If your account has an incorrect email address, please contact customer support at http://support.istaria.com and tell them your new email address. They will need your current email address and display name, as well as the address associated to your account. Without a correct email address, we are unable to contact you about your plot, reset your password, email you about upcoming events or engage in light banter through the support system.

Virtrium will never sell or share your mailing address with anyone for any reason - spam is evil and we're doing our best not to be evil (remember, we still have that [email protected] if you disagree).

Things to know about how and when you will receive email from us:
1) If you want to unsubscribe from receiving email about upcoming events, please visit https://accounts.istaria.com and log in. On the left side, you should see a check box labeled: "Unsubscribe from all e-mail messages" This will prevent email about events and promotions - however, you will still receive email about plot or account issues.
2) If you don't want to receive email about plots and have more plots than subscriptions, please sell your plot. You will make someone else in Istaria very happy.
3) If you don't want to receive email about a password reset, don't click the password reset button.
4) If you don't want to engage in light banter with the support staff - don't tease or feed them after midnight.

As always, we sincerely appreciate you playing Horizons. The team is hard at work and another update is just around the corner (wipes brow).

Thank you,

Horizons Customer Support