE REAL DAY, during which we recall false memories of living many more."
    Is it today?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    Hal to even float the idea of a sub increase is a bad idea and leaves a bad taste
    what worries me more are the sheep that think it's a great idea
    fine come out and tell the community past and present ya dont have the funds
    jezz even put a hat ut and ask for donations BUT DONT consider a bloody sub increase
    $400 U.S is a bloody big bitter pill that i swallowed less than a year ago
    AND i got banned for bein pissed about it
    sorry but if their first major idea is a sub increase what other dumb ideas are bein bandied about in their think tank ?
    I'm out thats it

  4. #4

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    I don't think this is a case of not having the funds to maintain HZ. It's more of a situation where they want to get things done faster. It sounds like they currently have enough staff to do development, just not at a pace like Tulga was doing last year. So, they consider hiring more staff. That takes money. They want to know if they can raise their rates so that another employee won't cut into the revenue.

    How do they find out if they can raise their rates? Well, they can just raise them, or they can ask first and see if the players are willing to accept it. The latter is preferable to the former, and is exactly what happened. Try not to be insulted, it is an honest attempt at communication.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    awww.... sorry to see you go

    I hope some day you will decide to return. Until then, best of luck for you. Will jump to WoW from time to time.
    Chromos - 100 Ancient Lunus, 100 DragonCrafter,100 Lairshaper
    Titles - Expert DragonCrafter - Expert Lairshaper

  6. #6

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    There are these types of MMOGs, in regard to payment models:
    - $15 monthly subscription
    - a very few oddballs with $10-14 monthly subscription
    - one-time $10-50 box/activation fee
    - limited-features|unlimited-time free accounts with the option of upgrading to a premium subscription fitting into either the first or second category
    - free with Item Shop
    - free in a playable development stage

    Horizons has been in the second category, and lately a mixture of that and a non-existent seventh category of completely free play. An elimination of the latter and increase of the former by $2, entering the first category, is hardly the end of the world.

    I can understand your frustration with the large amount of money you lost to EI Interactive. But EI no longer has anything to do with Horizons. The loss of twenty-six accounts over a $2 increase is...disappointing, to me.

    Horizons may have bugs and outdated graphics, but it's unique among all MMORPGs. On that merit it deserves to be supported.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  7. #7
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    ther - if you feel you need to go, then by all means do so, but consider this:
    $15 US a month is not excessive at all. it is right on par with most games.
    Vi brought back blight - isn't that room for hope? at least they are making good progress, compared to PMEwhoever (thanx for the person who thought that up!! i love it!! )
    many many months of revenue have been lost and continues to be lost - they still have to pay for the shards even if no revenue is coming in.

    we have been suffering, my dear friend, and i know how it feels to be at the breaking point, so all i ask is this -
    please take all the time you want, but don't make this break permanent. watch the developments, come back when the billing system is set and we can all come home, and see if you still feel the same.

    i, for one, am looking forward to leeching my last few warrior levels off the sweat of kirs brow!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  8. #8

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    Whata hotheaded creature you are *looks down at him with her rose-colored glasses(found them again *

    Hey, you are too old for that.*pokes him with the tip of her tail*

    Take a dwarfen nap-and then reconsider

    It´s the privilege if the elder to change our minds within 24h

  9. #9

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    Theros, at the time of EI's takeover, Alladania and I both had six months remaining on five annual subscriptions EACH. We took steps to make sure EI could not bill us for anything, but half of what we had paid for was lost. Yes, that loss still stings, even now. I think it also gives me grounds to say, "I know how you feel".

    For a year, the community wished for someone to work on the game. For a year, the community asked for someone to care. For a year, the community prayed for Horizons to have a future. Well, we have that now. As hard as it is to look beyond the money we lost, as stinging as it may be to hear Virtrium suggest raising prices, this decision is not about the past. It's about right now, and it's about the future. Right now, the folks working for Virtrium are doing so largely without payment for their efforts. They are on their own time, just for love of the game and a desire to make it live again. They are doing so because they want Horizons to have a future.

    Nobody is asking you to forget & forgive. I have not forgotten the money I lost, and I will not forgive EI for what they did to the game. What I will do is look at the future. I urge you to do the same.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  10. #10

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    As I drive down the highway on my way to Valpariso, indiana , I wonder on the new payment thingy does this cover blight as well on the limited numbers of alts we can have, Or is Blight gonna be still unlimited alts as it has been, ?
    ok , setting outside a holiday inn stealing wireless , time to get to the service call im here for lol
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  11. #11
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    ther - after implementing the suggestions on the forums (thanx everyone in particular over at 'consistently logging in with vista'!), i am able to get home. i did a quick tour (lots of screenshots!) and then logged off. then, cause i couldn't wait, i tried to log in again and was totally successful. so, i have supreme hope in the future, something i didn't even have yesterday. i can now look forward to spending whole days in blight......i have an incentive to get my weekend chores done and to rush home from work.

    if you go, where will i get my weapons and armour (forget i am an expert weapon/armour smith)?

    please don't say you are not coming back.......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  12. #12

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    Hello Theros, (well i guess i should say farwell but cant)

    You should know who this is since u got me to come into blight at 3:00am my time jus so u could actually see me. Well i did so from excitement of getting to see u. You are the reason i decided to try a dragon and now i have a helian dragon as i once told u i would have and would copy her to blight but only if your going to be there to see her. Now that i decided to copy dragon to blight, u decide to leave so either until u can realize its not Virtrium LCC and that EI were the bad guys i'm staying where i am but will go into blight once in a blue moon to see other friends. All companys need income so if all they did was fix the billing so we r paying them and not EI and add $2 increase ill still play with all our accts.

    i'm sorry for all those that lost their money with the big mess with EI, AND tig and i also found out they didnt even keep their word about transferring, recreating, copying our chars SO we had to start over and there is NO other game out there that has the same crafting setup and alot of the ways that the adventure works. when we all lost all of our friends, we thought forever, i stopped playing game all together, until tig talked me into coming into game to help him craft on his plot, big mistake since crafting is my thing, but it worked and im now on Order Shard.

    There have already been improvements to the game. you cant fix the world in a day. (let alone a game gone unchecked for over a year). Time is what they need and apparently money. Tig and i have 6 accts at the moment mostly for the ability to have or hold plots for friends, and i have no problem with the price of the game going to 14.95 since i was willing to do the same for tulga over a year ago had it happened.

    from what i hear u say it isnt jus the ASKING for the price to raise $2 but that u still havent gotten over what a different company (EI) did to u and many others. You were not the only one that got hurt, so did those of us that stayed and had to start over with our char and leave blight behind.

    sorry if this is harsh but i get my friends back into blight and now im losing them (you as well) again. too hard for me to deal with so blight is out for now for me. i know tig is going there some and will be happy to see Velvetta and the others that have returned.

    BTW tig dont come to the boards, he depends on me to tell him what i read and see since his vision has gotten so bad. He loves the game so we will play both worlds.

    i guess its bye for now (I hope) OR see u when kingdom comes or you decide game is worth the price they set and can get past all the bad stuff associated with the game and your pain. Always there for you and all friends in HZ.


  13. #13
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    thanx ann, and i know who you are!! you said it much better than i did.
    looking forward to seeing you and tig and ther home again.

    we'll have a big party at my place.....i'll wear the fancy duds sil made me and supply the munchies! we can talk about all the fine body parts wondering around on 'eureka' again.....
    especially since the npcs ain't nekkid anymore.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  14. #14

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    This will be my last post here AND this is not aimed at anyone in particular its just how I feel at this point in time

    Quote " The loss of twenty-six accounts over a $2 increase is...disappointing, to me " well guess your going to be dissapointed .
    Quote " Horizons may have bugs and outdated graphics, but it's unique among all MMORPGs. On that merit it deserves to be supported. " NOT at the expense of the paying customer it dont
    HZ is lacking in all so many ways
    biped quests stop at lvl 30 SEVENTY levels before they max out at 100
    now tell a potential customer its worth the same .... oh wait MORE ... if you want to develop a block of land ... as WoW/LOTRO etc etc etc
    mob lag/spawns well lets see that worth the price increase ...hell no
    Thero we notice you own a sizable chunk of land at mith anvil ... under the new scheme you have to upgrade your account to $20 per month to keep it ....Thero replies ...shove it i'm gone

    they want/need more income THEN GET MORE CUSTOMERS
    business 101 I would rather sell 1000 suits of ( real life ) armour @ $2000 than only sell 10 @ $10,000
    $15 for the sub aint much ?? run it through an international exchange rate U.S to AUS PLUS bank fee's and tell me its not overpriced !

    finally ...the 26 account thing THAT was a unanimous concensus amongst a group of 11 former players at a dinner a night or so ago
    THEN there is the whole Baker issue HAVE NO GUARENTEE he wont bail on it again and pop this game into another EI/PM bunch of wannabe's when he grows tired of this albatross

    If i have upset anyone over this post well i am truely sorry but the number of STFU and STAY ON WoW THEN and other pm's just pissed me off even more ... oh and i aint a drama lama

    I'm out ... i'm done with HZ .. and i'm done on this board
    farewell Vel , Crom , Pop , Ruf , Tig and the rest of you.
    A big farewell to you Ann as i know this is distressing to you

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Blight.. where else?

    Default Re: Final Farewell

    I agree with some of your arguments, and I hope you have fun in the future.
    Playing since release.
    4th to complete RoP.
    Purely Lunus.
    Dragor Firestrike - (Nobody to play with.)

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