one thing i have noticed in carrying my various arguments against the increased death point timer is that people talk as if completely avoiding death is the easiest thing in the world, with the exception of the occasional bug. This stance has alternately mystified and enraged me simply because i have found that death is unavoidable if one is going to hunt creatures at useful levels/quantities.

however, since i ascended to Ancient last week, i have managed to gain only two death points, both of which i got because all my heals decided not to cast at an unfortunate time. I have had a few close calls, but unless my heals self-cancel, i haven't died, and i suspect it will only get easier once i have a full set of crystals.

it would seem that, as one might expect, an Ancient dragon is hugely more survivable in combat than an Adult.

the thing is, not everyone has a 100adv Ancient, but on the forums, combat is debated as if everyone were at least on par with one. So might we remember in future debates that when someone talks about getting multiple deathpoints in one session, it might just be because their character's survivability is lower than yours?