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Thread: Like father...

  1. #1

    Default Like father...

    I claim to be not a master of grammar nor spelling.

    Shian tumbled down the snowy hill to retire for the night, momentarily gaining the joy it has always given her to disappear in the snow bank below.

    The tiny white head popped out at the top and she pulled herself out of the thick snow. The fleeting joy left her as she entered her lair and went as deep into it as she could go.

    Nothing was finished in it yet except for the corridors and Shian secretly wondered if she was ever going to get something to open. She had been working on it for weeks on end and still, it seemed to her that she had not made a dent in the small lair nor the hall. She sighed a bit at the lack of a proper area to sleep, but eventually curled up to muse about the events that had transpired earlier that day and to drift off to sleep.


    It was early and Shian was making another run for flowstone. Listening to her cousin Mercurius excitedly blurt out how many resources he had gathered and placed into guild storage, Shian sighed and wondered if she would ever get to her own silos. She had a few moments of bitter jealousy towards her cousin who was having a much easier time than her; being on a guild plot and having access to something other than useless biped machines made his job a lot easier.

    “Mae is asleep. I’m heading to his lair.� It took a moment to process what was said and that it came from cousin Galdethriel. Shian dropped her flowstones on the ground, momentarily forgotten.

    “What? Are you crazy?� She screamed at her cousin. “Why would you want to go there?� She looked around and noticed quite apparently that in the early hours none of their parents were awake… quite an odd thing, but indeed only Gald, Merc and Shian were awake.

    “I’m going. Mae just went to sleep. It should be easy.�

    Shian wracked her brain for SOMETHING to say that could possibly dissuade Gald from going- it was dangerous. If Mae woke up again….or their parents found out, but instead she blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

    “I’m going with you.�

    She mentally kicked herself for it as she would likely feel the fury of her own parents –and Gald’s. As the family was so close, Gald’s parents might as well be one of Shian’s too.

    But there was no way she would let her cousin go alone. Shian was well aware she was a lot younger than Gald but going with, even at the expense of angering her parents, felt a lot better than just watching her go in alone.

    It was then that Merc also insisted on coming.

    A strange wave of relief washed over Shian. She would have to remember to hug him later. It would be more difficult to get into trouble if we all went together. Shian thought to herself as she ran for the nearest portal.

    With the tingling of the portal’s magic still on her body, Shian raced quickly towards Harton Valley with her two cousins. The hill was the first obstacle. Mae’s lair was not easy to get to and the other two had little difficulty getting it on the first try.
    “Try focusing on the middle…� Gald offered as Shian tried once again to clear the small hill. Shian was smaller…. younger….weaker than the other two. Panic filled her mind as she felt her A’meo wake as she tried jumping again. They were all in trouble if he were to simply look for them as all three of them were in the same spot. And it would be no cause to wonder what they were doing in this valley. She was getting tired from her effort to clear the patch all young ones had to jump as the hill was quite steep and she slid back down to where she had started.

    “You guys go on ahead! I’ll catch up!� Shian shouted up at the two. Gald looked down at her with a look that said ‘are you stupid?’

    “We’re not going to leave you here.�

    Yes, but…. If A’meo catches us…. All he needs to do is wonder where any one of us is.
    Shian was nearly crying in frustration by the time she finally cleared the hill.

    She took a few seconds to re-compose herself so she could at least sound brave. “Let’s go! We need to find what you’re looking for.� And quickly, her mind added.

    The three hurriedly entered the cave and searched the first hall. It was Merc that first noticed a small passage leading further in.

    “Lunus corridors?� He asked out loud. “Among all these helian chambers? I thought….�

    Shian walked to his side and nodded. “Mae explained it to me once.� She could feel her heart thumping with increasing rapidity in her small chest. Strange, the first time she was here she was quite curious and thrilled to see such a large lair. She cleared her throat, “The Helian chambers are for visitors. The Lunus corridors are dragon only. And the lair at the bottom is his personal chambers.� Gald, seemingly uninterested in the explanation walked past the two and down the slope. All it would take is for her A’meo to look for them….

    Or worse, Mae to wake and have three hatchlings invading his lair- the children of those he seemed to loathe. What then? Would he kidnap us? Use us for ransom against whatever revenge he was planning? Would we be stuck here? Would he kill us? Shian shook her head to clear the thought. Our only hope is that he does not wake while we are here.

    As if she remembered something, Shian went back up to the top of the hall. On the other side…. Where is it? She thought to herself. Somewhere here… She nearly laughed as she had found what she sought. Mae’s library. The first time she was here, Mae had shown her this library. She carefully placed a group health spell among it’s pages and ran down to join the other two who were now in the larger dark hall below.

    “This…. This is the true Maekrux.� Gald whispered sadly. “A Lunus…�

    Shian nudged her cousin gently to try and wake her. This was not the time to be wallowing in one’s own thoughts. There was still danger about.

    “C’mon,� Shian offered, “We need to keep looking.�

    This seemed to steel Gald and the three of them searched the hall as quickly as they could. Shian was not sure what it was Gald was looking for and she secretly wondered if perhaps even Gald herself knew.

    Nothing. Merc walked to the small lair at the bottom.
    “In here maybe? This place is so big and there are still many places unfinished.�

    Shian wanted them to give up the search and return home. Surely someone would find out where they were. Besides, her own parents had already searched this place thouroughly. So far, they had only found stray lair shaping pieces.

    As if on cue, Miira, Gald’s mother, was also awakening. Gald quickly mind talked to her hopefully to distract from what the three of them were doing.

    Frustrated and angry at the fact that none of them knew what they were looking for, Shian noticed the azulite crystals held in the hall. They all had Maekrux’s crafting mark on them. She stared at them for a bit, mesmerized by the resource she herself could not make yet and without quite knowing why, took one of the odd ones in the pile and put it in her scale pack. Surely he would not miss the odd component that always seemed to happen when lair shaping?

    “Let’s go.� Gald said rather dejectedly. “I think I have found my answer…�

    The three of them hurried up to the light but Shian caught something- a scent as they ran up to the outside. Someone was there.

    Shian did not know who it was, it was an unfamiliar smell but she was not eager to find out. The three of them ran out into the sunlight, onto the terrace that overlooked the valley. They stood there for a moment saying nothing but all thinking the same thing surely?

    We did it. We went in and came out with no one the wiser. Shian stifled the urge to laugh at the sky.

    “What are you doing here?!� came a voice from behind. The three of them jumped and turned at the noise to see a young, purplish dragon that did not look too happy to see them. “This is my grandfather’s lair! What are you doing here?� he cried and hissed at the three. “I will defend it!�

    Shian glanced at Gald who seemed to be a bit frozen and Merc shifted from foot to foot, neither of them having a convincing explanation.

    This is why I came along, thought Shian. I can get them out of trouble. Shian stepped forward and confronted the small dragon with diplomacy:

    “Mae invited me here.�


    “The whole first floor is public.�

    Half truth.

    “I came here to drop off a spell. He said I could use his library if I needed it.�

    Although if that still stood anymore, she did not know. She was certain Mae did not know yet who her parents were. Who she had chosen to adopt her. It was no matter. If he did not know, Carenath, his son did and it was only a matter of time before he was told and Shian would no longer be hidden.

    Her words seemed to calm the young dragon a bit as he took in Shian’s reasoning.

    Shian smiled warmly, “Sorry to have frightened you.�

    The little one finally relaxed and looked rather sad. “My father, mother, my sister and my uncle Carenath live here now. They are all that I have.� He paused to sit down at the entrance. “Ieo do not understand what has been going on lately.� Shian’s heart sank at his words.

    You know, she added silently, I do not either.

    Are we really to be caught up in our parent’s wars? What did we just DO?
    Shian looked to the sky as if looking for answers. The three of them had just sealed their fate whether now or later. There was almost no way now Mae wouldn’t know. Shain looked to the other two as time was running short. “Let’s go do what we came here to do. We need to attune here.� Shian smiled and winked.

    A white lie but it made for a good excuse. If we were coming out here, why not?

    Gald stayed quiet but Merc smiled. “Let’s go then.�

    The three of them ran to find the gatekeeper near the pad only to find a really close biped friend of Shian’s A’meo, Arzel step off the pad. A moment of panic... Why is he here?

    “We came out here to attune!� Shian blurted.

    “I see. Just don’t go near Maekrux’s lair alright? Your A’meo would stick you all in a silo.� mused the biped.

    “We won’t!� Shian cried and smiled happily as the biped gave her a new bell to put in her hoard. She whispered to the other two so he wouldn’t hear,

    “I didn’t want to go back anyways.� Shian smiled slyly as the two giggled at her. They took to whispering.

    “Mae’s awake!� Gald exclaimed, her eyes widening. They had left just in time.

    “This is too cool.� Shian told the other two. “We’ve escaped both our parents AND Mae!�

    “Yes,� Merc grumbled. “But for how long?�

    Shian was a bit puzzled. “What do you mean? We made it!�

    Merc snorted “It’s only a matter of time before that runt tells Mae. Mae will tell our parents.� He gazed back up at the rocky terrace, but the purple youth was out of view.

    “So what?� Shian countered. There was nothing right now that could dispel this moment of triumph that she felt. They had three very close calls and she had helped keep them out of trouble. Wasn’t that enough?

    “That was close.� Merc whispered, “Do you think Mae has been following us? It seems a strange coincidence that he chose that moment to wake.�

    Shian snorted. “No way. We were just really lucky.�

    Shian sneaked a look in her scale pack to look at the tiny, seemingly insignificant crystal she had filched only to find that by taking one, it had lost the crafter’s mark. Her heart sank.

    Someday, she would have to return, she told herself. She didn’t know why this resource was important but to her, it was. In order to fix it, she would have to go back and swipe a whole stack in order for the mark to remain. Surely he would miss that though? There was no way of taking one of the small stacks without it being noticeable. Mae had organized those few parts of his lair so even with the small stack of 10, it would not go unnoticed.

    The sun was setting though and Shian realized she was exhausted. She would have to go home and get her flowstone in the morning.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    England. *sips tea* 8)

    Talking Re: Like father...

    ((Haha! My version now. ;P Please note me and Shian have dumbed the speech down a lot from the original roleplay, but we've kept the meaning the same. ))

    Galdethriel had been a lazy, lazy hatchling.

    Yet again, she found herself in the position where she was completing favours and taking lessons she should have done seasons ago. Today’s catch-up session was the first Lunus scale.

    As the hatchling trotted the well-worn path down the hill from New Trismus Village, her mind defiantly returned to thoughts of the dramatic series of events plaguing her family. In her head, she had gone through the happenings countless times—this time was no different. Maekrux’s betrayal, Aika’s foolishness, Galdethriel’s stupidity, Aurakvoar and CarenathZiroth and Miiralaeuntryr…

    As much as she tried to push the thoughts away, they returned and with them came a growing bitterness; some dark hatred bred from continuous misunderstanding…

    Galdethriel knew the cost of hate.

    The Lunus scale suddenly seemed insignificant. Right now, with adrenaline pumping through her body, a new mission had presented itself and it was of utmost importance. ‘I need to know,’ She thought. ‘What if Aurakvoar missed something when he searched Maekrux’s lair? What if Maekrux is hiding something that might have suddenly made him so… so dark? What if he’s afraid of something?’
    She knew as she hurried towards the teleporter the stupidity of what she was proposing to herself; knew, as she sensed for the Ancient, that getting caught could be fateful; knew that she was risking her honour and Maekrux’s trust… but she needed to do this. Couldn’t he see that she loved him?

    The magic swept over her scales as she jumped through the teleporter. The soft grass and pure air of the elven city of Feladan greeted her, and that was when she stopped—with no adults about, it would undoubtedly be a good idea to tell someone where she was going.
    ‘After all, if worse comes to worse, at the very least I won’t be alone.’ She took a deep breath and mind-contacted her two cousins, Mercurius and Shian, the only members of her family awake.
    “Mae is asleep. I’m heading to his lair.� Galdethriel felt right to kick herself when the sentence came out; she hadn’t intended to be so blunt.
    “What, are you crazy?!� Shian screamed at her, evidently panicked. “Why would you want to go there?!� Galdethriel flinched when she picked up the worry in her dear cousin’s mind-voice, but yet again, all she could manage in reply was:
    “I’m going. Mae just went to sleep. …it should be easy.� Shian stayed quiet for a moment or two.
    “I’m going with you.�
    Galdethriel blinked a few times, startled: Shian, such a gentle and sensible dragoness, ready to jump through the fire for no reason? She blinked again and smiled to herself. Sometimes she found it hard to believe how nice her family members were. Even with the danger… ‘No one’ll touch her while I’m around.’Then Mercurius piped up: “I’m coming too.� Galdethriel’s worry evaporated immediately with his offer. Though she had never intended for them to come along, she could not deny the safety they brought to her foolish quest. Shian, with her gentle demeanour and immense wit, and Mercurius; strong, brave and trustworthy beyond compare.
    As Galdethriel gave the two her location and waited for their arrival, she hated herself. …What if they got caught?
    Shian arrived first, her pretty, pale scales easily recognizable. She hopped off the landing pad and immediately rushed over to Galdethriel; she looked as if she wanted to say something, but remained silent. Next came Mercurius, a well-muscled hatchling of a dark red, approaching more slowly. Few words were exchanged before they turned, as one, and bulleted through Feladan forest and into Harton Valley. In what felt like mere seconds, they had arrived at the steep, ridged slope leading to the Ancient’s lair. It was the only way up for those trapped on the ground.
    Mercurius made the jump first; his long, strong legs made it easy for him. Galdethriel managed it second, out of good practise. Shian, however, struggled. Again and again she lunged at the outcrop, claws clattering off it as she fell back. Galdethriel came as far down the ridge as she could without falling to try and help her younger cousin. Shian grew more and more desperate—her A’meo, Galdethriel’s uncle had awoken.
    “Try focusing on the middle…� She said, trying to grab one of Shian’s forelegs, but couldn’t reach. Her cousin rolled back to the bottom, breathing heavily and looking as sorrowful as Galdethriel had ever seen her.
    “You guys go on ahead! I’ll catch up!� Shian called from the foot of the slope. Galdethriel frowned at the other hatchling.
    “We’re not going to leave you here.�
    “Yes but…� Shian panted, “…if A’meo catches us, all he needs to do is wonder where any one of us is.� Galdethriel nodded but was more concerned with how Shian’s eyes glittered as she made the jump. A few moments were spared, during which Galdethriel quietly noted how Shian blinked back her tears before she hurried off after Mercurius.
    “Let’s go! We need to find what you’re looking for.� Galdethriel hurried after the two.

    Maekrux’s lair seemed oddly foreboding now. The three hatchlings followed the passageways into Maekrux’s first hall carefully; the sound of their breathing and the clicking of stones under their feet replaced by the rush of running water. Galdethriel recognised this place—this chamber was where she and Maekrux had sat together and chatted all those seasons ago.
    Mercurius turned his sights to a small passageway leading down into the mountain.
    “Lunus corridors?� He pondered, examining the burnt-red rock. “Among all these Helian chambers? I thought…� Galdethriel and Shian came to his side, and the latter nodded slowly.
    “Mae explained it to me once. The Helian chambers are for visitors. The Lunus corridors are dragon-only, and the lair at the bottom is his personal chambers.� She and Mercurius looked at each other; Galdethriel passed them and headed down the corridor. ‘Strange.’ She thought to herself. ‘Lunus corridors connecting Helian chambers?’
    Half-way down, she paused to look back over at her cousins. Mercurius seemed just as puzzled as she was, and Shian had disappeared.
    “Where’d Shian go?� Mercurius shrugged and began to pad back up the passageway, but Shian suddenly hurried back into view. Galdethriel shot a brief smile at her before they continued together through the threshold into another hall.

    For a moment, the world froze.

    Heat stung Galdethriel’s eyes and nostrils; the air was thick and heavy, laden with ash. Lava dripped slowly off the burnt rocks into pools where it drained sluggishly away, lighting the huge hall in its eerie glow.
    ‘I should have known…’ She thought sullenly. ‘B-but… all dragon design was originally like this… based on the Realm of Fire, our home…’ Try as she may to create excuses, memories flickered briefly through her mind. For just a second, Miiralaeuntryr, her A’mea, told her of how Maekrux may have done his Rites at the time the Gods cut off the Lunus Rite of Passage. Maekrux himself admitted to his views growing more and more Lunus for a second time. And now she stood there, in his most private of chambers: Lunus.
    ‘Helian? Is he REALLY a Helian? Has he been lying all this time? Why would he betray his oath if he is, in fact, Lunus?’
    “…This… this is the true Maekrux… a Lunus…� Galdethriel whispered. Shian moved up beside her and gave her a little knock with a wing. Galdethriel turned her head slowly to the other hatchling, who’s concerned expression spoke for itself.
    “C’mon. We need to keep looking.� Her cousin said as she nudged Galdethriel forwards. Mercurius was a little way off, waiting patiently for the two. He padded down to the bottom of the slope, sniffing and searching every nook and cranny with his gaze before he turned to wait for the females.
    ‘Is he clearing the way for us? Sweet thing.’ She thought with a smile. Her smile faded as Mercurius lowered his head a little as he entered another Lunus chamber, smaller than the first. Briefly checking it’s safety, he turned around to face them.
    “In here maybe? This place is so big and there are still many places unfinished.�
    Her mind raced as she scurried around the chamber, sniffing and tapping at the rocks. Her mounting frustration wasn’t helped by the awakening of her A’mea. At the last minute she cloaked herself from all senses—yet this only served to make her mother suspicious.
    ‘Gald?’ The golden adult’s voice cooed pleasantly, but Galdethriel cringed and knew she had to try to distract her. ‘A’mea!’ She meeped. ‘sita! How are you?’
    And it worked. Her mother, as strong as Galdethriel’s guilt was, was none the wiser to her daughter’s actions.

    The search dragged on; Galdethriel hurried past Shian, who seemed to be examining some azulyte crystals she had found. ‘Lairshaping components aren’t going to help Maekrux’s case. There must be SOMETHING in here!’ The blood pressure seemed to be rising for each one of the three hatchlings; hearts thudded and the growing realisation of the danger they would be in if Maekrux awoke became too much.

    Galdethriel had no choice but to cut the search short.

    “Let’s go. …I think I have found my answer…� Lies as usual. They stung her insides like attacking necroflies as she spoke them, but they were for the best. Mercurius hastily led the way.
    ‘Up, up, up, raised from the pit of the volcano…’
    The sunlight greeted them, warming their small bodies. But Shian paused for a moment, her nostrils twitched. In turn, Galdethriel and Mercurius stopped and sniffed the air. The terrace seemed safe enough, but…

    “What are you doing here?!�
    The three spun around in unison to stare at a small hatchling, patterned purplish.
    “This is my Grandfather’s lair! What are you doing here?!� He paused momentarily and hissed. “I will defend it!!�
    Galdethriel smothered a snarl; the heat of her fire already prickling her tongue, anger white-hot and ready to burn this hatchling. What did HE know? Maekrux had been friends with her before he had even been laid!
    Shocked and disgusted at her own aggressiveness, the hatchling stepped back and looked over at Shian for help.
    “Mae invited me here,� her cousin explained calmly, “the whole first floor is public.� The youth opened his maw to argue, but Shian continued: “I came here to drop off a spell. He said I could use his library if I needed it.� The youth blinked and nodded quietly.
    “Sorry to have frightened you.� Shian cooed softly, with a smile. The youth drooped his wings a little and his posture flopped.
    “…My father, mother, my sister and my uncle Carenath live here now. …They are all that I have.� He sat down with a small thump and gazed at the ground. “Ieo do not understand what has been going on lately.� Shian’s expression seemed pained by his words, but she said nothing. Mercurius clawed the ground nervously, and Galdethriel remained silent.
    ‘This fighting has to stop…’ She felt right to try and hug the youth, but despite her pity some anger towards him remained. Shian broke the silence.
    “Let’s go do what we came here to do. We need to attune here.� Mercurius caught onto her clever excuse quickly and nodded, smiling.
    “Let’s go then.�

    The three skittered down the hillside together. Unfinished storages and buildings passed in an odd blur, a two-legger spoke to Shian and Mercurius, who exchanged words, and—

    “Mae’s awake!!� Galdethriel cried.

    It was enough to break her out of her daze, but it went straight to Shian who began to celebrate. “This is too cool!� She warbled happily. “We’ve escaped both our parents AND Mae!�
    Mercurius snorted. “Yes. But for how long?�
    Galdethriel couldn’t focus. She heard them talking, but couldn’t understand what they were saying; her head spun. ‘Up, up, up, raised from the pit of the volcano,’ was her only rational thought; ‘…right before it erupts. But if you don’t keep moving, the ash and lava can still harm you.’
    She pondered this with a mind weary from panic and failure; the buzz of her two companions was oddly comforting, though. She was glad they were there. Mercurius nuzzled her gently as she leaned against his side. The sun grew low and Galdethriel was not a strong hatchling: what had excited Shian and toughened Mercurius had only made her want to go home to her A’meo and A’mea and blurt out her worries.
    ‘Maekrux, this fighting has to stop…’ She thought to herself silently. ‘My stupid, stupid old friend. Can’t you see that I love you? Can’t you see that Aika loved you?’

  3. #3

    Default Re: Like father...

    (Seems not much has changed from the previous versions. The things I pointed out seem to have been completely ignored and the logs seem to have been useless. Ah well. I'll see if I'll finish up my version. I don't feel much like doing it if it's gonna differ to much since I was planning to use the log as reference. Still nice though.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    England. *sips tea* 8)

    Default Re: Like father...

    ((Don't get into a fettle. :/ I thought you weren't gonna do one anymore? *shrugs* I had to keep mine in line with Shian's version. The logs probably aren't really that important so long as you get the basic meaning across though, right? :P ))

  5. #5

    Default Re: Like father...

    Quote Originally Posted by Galdethriel View Post
    ((Don't get into a fettle. :/ I thought you weren't gonna do one anymore? *shrugs* I had to keep mine in line with Shian's version. The logs probably aren't really that important so long as you get the basic meaning across though, right? :P ))
    (No I was gonna do one. Just said you two could go ahead n post yours since I probably wouldn't be working on mine for a bit n wouldn't want to keep you both from posting :B It's just that if I look at the logs, there are a few things missing. that should've been in there. the lil convo n meeting up with Arzel for example, who's not some random biped passing by XD)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Like father...

    ..... *looks at all three*....

    *nibbles on diskman while they argue*

    You see an Ice Wall Corner, I see a Tardis.

    "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"

  7. #7

    Default Re: Like father...

    (Oh good grief! Look what I missed while I was sleeping!

    The first error you had pointed out was incorrect according to the logs, the others I didn't feel like fixing and Gald had already covered them nicely. I was afraid to change minor things because then Gald might miss them on hers and then we'd all look silly. I agree the convo with Arzel should have probably been fixed but we're running out of time and the timeline is moving on. Merc, you have very little room to talk as you decided not to do one.

    If I put in a disclaimer saying "Based on actual events" then it'll run fine. Saavy? *snorts*)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Re: Like father...

    (What am I, a lynch pin or the target of a lynch mob? ;p I'm glad to see all the RP happening around here lately, though, I just wish I had some part in it. ;p

    Speaking of not-RP, Mae 'woke' only because I thought I had turned on the red forcefield. After several trials and errors, I discovered... there is no red forcefield!!! ;_; Learn something new about HZ every day. Lawlz. Technically, Mae's lair is not enter-able or exit-able due to the runes he placed on the door, but I don't mind letting this slide. So now all the rooms are locked down instead. Best I can do, game wise >.>;

    In the meantime, on with the show.)

    Ausixen had just chased the three interlopers away. He was tired; he had been killing ruxus constantly at the time, trying to vent all the frustration and anger and uncertainty that had plagued him since Maekrux's 'death.' How could so many speak so poorly about Maekrux? He was the wisest dragon in all the land, Ausixen thought. In truth, there was no way he could have turned Galdethriel, Shian, and Mercurius away; he was too exhausted. They, however, seemed more than happy to abandon him after he had tried to apologize for snapping at them. He was so on edge and the terrace smelled like blood...

    He walked to the edge of the terrace, wrapping his claws around it and watching the hatchings as they scurried about his Keir A'meo's town. As he watched them interact, he suddenly felt very lonely. Upon feeling it, he immediately chided himself - no! You can't feel that way. You are a strong dragon. You are a Keir Dragon! Do you really want to be like the Nakadragons?

    Nakadragons, he called them. He came up with the term once, after seeing Aika and Azriel argue and do nothing to solve their problems. Like hatchlings they were! His faith in his fellow dragon was shattered, but none had been able to realize it. Not Maekrux, for he was now dead. Not his uncle, who had now ascended. Not his mother or father or sister - they slept all the time. Ausixen had the ruxus. That was all he had come to know in recent days.

    Ausixen stood up and flicked his tail proudly. "Ieo Firebourne! Ieo Vythulhar too!" he exclaimed, though none could hear, "Ieo am proud and have every right to be! Ieo will become a Keirdragon! Ieo need no one!" He let the words ring to the wind. The wind just blew, cold, empty.

    Ausixen turned around and trotted slowly into the lair, alone.
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  9. #9

    Default Re: Like father...

    (Whoops. Sorry. :X

    Well just think of it this way... if it WAS actually sealed off then we would not have had this much fun ^_^ That day was a sense of awesome despite the fact that now I have to contend with 4 different chatboxes.... *grumble*

    Not neccessarily a lynch pin though :P Shian is young and knows little of the world.... only what the adults have taught her- namely that Mae's something to be avoided.)

  10. #10

    Default Re: Like father...

    (Yes Mae is XD HATE HATE HATE. Actually. I think there are alot of mixed feelings, character wise in the group that was there. Lots of misunderstanding for one. Hmm It'd be nice if it was actually possible to lock off an area like that. I heard that it used to be possible to seal off the entire lair in the past. Wonder why that got removed.. Like Shian said though, wouldn't have been as much fun though if we weren't capable of entering :P
    Poor Ausixen. Actually feeling sorry for him now. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for him. This RP is just getting better n better.

    Oh and Shian..
    I just re-read the log, first thing I said was incorrect indeed, however, didn't have the log back then when I commented on that. I did say something to help Shian get up though, But it was out of character. The other things I mentioned were however true, and like I said, got ignored. Merc calling Ausixen a runt was completely out of character, He'd never call his family names without a good reason. But hey, it's already been posted, and I have very little room to talk.
    Timeline moving on? Not exactly. We still haven't advanced much further than this really, and this has been up for quite a while now.
    Also, like I said in response to Galde's post, which you might not have read, and which you might not have heard me saying ingame, is that I WAS going to work on my part, but just said that you two should post, seeing as I'd take a while before finishing mine. But suits me fine. Won't do my version then, and will forget about this. Saves me some time aswell )

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    England. *sips tea* 8)

    Default Re: Like father...

    Merc, you have very little room to talk as you decided not to do one.

    If I put in a disclaimer saying "Based on actual events" then it'll run fine. Saavy? *snorts*)
    ((There's a nice little thing called tolerance you might need to look into, Shian. Stop being so defencive please, if an arguement breaks out then everyone will be upset. < So stop being rude to Merc. >:/

    What am I, a lynch pin or the target of a lynch mob?
    You're neither. :P Maekrux is moreso misunderstood, I think, but so are all his opposition. No one's really the "bad guy" so to speak: there are only people who are fighting. Thats my view on things anyway. ^w^

    Technically, Mae's lair is not enter-able or exit-able due to the runes he placed on the door, but I don't mind letting this slide.
    Maybe the hatchlings could have slipped past the runes because they're small and weaker? :P It would make sense for them to be fine-tuned to opposition that could actually pose a threat to Maekrux; from what I've seen Mae vastly underestimates hatchies as ignorant children watching for fun. :P (that's my impression anyway). X3

    Poor Ausixen. Actually feeling sorry for him now. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for him. This RP is just getting better n better.
    You feel sorry for him? XD I just sense a whole bucket full of doom!

    I WAS going to work on my part, but just said that you two should post, seeing as I'd take a while before finishing mine.
    O.O Sorry Merc. *headdesk* ))

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Re: Like father...

    (Awww, he doesn't see hatchies as ignorant children! He sees them as the future of the dragon race, so naturally his teaching-parenting instincts are probably overwhelming and may seem patronizing. He doesn't mean to be though ; p

    Then again, heck if I know how Mae feels at the moment. Things have fallen completely out of my hands. ; p)
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  13. #13

    Default Re: Like father...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaerisk View Post
    (Awww, he doesn't see hatchies as ignorant children! He sees them as the future of the dragon race, so naturally his teaching-parenting instincts are probably overwhelming and may seem patronizing. He doesn't mean to be though ; p

    Then again, heck if I know how Mae feels at the moment. Things have fallen completely out of my hands. ; p)
    Working on that Sheesh... time to pick up the mae pieces.. um which piece goes where again?

    You see an Ice Wall Corner, I see a Tardis.

    "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"

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