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Thread: Revamping Tier 2

  1. #1

    Default Revamping Tier 2

    So with the upcoming Tier revamp and being in the middle of tier 2 adventuring and for the most part crafting I thought I'd make a suggestion of things I'd like to see redone.

    First of all some quests should have directions to point you towards your areas for hunting and crafting in. When you finish up Lesser Aradoth you don't really know where to go and have no real indicators. Some people and a couple quests might give you the general area of Dalimond and Chiconis, but most of those areas are way above level for someone in the low 20s. Along with hunting, crafting areas need the same thing. I was having a really hard time trying to find essence until someone in my guild finally pointed me to wisp island.

    Along with that is the wonderful Abandoned island. I would hope that early on players are introduced to a quest chain to try and discover this island not only as a travel hub but a good alternate place to adventure and craft at Tier 2. Again my guild helped me get attuned, otherwise I would never have known about it.

    Tier 2 is also the introduction of prestige classes. While I don't think people should necessarily run off to join the first one, I think there should be better quests to make people familiar with what all of them are.

    As for the land itself there are a lot of nicely made scenic areas and it would be nice if they had quests and stories to make them more than just a pretty place to see. What is the story of the observatory? of some of the ruins with Oastics in them? Who abandoned the Abandoned island? Why are Dalimond, Bristugo, and Chiconis there? What do people who live in those towns do? What has happened historically in these areas? What kind of people are they home to? There is a lot of background just waiting to be told in-game.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Revamping Tier 2

    What about the abandoned village north of the maple treants near Chiconis (I think that's where it was) It looks like it was a settlement at one point with the ruins of a statue or shrine of sorts.

    But there does not seem to be any blight or sign of battle. Plague maybe? Whatever happened, they sure left in a hurry, there's still crops and food stores on one end so famine is out. Did the treants drive them out for being on thier land?

    There are dozens of places in this game to ask questions to... what about the strange blighted object north of Harro? Was it an anchor at one point?

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