Hi all! The Golden is back! :)

That's the way i greet in chats and guild channel when entering the game!
How to do that? ... simply, read what follows!

i got this information from an old tazoon.com topic, but i don't remember who was the poster, sorry

- the command line is very simple: /destination <!--color r=*,* b=*,* g=*,*>TXT
- but it works only as a text command of a hotkey button


/destination is where you want the colored text is shown; for example /gu for the guild channel, /shout for shouting it around, /chat scaled for the scaled chat channel or simply nothing if you want to say it

*,* are numbers from 0,0 to 1,0; those numbers set the color of the text following the RGB color mode, where 0,0 is null value, 1,0 is full value and intermediate number are intermediate value

TXT is the text you want to show (you can use variables command in your text too, as f.e. %T% or %R%)

examples and probleme solving:

- writing in group channel: Sighted a %T% rating %R%!:
first you have to edit a empty hotkey button, choose from the left menu the "text command" option and write in the empty row on its right as following: /g <!--color r=1,0 b=0,0 g=0,0>Sighted a %T% rating %R%! click on the + on the right of the text, select an imagine for the button and save it; button is now ready for use.

- writng in Dragons chat channel: Brothers and sisters, nice to see you again.
as in the example over here, edit the hotkey button and write the following text: /chat dragons <!--color r=0,0 b=1,0 g=0,0>Brothers and sisters, nice to see you again.

-be sure do not leave an empty sèace between the > at end of the command and your TXT; and for this reason texts that begin with a space will not work.

- don't exceed the 1,0 value and don't use negative numbers; the range of the *,* is from 0,0 to 1,0 (so 0,0 0,1 0,2 ..... 0,9 1,0)

- all the colors setted at 0,0 will mean black text, i suggest to not use black text, for because many players have black chat windows and your text will be simply unnoticed and unreadable (and yes all at 1,0 is white text)

- if you have problem at finding out the RGB combination you're searching for your wonderful color, do as follow: on a chat window clik on the "chat setting" button on the bottom right of the window; a new window will pop up, now double-clik on any of the color-filters for to "play" with the RGB palette; there will be 3 "levers", by moving them you can see the corrispondenting color in the same window; lever at full left is a 0,0 value, lever at full right is a 1,0 value, for intermediate position simply go after proportion

hope it is helpful to somebody, and sorry for my bad english