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Thread: Tips for Roleplaying

  1. #1

    Post Tips for Roleplaying

    Just a couple quick notes before I get started.
    1. This isnt meant to sound like Im trying to dictate how others roleplay. I've just noticed certain patterns that have formed and lead to hurt player feelings and unnecessary Rl drama.
    2. Please also note that some of the tips Im giving arent related to anything I've seen in game I just think they're worht mentioning.

    Tcei's Roleplaying Tips!

    1. OOC Communication is Important!
    I dont see this issue crop up very often here, at least compared to other games. But it's still worth mentioning. When it comes to anything with strong emotions whether its fighting and arguments (between characters), "bedroom" situations, or romantic involvement, or anything else of that nature. Its important to keep the lines of ooc communication open. A simple tell to the parties involved, "Hey we're still cool right?" Or "Im not comfortable where this scene is going can we end/change it?" Or even just "Lol! I wish I had a camera ! My cat is sooo funny!" This will go along way to making sure no one gets their RL feelings hurt. Often if my character is having a screaming match with someone else's I'm sending tells and laughing it up behind the scene with the other player.
    The same holds true for scenes involving many people or in public channels. Either open up a separate ooc channel for everyone to talk in or use brackets (()) < > ect.
    Remember there's a person behind those characters you play with.
    One last thing, if you really truely just have to be 100% in character all the time, dont be an butt head to someone who says somehting out of character, "What's Aee Eff Kay mean? *scratches head* and what's a cell phone and why is it on fire?", it's the second fastest way to end up on my ignore list permanently

    2. Separate yourself from your character.
    We all tend to put a little of ourselves in our characters, but its important to remember that we are not our characters. Its easy in the heat of the moment to get caught up emotionally with whats happening to our characters, its human nature. Its why we feel fear watching a horror movie or sad durring a tragic scene. This is actualy ties into my first tip, and why ooc communication is so important. If an emotionally charged situation is starting to get to you start up some ooc, you dont have to tell those involved you need a break if you dont want to, or even walk away from the computer for a little bit. When you've grounded some and are feeling calmer come back and pick up where you left off or start on a new tract.

    If you ever get to the point where, for instance, your character is in a romance with another character and you feel you have to be in a romance with that player, even though you've never met and dont know hardly anything about them. Please step away from your computer and seek professional help. I know it sounds rude but remember, you are not your character.

    3. The "Line".
    Once again this is another reason for ooc communication.
    We all have lines, those thresholds where if someone crosses over it things are suddenly not ok anymore. Often times we have lines for different situations.
    A roleplaying community I was once apart of (Got bored with WoW) , used movie ratings to describe where our lines are. For me when it comes to violence it often depends on how Im feeling at that time. I often range from PG13 to R, I can handle alot of violence tho detailed gore tends to make me queasy. Romatic relations ships I keep towards the Pg or a very low PG13 rating if I dont know you that well, I may be willing to kick it up to a higher PG13 rating if I know you well, but "bedroom" scenes are always scene fade to black...sorry folks :P Things Im absolutely not ok with are ****, child molestation, and infanticide. Most likely I'll report ya if I see these.
    Generally speaking, if your threshold for what's going on is higher than the other person(s) you have to keep it down to their threshold. Also, if someone is doing something that you cant handle send them a tell and politely ask them to stop or tone it down. If they refuse walk away and/or put them on ignore, unless its that bad (Re: ****, ect.) then report them.

    4. This is Tcei's longest post ever!
    Enough said.

    5. "Bedroom" Situations.
    This is a touchy subject. Obviously keep it out of public channels including say and emotes. I recommend tells or if you're misstell **** set up a separate private channel. Also I'd recommend not doing "it" in a public place, if you and your "special" friend are sitting naked on the landing pad in Bristugo everyone is going to know what your doing *giggles* errm.. sorry.
    Another thing to consider is age of the player, unless you know the person in RL or are absolutely beyond the shadow of a doubt 100% sure you know the person is an adult, DONT DO "IT"!!!!

    6. 1337, d00d, and inernet speak.
    This probably leans more towards pet peeves than anything.
    Unless your character is meant to sound like that, and yes I've met a few that were, they're hilarious characters! Dont use it in your rp please. I dont mind LoL and afk and things like that. But if every other word is internet shorthand or d00d sp3/-\k. I hope you can run fast because Im about to come flying out of your computer screen.
    AlSo ThIs Is VeRy AnNoYiNg DoN't Do It.

    7. Speach Patterns.
    I dont see this issue here actually, but its another worth mentioning. Sometimes a character will have particular speech ticks, these are great and add flavor to the character, but its a bad idea to cloud your characters speech to the point no one can understand you...Unless thats the way you intend it. On a similar note if your character is a swearer try being creative with it, "Drulkar's scales that hurt!" is better than !$#@!%%!#%#$@!% !@#$@! and actual words that are filtered here on the boards.

    8. Global Channels.
    I read somewhere once that the chat channels (dragon, market place, ect) are actually ooc, player made chat channels depends on the players and the reason it exist. Though most of us tend to rp in them as we are so spread out over the game world, please dont get up set if others start talking ooc. Most of us try to use brackets at least some of the time.
    When it comes to fights and arguments, try to be respectful of the others who are not involved, if people start requesting you to take it else where, do so. When it comes to romance. Im fairly sure most of us dont mind the occasional snuggle or smooch but keep the heavy petting to private channels.

    9. It sucks when you forget what you were going to type.
    It really does... I think Im just going to end it here... there were a couple other subject I was going to touch on, but as you can see...*nudges brain with foot* I hope I havent offended anyone, I tried to avoid sounding like this is how you have to roleplay.

  2. #2
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    no offense taken here, tcei, and i think this is a great post. saw myself a couple times, remembered some situations.......
    good set of gamer rules, altho i do tend to throw in leetspeak sometimes, i never got into the whole substitute letters thing, thanx gawd, hope i am restraining myself adequetely (altho i have been spoken to about my babbling and apparently offputting cheesy conversation on blight).

    great idea and if i think of anything you didn't cover, can i put it here?
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  3. #3

    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Sure! There were a few things I wanted to add to it myself my brian just doesnt want to work anymore right now :P

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Don't take control of other player's characters

    In regards to people new to roleplaying or just starting out, the first thing I see often is something to the effect of: "I slash at you, you double over in pain and start bleeding."

    Not only is this playing "God", this gives the other player little to no space of thier own reaction. It's not fun for the other player who now has no say in what thier character does, it is also not fun for the new player that is simply writing out a story instead of seeing the reaction. The good thing about RP is that different players react differently.

    Really, isn't that why you're in an MMO in the first place?

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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Don't use RP as an excuse to break the rules.

    Lots of folks think it is OK to get away with something by using RP as an excuse. "That's what my character would do!" Yeah, right, buddy. NO!

    As for the ones so far, I agree, with the exception of #1. Personally, I don't need an OOC backchannel for a situation. If if is unclear if a situation is IC or rapidly going OOC, then the person needs to speak up or take a break. In those situations, I always assume that everything said and done is 100% IC unless told otherwise. I don't care much for a constant stream of OOC drivel distracting me from focusing on my RP. It happens, and I deal, but my _preference_ is to only use OOC when necessary.

    Basically, if someone starts some IC drama, I will respond 100% IC. If that response turns "heated", that's part of the RP between emotional beings and doesn't need to be tampered with. If I feel like it is crossing a line, I will say something privately OOC to that effect. I expect the other party(ies) to act accordingly.

    Also, even though you say your tips are not meant to dictate RP style, "do this and you'll end up on my ignore list" is a little strong for a "tip", and sounds a tad dictatorial. Personally, I won't ignore someone for IC/OOC shenanigans, it's not that big a deal. I tolerate people who mix IC/OOC, even in strong RP situations. Sometimes, I may use a gentle IC reminder (like the example you used; it's a lot better than going "Hey, idiot, stay in character or stfu!"), but most of the time, I ignore the OOC messages and any responses they generate.

    I think the best way to handle unwanted OOC messages is to simply ignore them.
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  6. #6
    Member Amecha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    All great tips! My number one RP tip has to be: Have fun!
    If you're not having fun and not enjoying the role-play, then something needs to change. You either need to take a break or you need to review your characters' personality traits. If you create a character personality that you aren't going to enjoy playing, then it's really not going to be worth your time and effort to play that character. Yes, separate yourself from your character, but not so much that you stop enjoying it.
    Last edited by Amecha; May 3rd, 2008 at 09:07 PM.
    Noelani of Blight -100 DRA / 100 DRC / 40 DLS / 40M Hoard
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Oh, definitely!

    Another good rule: if you play a character who is evil, obnoxious, antisocial, whatever, don't complain OOC when people IC choose not to associate with you, try to kill you, or otherwise mistreat you in return. As much as you wanna be an IC jerk, everyone else has a right to return the favor IC.

    I say that because a lot of people like to RP being turkeys and get incensed when someone denies them something they think they should have if they were a normal character, including respect, sales, items, grouping, etc.

    Oh well.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharcellus View Post
    Oh, definitely!

    Another good rule: if you play a character who is evil, obnoxious, antisocial, whatever, don't complain OOC when people IC choose not to associate with you, try to kill you, or otherwise mistreat you in return. As much as you wanna be an IC jerk, everyone else has a right to return the favor IC.

    I say that because a lot of people like to RP being turkeys and get incensed when someone denies them something they think they should have if they were a normal character, including respect, sales, items, grouping, etc.

    Oh well.
    That's another reason OOC chat might be important! I try to be a nice, level-headed and reasonable person, but Hrough is -to put it simply- a bit of an asshole! I spend time chatting OOC so people can get to know that while Hrough's a jerk, I'm still there to talk to and help them if they need it.

    I also don't take offense if people don't want to be around him while IC. (Although, that might help him learn some more sociably acceptable actions.)

    If you ever get to the point where, for instance, your character is in a romance with another character and you feel you have to be in a romance with that player, even though you've never met and dont know hardly anything about them. Please step away from your computer and seek professional help.
    This is a big one! My boyfriend and I have BOTH had to hurt the feelings of many players in other games/forums/role-playing communities because they would keep thinking that they were in love with us, when all they knew about us were our characters. He still gets it a lot too (and doesn't understand it, because we both agree he's an *** IRL a lot of the time XD), but I've broken away from those RP communities because frankly, I can't stand those misunderstandings.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    OOC Communication is Important!
    I hear you there. When I was new to HZ huuuuuge fights broke out as a result of that. XD

    Don't take control of other player's characters
    God-Modding. Pffft. I did that once because I didn't really understand what I was doing. XD It ended up me going back to the guy to apologise profusely (is that the right word?) and I still feel like a jackass for it. XD DON'T DO IT. NOT GOOD.

    I'd add my own, but I think most is covered here.

  10. #10
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    I have one.

    Pick your own personality.

    I've seen in the past where people have come to Order shard to RP, sit in a channel or three, and not say a word other than maybe respond when greeted. This can go on for minutes, hours, days, or weeks. Suddenly, one day, said person announces that they're bored, that there's no RPing going on and they're going to Chaos.

    While Order shard is focused on role-playing, it isn't up to everyone in the shard to throw you into a situation in RP. Most of the time, RP is spontaneous and improvised. So, look for an opportunity to be something. It may mean going up to the nearest dragon and petting it. Perhaps, screaming at a dwarf because you think it's deaf. Something. And, by this same token, people of the shard do not automatically attribute to a person an outgoing, immediately friendly personality. Many of those who RP do so in relative silence, preferring to do things locally where they're standing, not necessarily in a channel. All the more reason to find a helpful hoard of snowballs from time to time.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
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  11. #11

    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    I like your points, Tcei, and yours, Pharcellus (particularly where you point out that RP should not be an excuse for miserable behavior). (EDIT: Ooo, and yours, C`Gan! You must have posted while I was typing! )

    When another mmo opened a role play channel I was asked to write a Guide to Role Play for them, as few there had a concept of just what RP is. To that end, I wrote a rather straight forward guide, with some examples, and posted it on my guild's website (it was stickied in game forums as well, of course).

    The characters therein, although they share the same names as my HZ..err...IS characters, are not the 'Aine' and 'Cerridwin' you may know here, of course...and their behaviors differ from these accordingly. I lightly addressed PvP (from my own point of view) as the RP server for that game was PvP, as well.

    Nonetheless, I have attached a link just in case anyone would wish to read the guide I concocted.

  12. #12
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Quote Originally Posted by Tcei View Post
    Just a couple quick notes before I get started.
    1. This isnt meant to sound like Im trying to dictate how others roleplay. I've just noticed certain patterns that have formed and lead to hurt player feelings and unnecessary Rl drama.
    2. Please also note that some of the tips Im giving arent related to anything I've seen in game I just think they're worht mentioning.
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  13. #13
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Quote Originally Posted by Hrough View Post
    This is a big one! My boyfriend and I have BOTH had to hurt the feelings of many players in other games/forums/role-playing communities because they would keep thinking that they were in love with us, when all they knew about us were our characters. He still gets it a lot too (and doesn't understand it, because we both agree he's an *** IRL a lot of the time XD), but I've broken away from those RP communities because frankly, I can't stand those misunderstandings.
    yeah this is a toughie. had this happen to me and my bro on blight. its hard to let peeps down gently, but i believe in being honest. i will say it doesn't always work at first, but eventually, if the other person understands, you can get back to a friendly status.

    the queen's tip : make sure the other person is totally in line and understands the sitrap before even imagining a takes two to tango, as they say. one person 'tangoing' is called a stalker......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    I just learned of my chars. rp habbits on some. Especially Leonea now she love to enjoying pouncing on peoples head especially after Klava hehe .
    Leonea-Leo for short please ((Pudda Tank!/Builder))
    Yavahona-or known as YAVAFLAVA!

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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    yeah this is a toughie. had this happen to me and my bro on blight. its hard to let peeps down gently, but i believe in being honest. i will say it doesn't always work at first, but eventually, if the other person understands, you can get back to a friendly status.

    the queen's tip : make sure the other person is totally in line and understands the sitrap before even imagining a takes two to tango, as they say. one person 'tangoing' is called a stalker......
    Yes, I usually have to explain to them that there's no way they could actually be attracted to me, because all they're seeing is my character. I don't even try to string them along or start in-character romances, but they'll still think they can be all 'in love' with me. =/

    It's kind of sad.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Oh don't forget on of the unwritten RP rules.

    You can't/should not kill a player character!

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  17. #17

    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    Oh don't forget on of the unwritten RP rules.

    You can't/should not kill a player character!
    Unless all parties agreed to the event beforehand Character death can make things interesting in RP.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    Oh don't forget on of the unwritten RP rules.

    You can't/should not kill a player character!
    Unless the player of that character has agreed to it, and the method has also been agreed upon.
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    Oh don't forget on of the unwritten RP rules.

    You can't/should not kill a player character!
    I think that is really just a special case of Shian's rule:

    Don't take control of other player's characters!

    However, as others have pointed out, if the player is good with it, then there's nothing wrong with it.
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  20. #20
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for Roleplaying

    Well I've been browsing DA's DDs today, and saw that guide for Roleplaying. As a unexprienced RPer, I found this to be great help. Hope you'll like it.
    Part 1
    Part 2

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