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Thread: Original Story

  1. #1

    Default Original Story

    Got bored last night; and I've been awfully quiet on the forum for awhile now- so! ...I'm bothering you people. Now with more prose!

    ...Yeah, sorry. No coffee yet. Ahem, anyway- on with the story!

    Forgotten Prince

    Chapter One: Two-Fold Darkness

    Darkness fills my vision; I am not even sure it is truly darkness I am seeing. Perhaps it is no sight after all. I try to turn my head, to see if perhaps my eyes somehow are sealed shut by some means...yet it avails me nothing. I cannot move; if my eyes are open, then I am in utter darkness...if they are closed, I cannot open them.

    Other sensations are returning to me now...touch returns, telling me there is a weight upon me. Something gritty and damp lies heavily along my hand, my ill advised attempt to draw breath through my nose sees my sense of smell overwhelmed with a heavy, putrid scent...odors of the body mixed with that of earth, as well as bits of filth- dirt, perhaps? - drawn in...I gag and cough, finding by some miracle my mouth is clear of the covering....

    "Here now...what's this?"

    I try to strangle down my coughs as that sound comes...a voice; someone speaking nearby. Someone old, I think...the voice creaked and groaned with age, even through the blanket of soil covering my ears. I can hear the thuds of boot soles against the earth; they're so slow at first. Then suddenly, they pick up in speed...coming to a halt directly beside me, I think.

    "Talen! Talen, get over here, boy!" The old voice has taken on a certain urgency; while suddenly, that burden of earth is lifting away, cleared first from my face I think. I can feel the callouses of hard work and peculiarly soft flesh of the very old brushing away at my cheeks, my mouth and nose....then there's another sound. Another person has come, one with a much younger voice that is fast raised in a startled shout.

    "Grandpapa! What the- what's-" The voice is high, though lacking the shrillness of a true child. It breaks somewhat as he stumbles over his words, but his elder cuts him off quickly enough.

    "Stop your blabbering and help me dig, boy! He's half frozen in this muck!"

    Frozen? Am I cold? I try to distance myself from the feeling of hands scraping over me; catching at clothes and hands to try to pull me out of the earth even faster. Yes...I am cold. I can realize it now as those hands continue their work; blazingly hot hands as the cool earth is scooped away swiftly. And yet that earth is not as cold as the wind that comes in; I can feel my body starting to shake uncontrollably with shivers.

    "S..stop..." Was that my voice? It sounded so horrific; ragged and choked as a dried up frog's croak...but those hands disregard my request. They only continue to dig and tug, steadily pulling me out of that nest of earth and into the icy wind.

    "Now don't you be worrying, highness. We'll get you up and out of this and by a proper fire to warm you up, you'll see." The elderly voice is kindly; but what an odd thing to say. 'Highness'? "How did you, that's no matter, I suppose. Bad times these, even for princes. Up with you now...there you are. Talen, what're you doing just standing there? Does he look like he can walk? Carry the man, boy! You're built like an ox- use it!"

    The other- Talen?- mutters something under his breath I cannot quite catch...then strong hands are grasping my shoulders and hauling me upward, freeing me from the last of that clinging earth. I have little attention for the world I still cannot see, however. It is all for the words spoken by the old man I can hear hobbling along behind us. Prince? He must have me mistaken for another...I was no such thing.

    I couldn't be; what sort of prince would wind up buried in the dirt? What sort of person would at all, princely or otherwise?

    I find myself rattled from my thoughts, however, as Talen arrives to wherever it is the old man wished me taken. I'm all but dropped to the floor- before I hearth, I assume. There's a blazing heat beside me and something soft beneath me- a fur of some kind. A pile of them, perhaps, given how uneven and lumpy this feels. The boy pauses a moment before reaching down to grasp my shoulders once again...this time sitting me upright. I can feel myself swaying under his hands, but I still turn my face toward that flame.

    It should be bright; even through closed eyes, I should be able to see the fire, shouldn't I? At the very least its light should shine through...why I'm so certain I cannot say- perhaps something someone told me once? But light touches my eyes, nothing eases the darkness enveloping me.

    "...Hn....grandpapa, are you sure he's a 'highness' of any kind? Sure, the garb's fancy and all under the dirt but he don't look a prince to me." One of those supporting hands moves away, batting slightly at my hair. I can feel dirt trickling away with the motion; telling me another thing of myself. It's long; I can feel at least a bit of it bouncing against the middle of my back.

    "I haven't lived all these years without knowing a prince when I see one, Talen! See that mark by the eye? That's the family mark- if he weren't a prince, he'd already be dancing on the end of a rope for daring to have it!" I content myself to listen to them for now, willing my sight to return. Willing anything to return, truly...for as we sit here and I listen to them speak back and forth...I am realizing that the darkness around me envelopes more than simply my eyes.

    I continue to feel certain I must not be what they think me; why I am so certain I can hardly tell. With such a sense of certainty, you would think I would have the means to correct this mistaken idea. All I need do is offer up my name, my position. And yet; both are refusing to even grace my tongue, let alone get caught upon it. The strangled sound that emerges at the attempt brings Talen's attention back to me; and a water skin, I think, promptly shoved against my lips.

    "Drink that; stop squirming now! Cold's one to sap the water right out of you; don't believe those desert sorts thinking only their sands hold dangers of drying out., there you go; easy does it." The water is bitter and tepid after being within leather and metal; but I find myself gulping it down greedily. It must have been...hours? Days? Since my last drink....

    I couldn't recall it. No more than I could my own name and position.

    Eventually, the skin is taken away. Some part of me I cannot quite locate is whispering the fact it was taken was wise; I should not drink so much if it had been so long. Yet it seems Talen and his grandfather are hardly done with me. the hands leave my shoulders, letting me sway briefly as he catches my chin, turning me to face him, I think. It is hard to say...for darkness alone continues to reign where vision should be.

    "....Well prince or not, grandpapa- I think there's a problem if you're wanting to collect some kind of reward." There's an odd sound then; the hiss of something over something else, then the soft ring of steel having been drawn. I stiffen; wondering if perhaps he means to use whatever he has taken hold of against me. He catches my shoulder with one hand; but he does no else as I sit there weakly..He simply seems to be waiting for something.

    "...Che, blind? It must have happened when they knocked him down...." Annoyance layers the man's voice entirely at that apparent revelation. Talen's hand is pulled away from my chin suddenly, letting me sway dangerously close to that heat of the fire as I struggle to reclaim my balance...but those withered, strange hands of the old man taken the place of Talen's grip, forcing me to look away from the fire. " should heal in time...."

    He, too, relinquishes his grasp after that...though I know he is still close. I can all but feel him him moving near me; it's rather eerily like walking near another person or the wall in the dark when you did not realize how close they were.

    "Well you're being a silent fellow; no thanks? No rewards? che....well....At least tell me which of you lot owes an old man like me a favor now, eh? What's your name?" I had been dreading this from the moment I realized my sight was not all that was lost to me. I curl my fingers into the fur of the rug; I remain certain I am not what he thinks me...but with no name to offer in place?

    "...I do not know...."

    Silence holds the room then. When it at last breaks, it is to the heavy thumping of the older man's boots against the floor. I can feel a sudden gust of ice tipped wind, then it disappears as a door slams shut. I flinch at the noise, tugging sharply at the fur I sit upon. Talen is still with me, proven when he pushes a mug into my hands.

    "Not the best answer you could have matter; it's what he gets for wanting a quick buck out of some poor sap buried by the roadside. Drink up then; we'll talk when he cools off." I nod a moment then, raising the cup to my lips for a long pull.

    A moment later, I can feel the mug slipping from fingers slowly growing numb...and this time not due to the cold. Drugged? Had they served me a drugged tea? Or was I simply that exhausted?

    Talen tugs the mug away from me before it can fall completely...then he's pushing me down to the furs, pulling another over me. I struggle against it even as I can feel myself weakening- I had been buried once already, I hardly desired to be so again, even if it were only hides and fur this time.

    "Oh stop fussing!" He continues to push me down until my strength has finally given way to his. I can feel my eyes closing, lashes to cheek, as that numbness bringing warmth inches through me bit by bit. "It's just a sleeping draught. Make you rest up good so you can tell Grandpapa what he wants to hear, eh?" I can hear him rising up from beside the furs, leaving me within the pile of them as consciousness slips away. Only one thought is filling my mind now as I fall into the draught's hold, a pondering to carry me into sleep and maybe find its answers there.

    Just who am I?
    Last edited by Kyrieath; September 4th, 2008 at 11:18 AM. Reason: Wrong coding. ^^;

  2. #2

    Default Re: Original Story

    Chapter Two: The Hand's Eyes

    Awareness returns to me a bit at a time; not so slow and alarming a process as how I had awoken last, though darkness continues to be my sight's only companion. The furs are pressed against my cheek, in all their unpleasant scent but welcome softness and warmth.... Warmth? The fire- where was it? That source of heat was no where to be found now.

    I start to push myself up, pulling my legs under me awkwardly...a process made even more awkward when my mind finally realizes something else my senses have been trying to tell me. There is a new feeling, the touch of something abrasive about one of my wrists. I twist my hand around, trying to feel the restraint that's holding my wrist down- a rope. It is only about the one wrist and tightly though. I begin to tug and claw at it, a strangled sound of frustration rising from my throat as I struggle with it.

    That old man and his grandson- had they dug me out of there simply to take me as a prisoner now? What had I woken into?

    A sudden creak and blast of frigid air warns me the door has opened to let someone into this...hut? House? Hovel? I don't even know what I'm in!

    "Here now; quit that! You're going to tear your hand up, you idiot!" It's the grandson; that not quite childish, not quite manly alto speaks of that. Something is dropped to the floor as the boy- Talen, wasn't it?- rids himself of whatever he was carrying, coming instead to my bed-turned-prison with heavy thumps and scrapes of his boots across the wooden floor.

    Wooden...a house then...a surprisingly well built one for peasants. How I know this, I don't know...there's just an odd sense of surprise at the discovery, some whispering voice in the back of my mind telling me this is not typical of such folk.

    It suddenly feels a silly thing to have been caught up in; during that little pondering, Talen had seized my bound wrist and began working at the rope. Rather than binding me tighter, however...the rope falls away and then strong, blunt fingers are prodding at my wrist.

    "Ngh- what are you..." The pain is sudden, sharp and unwelcome...a quick little blaze I had not been expecting and that occasionally knowledgeable little whisper had not prepared me for. My attempt to reclaim my hand does little more but invite more pain..perhaps I am wounded, perhaps I am simply not strong at all...but Talen's hand refuses to relinquish its hold.

    "Seeing what you did to yourself, plainly." The boy's tone is heavy with forced patience- odd how little sighs and a shift in tone can paint an emotion I can't see. "I told him you'd panic if you woke up like, no matter. Better than you going and walking into the coals or table, blind as a bat." There's a pause then as I shift back on the furs, though my hand remains a prisoner in his. A moment later, there's the touch of something cool and damp against my wrist; something is being smeared along it, then the roughish feel of something being drug across it. A feeling of tightness, almost painfully so draws a small sound of wordless protest from my throat...then it loosens slightly and my hand is released to fall as it will.

    "...Where are we..? What has happened..?" The more aware I'm becoming, the less I find I like this darkness...this uncertainty of where everything is in relation to me. Talen is before me; I can hear his breathing, even if he hadn't just been manhandling my wrist. The furs are under me...but now, I have no idea if I am facing where the fire had been or away from it...I could not tell how large this place was, what was within it...nothing.

    "Grandpapa's right; you're not much for thanking people who go out of their way to help you." That tone is as filled with disgust as it had been with the false patience before. It comes as a slap in its own right against my ears; I can feel myself flinch, instinctively shifting away from the boy. "...Geh, don't go looking like that. He'll think I've been beating on you." There's a pause then; I can almost feel the irritation slipping away from the scene as the boy makes a thoughtful sound. "...Eh, well..maybe if you don't know who you are or what you are- maybe you forgot manners too, huh? Well- when someone helps you, you say 'thank you'. Easy enough, isn't it?"

    The chagrin I can feel welling up must surely be visible; the boy gives a sudden laugh as I turn my head away from the sound of his voice, hands suddenly descending on my shoulders with a startling strength.

    "Aww, don't look so lost. Well since you didn't argue with me- guessing you still don't know your own name, eh? Well we can't keep calling you 'prince' or 'highness' so....How's about....Dorien? You look like a Dorien- all fancy and long haired. Doesn't look like you've done a day's hard work in your entire life!"

    "When you say it like that, Talen, I find a sudden dislike for the name." I must have been grimacing along with those words; for another peal of laughter greets them, along with a thump of one of those hands against my shoulder. Honestly, what did this boy eat to sound so young and have hands so heavy? I'm still swaying under that as he steadies me with the return of that grip, still chortling.

    "Well that got some fire in you. Heheh...well, consider it a reason to start remembering, Dorien." The amusement trails off after a moment though; silence holds the room for a time then. Then his hands are disappearing from my shoulders...returning to grasp my own hands and pull them up from the furs I'm still clutching to. Holding on to something makes it feel more real; as if I am somehow anchored. I twist my fingers tighter into the furs, loathe to give that grasp up. "I'm not going to hurt you, Dorien. Come on, let go- I'm just going to you something an old woman back in the village used to do. She couldn't see either."

    I reluctantly loosen my fingers from the furs at that insistent tugging...and he guides my hands upwards to his face, settling the tips of my fingers against his skin. It's rough to my fingers; if he's put my hands to his cheeks, they are devoid of beard as his voice hinted they should be. Yet the weather has done its own work, that I can feel. It is so very rough, almost abrasive to my fingers.

    "Now- start moving your hands over my face, careful now. You don't want to make me blind, too! Just use the tips and move them around some." Feeling incredibly awkward and invasive, I start to do as he instructs...and slowly I start to get some idea, at last, of what at least one of my rescuers looks like.

    The rough skin has none of the round softness beneath it that whispering voice in the back of my mind tells me a genuinely young sort would have; the jaw is heavy and squared beneath my fingers, leading to a chin marred by a thick band of flesh that is tougher than the skin about it.

    "...A scar, Talen?" A sound of agreement rises from the young man; for that is what I am positive he must be now, youthful voice or no. I trace the scar upward, to find it crosses over softer flesh; though that is a rather relative term. The lips then...thin and somewhat wide set as my fingers trace over and upward; one continuing to trace the scar on its upward journey across the cheekbone then dipping down to the corner of the eye and continuing onward to disappear into a rough mop of hair I pull back from with a grimace before I can quite stop myself.

    Talen, fortunately, seems to find that more amusing than insulting if that sudden snicker is anything to go by.

    "Hey, don't give me that look- you aren't so clean right now yourself! You must've gotten used to your own scent in that hole there because you reek, Dorien." I can feel the embarrassment alighting on my face then; my cheeks are warming at that rather matter of fact statement. I pull that hand away and allow the other to continue its exploration- a surprisingly narrow nose after how thick the jaw had seemed, the tip upward turned some. It's rather long, too- when I finally find the eyebrows, they surprise me yet again...sweeping upward at a sharp angle. The eyes below them are also a surprise after that heavy jaw and scar; long and narrow to match the brows, though they do not rise at so sharp an angle.

    Why this seems surprising to me, I cannot say. There's just a whisper of unease from the back of my mind, something murmuring that it was not a proper set of features. I wave that away restlessly; I am certain I had not been blind all of my life. How could I trust something from a life I cannot even properly recall when it plainly wasn't geared to 'see' like this?

    "Well there you are then; now you know what I 'look' like. Pretty hard to forget, eh?" He takes hold of the hand still hovering near his face...turning it to place it to my own now. "Now it's your turn. Mirrors aren't going to do you any good, Dorien, so there you are." I can hear Talen settling back then, plainly waiting for me to begin. I hesitate a moment, lowering my fingers to the furs to rub the tips lightly against them...then I raise my hands to my own cheeks.

    Dirt is the first thing that I feel; that should be no surprise. I had been mostly buried, after all. The skin beneath it, however, is as unalike from Talen's the fire's heat from the chilly drafts that crept into this place. It is quite soft to the touch, though lacking that roundness the mind still insists would indicate someone very young. That brings a startling revelation in and of itself; I do not even know my own age. My hands tremble at that, breaking the start of the 'image' I had begun to build in my mind of myself.

    Was I young? Middle aged or nearly so, perhaps? On thinking back to my own voice...I cannot tell there either. It isn't the horrible, cracking croak it had been before my rest, but it was by no means recovered.

    "Go on, Dorien. Just stay calm, eh?" The man's tone is oddly gentle there; Talen's hands brushing against the back of mine to press the tips back to my face again. "Just take it slow; let your hands see for you. That's what that old woman always said."

    "Y..yes..of course...thank you..." Still nothing to go on in that pitiful ruin of a voice. I can only hope that was not how I naturally sounded. I begin my exploration again...soft, smooth skin about the cheeks...I must be young then. There's nothing of the stubble my mind whispers to associate with older men, no roughness to indicate I had ever had to cut such away. That brings an odd kind of reassurance to me...if I was young, then my memory could not have been so very long.

    If it will not return...then I still had time to make a new life. I was not an older man with a long life of experiences suddenly taken from him. It is an odd bit of hope to have, perhaps, but one that heartens me to hurry along with the 'seeing'..suddenly desperate to know how I look.

    My cheeks rise high toward the eyes, not settled low as Talen's had been. I follow the up sweep of them to the eyes themselves...pausing a bit at what I find there. Like Talen's, they are long and narrow, though perhaps a bit more tilted than his own had been. I find the eye brows to match as well, though they are thinner than what I had felt on my current companion's face; thinner and softer.

    The forehead I find to be narrower than Talen's had been...and on tracing down the sides of my face now for the jaw, I find my own face to be narrowing sharply in comparison to the gentler curve his had possessed. There is no gradual descent to the jaw; it comes sharply, leading to a much narrower chin. An upward slip of the fingers reveals soft, narrow lips set over a smallish mouth; and rising over that, a narrow and sharply upward tilted.

    "So what do you think, Dorien?" Talen's question startles me out of my reverie and I drop my hands to my lap with a long sigh.

    "...I think perhaps 'Fox' might have been a better name; it is all so sharp and narrow." Why this bothers me, I couldn't say...beyond it was so unlike what I had felt on Talen's own features. The man just starts laughing, however, clothing rustling...he must be standing, for his voice is now coming from higher above me.

    "Well everyone looks pretty different from each other, usually. Don't worry too much about it. So now you have a name and you know what you look like; let's see about getting you-" Whatever else he means to say escapes my ears...for another sound has suddenly caught my attention. The sound of something crunching rapidly; gasping breath punctuated here and there with a vicious curse...It is outside of the house, but drawing nearer. "Eh? Dorien? What is it?"

    "Someone's coming..." There's a marked pause to Talen's movement...then he's suddenly moving for the door, throwing it open to the frigid winds and letting the sounds I had caught in all the clearer.

    "Grandpapa! What's happened to-" Alarm is rife through his tone, enough to drive me to my own feet for all I sway unsteadily as I step off of the furs. There is more noise from outside now; I use that and the cold as my guide to slowly make my way to the door. Outside, Talen's voice and frantic steps have ceased...there's only wind to be heard now until I gain the door frame. Then, just over the wind's moaning, I can hear what is being said.

    "...get into the and him both...not far..village is taken...Galdabar's soldiers..." Galdabar. I take the word and turn it about in my mind a moment...yet that whispering voice is silent. There is no touch of warning, no thrill of fear or recognition. Perhaps I had never known it..? I break out of my musing at a sudden sound, however...a soft, ragged breath followed by vicious coughing.

    "Ease up, grandpapa- it's not important! Stop talking, just let me..." Talen's voice is peculiarly tight; the tone rigid and controlled in a way unnatural to my mind after hearing him speak before. "Just let me get you in the house and we'll dress this up..."

    "Take him and hide!" The old man's voice temporarily regains strength; then the sound of more crunching...snow, my mind supplies at last. It's further off and steadier, accompanied by a low clanking. "If they find him, you know what they'll do! Now go!" The old man coughs harshly again; this time they do not break for him to speak again though I can hear him struggling to catch his breath between them.

    "...There are more people coming...Talen? We should get him inside-" The coughing finally eases, the older man growing quiet. Yet even as that distant sound of movement comes ever closer- it is only one person I hear approaching through what my mind is now telling me must be snow. I can feel it swirling around my feet where I stand in the door.

    "Come on, Dorien...the cellar's this way." Talen's voice has lost that odd, rigid's simply...toneless now. Emotionless...though the hand by which he's seizing my arm is trembling, the grip weaker than the earlier ones. "If you can hear them they're not far off. Let's go."

    "What of your-" The hand on my arm gives a sudden vicious jerk, all but throwing me ahead of Talen. He continues to shove and push me along, with little care for what may be in the way; my strength certainly can't compare to his and soon enough it's taking all of my concentration just to keep to my feet. He doesn't stop until there's another sudden creaking...this time from the floor. He claps his hand over my mouth roughly, dragging me back against him as he jumps forward- and I can only cling to his arm as the floor disappears from beneath us.

    There's a heavy thudding overhead as we come to a sudden halt against a reeking pile of what feels to be more furs...then he's dragging me up, one arm caught in his other hand while his first remains tight across my mouth, stifling the questions that are racing through my mind. He forces me along, and I find fear and general helplessness making me compliant...I could not fight him even if I knew what was going on, not with the strength he's now displaying.

    When at last he stops moving, the scent of damp earth is around me again though not so close as it had been. I can sense nearness; not only of him but of other things on all sides...walls? An earthen room, perhaps, dug beneath the house?

    "I'm going to move my hand now; not a word out of you." That is hissed against my ear as he releases my arm, fingers loosening from across my mouth. "There's no point in us dying too...."

    Dying too? I freeze at that...and my mind goes back to the scene we had just fled from. The coughing, Talen's alarm...the silence after that last bout of coughs. The final bout of them. Realization is gripping at me now, sliding out of the depths of my mind with that insidious little knowledgeable own inner mind laughing at me for not realizing I had been hearing one of my rescuers draw his last breath.

    Talen moves away from me for a moment, shoving me against a wall to keep me on my feet. I can hear him doing something where we had entered this little room from...just as the sound of something being broken- the door?- comes distantly from above us. I can't quite choke down the cry of alarm; faint and ruined my voice may be, but it is plenty to bring Talen back from whatever it is he's doing, hand sharply pressing a cloth over my mouth and nose.

    The scent on this cloth; I know it. It had risen from the drink he had given me before. I claw at his hand with both of mine, uttering a wordless protest even as I can feel my senses dulling...then he's pulling the cloth away, easing me to sit on the floor of the room as lethargy steals what little strength I could claim.

    "...That's not enough to knock you out, but it will keep you quiet." The good humored, gentle tone of earlier is far gone. It hardly sounds like the same person who had just been teaching me how to 'see' or who had knelt out by a dying man. "So sit down and be quiet..."

    He settles down next to me then, one hand a steel vise about my arm. I can form not coherent protest...even my thoughts are growing cloudy under that scent's influence. All I can do is listen as they tar the house to pieces above us...people shouting in a language I don't know as they tromp back and forth over our heads. I cannot even muster the will to act on the fear that tries to tear at my system when I hear the floor being shattered.

    They know where we hid; how couldn't they? If there were snow, it would be plain enough we hadn't run. More tidbits that little whisper is offering; knowledge I wish it would keep away. I want to scream as I hear them moving closer and closer- Talen's only reaction is to tighten his hold on my arm, the scent of that rag briefly becoming stronger as it rustles closer...that brief bit stealing away more of my strength, though he does not place it too close to my face this time.

    And yet, for all the fear...the sounds begin to move away. Men are still shouting, things are still being broken...but the cellar now lies empty save for us. My voice refuses to budge, choked by terror and drug both...but I reach up to try to shake Talen's shoulder with, to demand to know what has happened. It is not his shoulder I find, is his face, turned down while we waited....

    And the hand's eyes 'see' what my ears could not through the harsh, dead tone he had spoken in. Against my finger tips, a warm dampness escapes down his cheek, though he keeps his breathing steady and soft, his form still and silent. I let my hand fall away, tips wet with the tears he's shedding for his grandfather and slump back against the wall.

    And so, with both of us in a darkness of varying kinds, we wait and grieve silently as the soldiers of Galdabar finish their work above us.
    Last edited by Kyrieath; September 4th, 2008 at 02:42 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Original Story

    Chapter Three: Winter's Trial

    I had lost track of time while we sat in that little hole in the earth. Talen remained silent beside me when his tears had dried at last, save for the occasional question of if I heard anyone moving about. I had waited each time to answer...listening closely to the cellar and beyond.

    And each time, there had been a telltale creak or clink after a few moments, so faint I nearly dismissed it. Talen would settle back each time at hearing that answer, however...and so the time marched on. Gradually it began to grow colder and the wind began to add its own noises and discomforts to the situation. It brings us some reward, however. Those soldiers are not so keen to stay in a ruined house with such a thing at play. There is a rather sudden burst of noise as they begin to clear out...the tramping of feet overhead once again but now heading away.

    Soon enough, they are little more than distant crunches of snow against boot...and then they are nothing at all. Only the wind carries any sound down to Talen and I; and still he waits. I try to be patient; I know little enough about sneaking around after all. Or, at least, I think I do...that occasionally helpful, occasionally spiteful whisper has said nothing about if it is safe to move or not.

    Yet the wind is only growing colder, and the damage done to the house must be great...for that biting chill is reaching us even in this deep shelter.

    "Talen..." I put a hand to the one he still grips my arm with...though that has relaxed to little more than a light resting against the folds of my sleeve. "Talen...I may not know what this is about...but I do know we cannot stay here much longer..." The cold is raking at my hands, my nose and ears feel as if they've lost all feeling beyond a burning, painful sensation fast heading into numbness. "Please, Talen..."

    The hand beneath my own is cold; perhaps as cold as my own fingers that grip at it. Yet from beside me, no response rises. I wait a moment, listening...but the wind's cries are drowning out all things. I shake the hand on my arm, then stiffen as it simply slides away. I scramble against the wall to turn myself toward him, reaching out with both hands now to grasp at his shirt, his hair- whatever it is I can get a hold of and shake him firmly with growing desperation.

    "Talen! Talen! Wake up!" He has to be asleep; he had just been talking a little while ago, hadn't he? People could not simply pass away so silently, in such a short bit of time, could they? I shake him a few times more...but silence is the only answer I receive. The form beneath the coarse clothing I grip is still, moving about like nothing more than a rag doll.

    Rag doll..? I let my hands pull loose as that thought slips free, bringing back that helpful little whisper. No, Talen couldn't be dead. One slain by cold would already be stiffening; he would not move so easily at my weak attempts to shake him aware. Unconscious then..? Yes, that had to be it. I had to get him warm; figuring out why he had succumbed and I had not would have to wait.

    But how to warm him?

    I crawl away from him, moving hesitantly to my feet as I try to retrace where we had entered this room from. Yet, even as I circle the small hands find nothing but more dirt. There is no entrance that I can find. Panic starts to rise in my throat; I have escaped being buried alive once...had Talen condemned us both to that fate unintentionally?

    No...if we have not already suffocated and the wind is touching here, then there is an opening. There has to be. I do not know where that certainty is coming from, but I grab hold of it and renew my search...pressing close to the wall now and moving slowly. Then, at last...I find it. A steady breath of cold against my searching hands. I dig at the earth there, widening the hole.

    Sense dawns through the frenzied digging, however...and I kneel down, keeping the hole small and close to the ground. If I dug a large matter what I found out there, if I found anything at all, we would both still freeze with the wind blowing hard enough to find its way down into this cellar at all. At last, my hand breaks through the barrier of loosened earth to the frigid air beyond- Talen must have been somehow putting this in place before he came back to silence me.

    Even then, it is such a painfully long time before I can widen it enough to crawl through. My hands ache viciously from digging through the half frozen earth, and my arms burn...but I force myself to crawl through...trying so hard not to think of the earth pressing in so close now. It is not much unlike having been buried...the earth clinging so close it is hard to keep moving forward. Yet I push on, shuddering at every small skitter of dirt and rock. How well built was this barrier; would I bring it down on myself if I moved a bit too fast?

    And how would I get anything I found through such a small hole?

    I shake the worries away; one step at a time. I would worry myself into stillness if I kept that up...then we would both die. If Talen had not frozen already in the time it was taking me to even win free. A sudden burst of frigid air against my face, however, tells me that I have at last pulled myself mostly free of the little haven...and sweet powers above, it was ever so much colder here! I had to search quickly, or I would freeze before I could find anything at all.

    I pull myself to my feet when I'm sure I've drug myself from the hole, shivering in the bitter cold that surrounds me. The walls are much further away from me than they had been in that little alcove...I can barely sense where they are as I start to move about, hands stretched out. If I could just find wood...I could maybe attempt a fire? Or perhaps a lamp; a small one could warm such a room well enough, couldn't it?

    Yet everywhere I reach out to...I find nothing but bare earth along the walls; there is no scent of oil, of cut wood to even hearten me to think some may be stored here. Or perhaps they are...and I cannot simply recall their scents. I strangle down a sob of frustration, a feeling of helplessness threatening to grab hold of me. Had we survived those strange soldiers just to die of cold?

    Why had the soldiers even been a concern? If I were a prince, as Talen's grandfather had thought- would I not be able to command them off? Surely I would not have been in an enemy country...I may lack memory but common sense holds still. If Galdabar were an enemy and they held these lands, Talen and his grandfather would not have helped me.

    "Another time, Dorien, another time..." I mutter that litany to myself, forcing those thoughts away. My frantic flailing about for some item to warm Talen and myself with has at least warmed me some in turn...yet instincts warn this is only a temporary reprieve. The cold will win this yet if I cannot find some answer. If I could, I would ascend to the house to find some wood and coals from the fire, but all I knew was that we had dropped into here.

    Dropped into....

    "The furs!" I drop to the floor then, hand groping about through snow and dirt for some sign of those reeking furs that had broken our fall...surely the soldiers would have left them. There was little reason for taking a moldering pile of ill cured animal furs when you had a soldier's gear, wasn't there? I am starting to believe perhaps they may have, but then my hand finds something soft under a dusting of snow. I grip it with both hands to give a tug...and the reek of those old, disgusting furs rises up to greet me.

    Choking back another sob, this one of relief...I grip the furs and begin to pull them back. It takes painfully long to locate the hole again, however...I crawl around on all fours with that filthy pile of furs making my already weary arms cry out in agony as I tug them after me. Yet if I leave them behind; how long will it take me to locate them again once I found the hole? And how long then to find the hole yet again?

    Nor is the trial over when I at last find the hole I had escaped from. I could hardly just shove the pile through, after all. I separate the stack bit by bit, rolling two or three furs together at a time to shove through the hole...repeating the process until at last there are no more furs to push through. I drag myself through the hole again, gagging at the horrendous reek the furs left in their passage...particularly from the bundle I am having to push ahead of me. I had had nothing to truly eat since I had been freed; only that one mug of sleeping draught. Something to be grateful for, I suppose..or the retching that slows me here and there would have surely been far worse.

    The tiny alcove only makes the smell even worse, but I resign myself to bearing it as I crawl about the tiny room again..finding Talen still unconscious against a wall. I begin to pile the furs on him, leaving only a few aside for myself. The final one- a particularly foul one I could never use, even at risk of freezing- is pressed over the hole after I push some of the dirt I had dug away back. It is hardly warm in here...but it was far more comfortable than the room I had just left behind.

    I crawl back to the furs I had spared for myself then, set next to Talen. I can feel myself trembling with every small motion...though I could not say the cause. Perhaps I am freezing? Maybe it is that burning ache that has begun to claim far more than just my weakened arms? I do not know which it is...only that as I settle myself into the furs, it has begun to settle into all of me, leaving me shaking almost wildly beneath the furs.

    There was little else to do but wait now; Talen would either awaken and take us out of this grave waiting to happen, or we would both freeze here.


    I do not know when waiting had become sleeping...but a slowly returning awareness carries with it a plethora of strange sensations; alarming ones at first. I cannot move; something is pinning me down once again. Around me, there's a steady sound...something sliding over something else. Had the room collapsed in my sleep?

    "Ngh...Talen!" I cannot even free my arms to try to dig around me....but gradually other sensations are starting to penetrate the panic...such as the fact I am moving, though not under my own power. And that, in turn, becomes into a slight drop as the motion stops.

    "You're finally awake- Hey, hey! Calm down, Dorien!" Talen's voice drifts down from above me, oddly muffled. There's some rustling then; tugging that pulls something away from my face and head to let ice tipped wind flicker across my face. "There, you see? It's fine."

    "W..where are we..? What happened- Talen, are you-" The words are tumbling out, but relief is playing no small part in it..making me relax and realize what all of my senses are telling me. Yes, I am being held in place...but at my back are what feel to be a pair of boards, while something is wrapped about me, presumably to keep me both on them and to keep the furs I can now scent- cleaner ones than I had used in the alcove- about me.

    "We are out of the cellar; we have come a long ways away from the house now. Heh..lucky for me your kind don't freeze so fast as the rest of us, eh?" My kind? I blink at that, but before I can work out anything like a question to that, something is being shoved into my mouth. It's dry and hard, but edible...a bread of some kind, I think. "Chew on that for now; you were shaking like a leaf when I wrapped you up. ...You were pretty smart to get the furs...but if it ever happens again? ....Pile them on both of us so we've got body heat on our side too."

    I nearly choke on the bread there, a strangled sound of protest rising up from my throat...but Talen is merely chuckling and stepping away. I can hear snow crunching...then the boards to which I am bound are being raised up carefully, plainly with intent to give me plenty of warning against swallowing or the like.

    "Now; you rest up down there and get your strength back. We're not going to get too far if you're so weak you can't even walk straight." That said, he starts walking once more...dragging the makeshift sled along and leaving me to muse on what has happened as I gnaw on the bit of bread he gave me.

    Prince...Galdabar...'your kind'....every moment was only bringing new questions and leaving each prior one unanswered. Why would the soldiers be after me? How had I wound up in that field to start with?

    If I was not Talen's 'kind'...what was I? Did he mean my supposedly being a prince? So many questions...and so far, not a single one answered.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Original Story

    Chapter Four: A Twisted Tale

    I find I am not to have any answers to those questions for some time yet. Though Talen set me loose from the makeshift sled after that first day, he continues to insist on walking well ahead of me. He's breaking the path, he tells me- making it easier for me to get by as I lack even so much as a cane to help me find my way.

    And yet, though we are in a forest...he refuses to simply look about in the underbrush for a servicable stick. The one time he found me straying away from the camp to do so myself, he had drug me back with hardly a word of apology and told me firmly to stay right there. The tone, so unlike the young man whom I had first met, was enough to convince me I may wish to listen to him.

    It isn't until the third day, after food and bouts of rest have begun to do their work for strengthening me somewhat that it occurs to me what the issue keeping that boy away and leaving this cold man in his stead.

    "Talen..?" He doesn't pause ahead of me; I can hear him tromping on though there was perhaps the slightest hesitation. Oh, going to ignore me and pretend he didn't hear me eh? I've had enough of that, I think. But for that brief time after the cellar, he's been shunting me aside- a burden, a thing he has to take care of. That was going to change here and now. I stop on the trail then, crossing my arms lightly. "Talen."

    The tromping continues on uninterrupted by even that sort of slight hesitance now. He very plainly doesn't mean to stop...all right then, two can play the stubborn game. I lower myself to the ground, folding my legs under me. Talen could pick me up and carry me like a sack if he wished; he'd proven as much and there'd be little enough I could do about that.

    Yet it's rather hard to ignore a talking 'sack', now isn't it?

    The 'game' ticks on for awhile then...and slowly, I feel myself starting to worry as the sound of his progress moves further and further away from me. Perhaps he will simply leave me after all? He could certainly travel faster without me. And yet, I hardly intend to allow this to continue on. I am not an object, a pet to be looked after and ignored at the keeper's desiring.

    Silence had fallen in the forest then; he had either stopped or moved so far away from me that I could no longer hear him. What little assurance I had that he would be coming back to gather his burden if nothing else had begun slipping away as the snow slowly soaked into my clothes and the winter chill began to settle in. I start to rise from where I had settled...should I chase him?

    Could I even find him with such a distance between us? I had learned already in these past few days that my hearing was by far and away superior to his...whether it had always been so or a product of the blindness, I did not know. If he had gone so far that I could not even hear him, how could I know for certain which way to go? I had no stick to test the path before me to see if it was one he had cleared, no means to know when he had turned unless I wanted to progress so slowly I would never catch up.

    The debate is still raging through my mind when a sudden sound brings it to a halt. At first I think it is Talen coming back; but it is coming from the wrong direction I realize. I had not turned myself...Talen had gone before me. Now, there is someone coming from behind me, following the path he had made.

    Panic closes its hard over my heart in a colder grip than the most fierce of winter winds could grant. Talen had said the village that had been by his home had been razed by the Galdabar soldiers; those not slain were taken prisoner. The logic then, of who would even be left to follow such a trail, is easy enough to do.

    That same panic spurs me into action now. I start running, trying to put whatever range of distance I can between myself and the tracker. The trail stays clear and even for a ways; hanging branches catch on me here and there but the path itself lacks any true obstacles. This changes before long, however, as snow abruptly grabs at my legs, pitching me forward and against a tree. I scrabble against its bark a moment, trying to reorientate myself and return to the trail.

    The sound of pursuit comes again, however. The once slow and steady bit of crunching has instead become faster paced- someone is running after me now. I nearly call out for Talen...then bite my tongue swiftly and begin pushing myself forward desperately. Talen wasn't here; I had gotten myself into I would have to find some way to get out of it. Though how I could even begin to do that when I could not even see where it was safe to go? I shove away from the tree, stumbling out into the snow, feeling it grow only deeper and more filled with underbrush as I struggle through.

    My folly comes to its peak as I feel a sudden sharpness against my arms and my legs- not even a few moments of running and I've all but doomed myself by running into some thorn bearing bush. I can feel its points digging deeper the more I struggle to loose myself from it...then that crunch of snow comes closer. The soldier must surely be able to see me now, he is so very close...I can hear his breathing as he starts for me.

    Slower now...he must know as well as I do there's no hope for my escape. I continue to try to free myself from the thorns...I can feel dampness on my arms and hands that has nothing to do with melted snow, I'm sure. An odd scent is in the air now...sweetly metallic and only growing stronger as I struggle.

    "Dorien." The sudden calling of my name is comes softly, soothingly...said by a voice that cuts through the panic as surely as a heated sword would this snow. "Dorien, calm don't have to worry. It was only me."

    For a moment, relief nearly sends me collapsing into the bush that holds me prisoner. It wasn't a soldier of Galdabar, just him. That reaction is short lived however; anger now fueling my attempts to pull myself free of the bush..this time so I can go toward that sound, not away from it.

    "You?! Why? What were you thinking- why would you-?!" The words are all but choking me in their attempts to emerge, cutting off my breath as surely as these thorns do my flesh. No response comes, however. Talen had moved closer somewhere in the midst of the rant, unheard by me, and was now reaching out to capture my arms and start pulling me back from the bush, systematically working me loose. For a moment, I'm tempted to simply struggle and entangle myself further; just to spite him after what he had done.

    The impulse passes quickly, however. That metallic scent has hardly gone away; instead, it occasionally gets a bit stronger as he pulls away one branch and then another. The pain is dizzying as he pulls the thorns free; my half formed protests at this little game he had decided to play dissolving into little more than pitiful whimpers of pain as he works me loose. Once the last thorn is free, he simply hefts me up from the ground..a startling swing of vertigo after the dizziness that had already settled into my mind.

    "I can walk!" I struggle in his hold, striking against whatever part of him I can find; shoulder, neck, head- I don't care. I don't want to be anywhere near him after such a cruel prank.

    "You can also bleed to death while you do it. Settle down, Dorien." The tone is an odd mix of irateness and resignation- he's surely as well aware as I am that I had absolutely no interest in 'settling down'. "You just needed a little lesson in why we had to keep moving; I didn't think you would actually try to run through the forest! What were you even thinking, stopping like that? If I really had been a Galdabar soldier, you'd be dead now!"

    "Why?" My voice, still weak even after all this time, can barely manage to make that a shout, but the emphasis is given quickly enough to it as I find some of that coarse, filthy hair...I snare hold of it and twist my fingers viciously about it, using it as a handhold to try to pull myself out of his grip. A vicious oath resounds to that attempt as Talen stumbles, then jerks his head away from my hand to try to free it. "Why do I have to be afraid of Galdabar? Why do they want to kill me? Why did they kill your grandfather? Why did you say 'your kind'? I don't know anything, Talen! I know what snow is, what foxes are- but nothing comes to me when you go on about these things!"

    Somewhere in the rant, Talen stopped trying to free his hair from my grip though he had hardly stopped moving. He gives a heavy sigh, shifting his hold on me longer so viciously tight to hold me still.

    "...For starters, Dorien...since you are wanting to go grabbing at my hair anyway...move your hand to my ear." I'm sure my bafflement must have shown on my face; a short, humorless laugh rises from him then as his head shakes slightly. "Trust me; it will explain a great deal." I free my hand from the filthy tangle and brush my hand along until I finally find his ear. Still baffled, I trace my hand along it...rounded, set just a bit below eye level, and set with ridges of some sort to form canals and nooks. What was so special about that? It was just an ear.

    "All touch your own." I wonder if he's simply playing some strange game to keep me quiet while he carts me along...but the barest brush at the beginning of my ear is fast to disperse any illusion of that. It is no narrow, rounded ridge of oddly pliable flesh I find there. The top of the ear is rigid, sweeping upward at a sharp angle and ending abruptly in a narrow point. Nor are there a little maze of ridges and nooks as there had been for Talen's ear...only a smooth surface that presses up into my hair. "...Do you get it now? You aren't my kind, you aren't their kind. And the only use the Galdabar have for something like you is not a fate I would wish on anyone."

    "...Those Galdabar..they were there only because of me..? They truly did kill your grandfather because of.." Of all the responses I expected to that question, laughter wasn't among them...a sudden explosion of sound against my newly discovered ears. It is not amused laughter,'s harsh and unpleasant as he continues on. "Talen..?"

    "I'll explain it to you at the camp." A bitter sounding chortle follows that promise...and I am left to content myself with it as he carries me through the woods. Eventually, I catch the scent of smoke on the wind; a campfire? Yes...that is what it is- I can hear it crackling away as his steps become lighter...he's left the heavy snow of the forest now for the camp. The heat is more than welcome as he sets me down beside it...though it's short lived as he starts tugging at my shirt. "Off with it; I need to bind your arms. At least the boots took the brunt of the punishment for your legs..."

    The shirt is stripped away, leaving a rather sickening sensation as it moves. The fabric had hardly had time to be washed since they had first found me...hiding first in the cellar and then these days of travel had hardly inspired it to greater cleanliness. It sticks to my skin as he pulls it free, tugging lightly here and there. At last he has it off; and I truly don't know if i could stand to place it back on myself after that rather disgusting feeling of sticky filth from it. He then pushes me closer to the fire, while a sudden stab of painful cold along my arms tells me he has begun treating the wounds the thorns had left on my person, scrubbing them clean with a handful of snow.

    "...Galdabar was there because they've been trying to invade the region beyond these lands for years. The Princes, your folk, always push them back, however." The scrubbing pauses a moment, Talen turning my wrist about in his hold. A sudden touch of another liquid, this one making the cuts burn like fire, comes then- though pride keeps me silent beyond one swiftly throttled cry. "Easy there; the burning is a good thing- it means it's cleaning them out. Now then...the only reason they killed Brollis- my grandfather- is because he got greedy."

    "Greedy..?" I force the word around gritted teeth as he begins binding the one arm...the fact I know this will likely be repeated on the other is hardly encouraging, either. "What do you..."

    "I'm getting to that." The vicious cold of the snow-scrub begins on my other arm now, though Talen stays silent for a bit. I wish I could see him...These silences leave me having to grope for some idea of what he may be thinking. Surely his face would give me some clue. "As I said, the Galdabar forces have been trying to invade for ages now...but the Princes always turn them back. I suppose after a couple hundred years of failure...they've decided to try a new tactic: they started offering up rewards to anyone here who could bring them a Prince. Easier said than done, mind you- your folk aren't known for their willingness to let lowly little humans anywhere near them unless it's a woman."

    "...Why a woman?" Even before the words have finished leaving my mouth, I'm cursing myself for a fool. The answer was obvious, wasn't it? If they were referring to all of my kind as 'princes'... "Ah..there are no women among them..?"

    "Heh. Without memory but not entirely without wit, I see. So do you think you can do the rest of the math as to what happened?" The liquid fire descends on the wounds of the other arm now as he falls silent. He plainly doesn't wish to talk about this...and as the pieces fall into place, it is hardly difficult to see why.

    "He was going to sell me to the Galdabar soldiers." The words come out with a startling flatness even to me; nor does Talen contest it as he wraps my wrist tightly with the cloth. For all the flat tone however, disbelief is holding me strongest. He rescued me, they rescued me, simply to sell me?

    "For what it's's an idea he came up with once he realized you were blind and had lost your memory. 'No harm in it', he told me. 'A Prince who can't even remember how to be a Prince isn't going to get them any further along and will see a pretty gold or twenty in our purse. It isn't like he's going to give us anything; he doesn't know his own name!' "

    " were going to just let him..." Suddenly I'm struck wondering just what was the reality now to this man...He had seemed such a naive, friendly young man when I had first awoken in his care. That personality had all but disappeared in the course of this journey, however...and now, I find myself wondering if it had been even remotely genuine.

    "Don't look at me like that; the Princes are hardly saints. Most of them are happy to ignore us unless they decide they need a woman to get a new Prince out of...but when they do decide to look this way for other reasons? It's never pretty for us. There's plenty of folk here who wouldn't mind seeing one or two taken down a notch. They don't care about human laws and rulers, you see...that's why we call them "Princes". Think they rule all the land and yet don't have a single responsibility to it, just like some spoiled king's brat." The bandage is jerked tight, then; a grating of rough cloth over torn and tingling skin as he finishes it off. Harsher than need be; it is all I can do to keep from flinching back. "Still, they don't try to rule every inch of our lives like the Galdabar do when they take a place over. It's not so bad when they are off in their little pond and leaving us to swim in ours, as it were."

    "...You seem to know a great deal about this, Talen..." I can hardly keep the worry from my tone; Talen had known what his grandfather had intended before I had ever awoken from that draught. And still he had played the friendly young man, teaching me to 'see', gaining my trust. "...Get away from me..."

    "Dorien, I wasn't-" Talen falls silent in shock as my hand lashes out- pain exploding through the fingers as I follow the sound of his voice, meaning to strike him quiet. I suspect my hand came out the worse for the event...but it garnered the result I wished. Talen does not speak again right away as I step away from him and the fire, hand groping around on the ground for the discarded shirt.

    I'm growing steadily more tempted to just leave the filthy thing behind...the winter can't chill me nearly as much as this little event had. At last I find the shirt and pull it on to cover me once more, offering a pitiful bit of warmth as I struggle to lace it closed once more.

    "Dorien, there's no where for you to go. Even if you could see, you don't know this place. You don't even know which way you need to go to get to the actual lands of your kind!" He's simply shouting at me now as I jerk the laces tight and begin to walk...I don't know which way I'm going. I don't even know where I am- he's right about that much. Yet I couldn't stay here, not now. "Dorien, just calm down! Don't forget; he was coming back to warn you; he changed his mind and he died to do it! Will you just listen to me? It isn't safe to go alone! Dorien!"

    How could I be any safer here with a man who had been about to stand by as I was sold off like some broken toy than I would be out there alone? For all I know, he could be simply leading me to another group of those soldiers, intending to sell me as his grandfather had intended. I close my ears to his shouts, his pleas as I make myself move faster, stumbling my way into the forest through the heavy snow and thick underbrush.

    The 'positive' side of this at least comes in the slow but steady rise of the wind, carrying the bitter chill of night on its wings. Talen would be as blind as I in this forest at night...Darkness is darkness, whether it comes from blindness or forest shadow under the moon and stars. I could easily leave him behind as he has not even apparently attempted to give chase yet.

    I had been a fool to trust so utterly in that sham of the 'good grandson' Talen had played. I had been such a hopeless, witless fool....

    Last chapter for today; muse is about tapped out so this will be sitting for a bit until she gets back from her coffee break.

    Like it, love it, want to see more?
    Hate it, loathe it, want me to stop posting it?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Original Story

    Author note: Every so often I step out of my main's head when I need to show a side to the story they don't/can't see. I generally do these as short interludes rather than as full fledged chapters. I'll typically note who the point of view is following in the title.

    So, without further ado:

    Interlude I: Regrets (Talen)

    There had to've been a better way to tell Dorien the truth of the whole matter; powers above know I've spent the last few days trying to think of a good way. Every time I thought I finally had it, I'd look back at him following me along so trustingly and it'd simply die in my throat. I wouldn't call him innocent; I've had enough experiences even in my short life to know there's a difference between innocence and ignorance. He may have lost his memory but the mind was still sharp under it all once the effects of the bane had been flushed out of him.

    I really should have taken that into account when I tried to scare some sense into him...I certainly should have when he finally demanded to know the things I wasn't telling him. So now, here I was in the middle of a forest that could become a battlefield between the Galdabar and the Princes, at some sorry little campfire mulling over just how messed up it had all become.

    If only Brollis had left well enough alone; he had been a smart one for the most part, but anything involving the Princes is bad business. If we had just walked away, I wouldn't be here now mourning my old mentor and Dorien wouldn't be out in the middle of a dark, frozen no where playing dodge with soldiers he couldn't even see. Better dead in some shallow grave than a prisoner of the Galdabar...they had been trying far too long to capture a Prince to let one go on claims of having lost his memory.

    "You little idiot.." This threw everything off...Brollis had certainly known there was a chance he'd get killed when he went to meet with the Galdabar commanders. He was a rare sort of mercenary, to have lived so long as to need to retire his sword...but the peasant's life just hadn't been agreeing with him. Taking me on as apprentice had entertained him for awhile I guess...but he just hadn't been able to resist that one last thrill. One more chance to make a good sum of gold to live the life he used to tell me he dreamed about while out fighting other people's wars.

    Still, any mercenary expects a possible double cross when dealing with a bounty. While Brollis was out there with them, I was supposed to butter the Prince up. If it went sour with Galdabar, we'd simply relocate and ransom him back to his own kind. Not so handsome a pay as Galdabar offered; the Princes were a painfully arrogant lot. Still, it would be more than we had and in his death, I saw no reason not to keep going on it.

    Dorien would be better off with his own kind, eh? There were hundreds of Brollises and Talens out there; even if he avoided Galdabar's troops, he'd just walk into the hands of someone else and get sold off. My little scare on him had made it plain he didn't even remember just what it was that made the Princes such an obstacle to Galdabar. And it would give me enough to at least buy a decent sword and armor to set out properly as a mercenary.

    That little fool just wouldn't stop asking questions though; and I'd swear left and right that he was actually regretting Brollis' death. A Prince with a conscience? That's a new one on me! It wasn't making dealing with him any easier, though.

    Well, done's done. The Prince had left and I was now free to do whatever I wanted, albeit without much in the way of funds. I had what Brollis had left behind in the cellar at least, a decent if old sword.

    And unlike certain blue haired and eyed parties, I actually knew where I was and where I was going and didn't stick out like a sapphire pendant in a manure pile. Galdabar wouldn't bother me at all, not with this scar being the first thing anyone noticed and no nagging Prince at my heels. They might even have a bit of work for a new mercenary, eh?

    The winds pick up in a particularly fierce gust that send the flames of my little campfire hopping madly about- I'd nearly let it go out in my little pondering there. I really had to get it together. I toss a bit more wood on the fire to keep it going, shivering under the heavy cloak. There wouldn't be any sleeping tonight, that's for certain. Something of a downside to traveling alone; there was no one to wake you up if the fire went out and you started to freeze.

    ...Did Dorien even know how to make a fire? Did he have anything he could use to make sparks on those fancy rags of his? I shake my head sharply, dismissing the thought.

    "What's it matter, eh? He's made it plain he'd sooner freeze out there." I settle for glaring at the fire and the hands I stretch toward it...the pale yellow light of the flame turning sun-toughened skin to a bronze hue in the night. Whatever happened to him didn't matter to me. He wasn't even my kind; and he was the one who decided to storm off in a huff. It's no wonder the Princes had only males among their number; if they were that huffy and poor tempered, I'd hate to see a female.

    Yes, it was all around better at the trusting little idiot had gotten his lesson in reality. It was probably going to kill him, but at least he wasn't my problem any more. By morning his tracks would be covered, as would the path I had cut just to get this far. Over and done, nothing more to do and no more reason to think about it....

    A conscience is an expensive thing for a mercenary to have, Talen. Brollis' words the day he took me under his wing officially; just after he paid the master of the land I had been bound to for my release. It just cost me a few dozen silver; make sure you learn from that, eh?

    Apparently, I hadn't learned it. With a deep sigh, I rise from the fireside and kick snow over it. That little idiot had stormed off and left his cloak behind, along with anything else resembling practical supplies. Prince or not, he was going to freeze before daybreak...if he hadn't already. It must be pity that's pushing at me- it would be a pitiful sight to come across the frozen corpse of a creature who should be able to call fire right out of the air to keep himself warm.

    I gather up the supplies, scant as they are, and shoulder the pack...the trail is faint now, but I can still see depressions in the snow as the moon shines would get harder once actually in the forest, but with luck? Dorien wouldn't change his direction. Though I have to wonder if it was simply bad luck or instinct that drew him off that way as I set off after him.

    Of all the random directions to pick, he would have to go straight for the foothills that led to the domain of the Princes. And thusly straight for the Galdabar front line.

    Consciences really were expensive things; I have the sneaking suspicion mine's probably going to get me killed because of him.

    Stupid little idiot.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Original Story

    Chapter Five: Instinct's Betrayal

    As the winds rise, I find myself reiterating that I am, indeed, a fool. Not for misplaced trust...but for the fact that I'm now painfully aware that I left my cloak behind. I did not regret the loss of the other things so much; I don't even know for sure what all Talen had brought with us or what was left after so many days spent forging our way through this frigid place.

    I am certainly regretting losing that cloak, however. These filthy rags that cling to my skin are rent and torn from the past few days 'adventures'...they had hardly been in grand shape when I had awoken, I realize. My encounter with the thorns had hardly done them any favors. And they were not surviving my current trip so very well either; catching on stray branches and other thorny plants.

    I firmly step on any temptation to return as I struggle through the snows...with each ice-laden step, I remind myself it would be impossible. How, precisely, does a blind man track himself?

    And as the night continues on, a different sort of certainty is beginning to take hold. Talen had said my kind, these 'Princes' that Galdabar hated so much, were slower to freeze than his own ilk...but still hardly immune. I'm finding proof enough of that fingers feel like nothing so much as bits of ice stabbed into the flesh of my hand; and the palms feel as if the very flesh is being scored from them as I stumble about, brushing them against this and that obstacle.

    A tree here; another bramble patch there...It must be only a few hours since I had left Talen behind and yet my death was suddenly looming largely in my mind. I was going to die out here. What had I been thinking, taking off like that? If I were some sort of fearsome creature, shouldn't I have just been able to make Talen take me somewhere safe?

    The thought has barely formed before I'm shrugging it away with a bitter laugh into the frigid winds. Oh yes, I could so intimidate a man who could carry me seemingly indefinitely on a sled or like a babe in arms into doing what I wanted. For all the bits he told me of my supposed kind, I hardly feel like some sort of powerful, frightful being that could turn an army aside.

    I feel very much like someone utterly alone in a frozen nothingness with the reaper walking at their side, just waiting for them to realize their time is done. On a sudden, mad impulse, I throw a hand out to the side, intending to banish that spectre as much from my mind as from my person if he is indeed there...and find my hand contacting with something rough and cold, though lacking a mask of snow.

    "Who's there!" Delirium is offering up a truly frightening picture indeed; had the reaper really been there after all? Was that roughness his bony hand, or perhaps his skull, struck askew by my foolishness? No call comes back to me in answer...and I reach out again. My form proves to me it can still warm me as I feel heat flood my face; humiliation and embarrassment as the roughness begins to make sense to my hands.

    It was no bone laden spectre I had lashed out against; it was a wide surface of some kind. Perhaps a tree..? It is hard to tell with my fingers so numbed...but I begin to track along it, using it as a guide. It is remarkably clear near here; the underbrush that had clung to my boots and arms as I attempted to traverse this place is thinning out.

    And if this is indeed a tree, it's quite a large one. Do they get so massive? They very well could, for all I knew....

    A sudden break of wind warns me I've found another, larger obstacle than my current guide...I can still hear it rushing around well above me, but here there is only a sudden silence after the constant moaning it had made before. I reach out slowly, trying to ignore the constant trembling in my hands. Another rough surface greets my finger tips, remarkably equally devoid of snow or ice. I frown a bit, shifting closer as I lay my palms flat to it, using this new surface as a guide in turn while I step forward.

    Even the ground here is now devoid of snow...and a strange scent assails my nose as I continue on. It makes me grimace back at first, from surprise more than any genuine distaste. It's abrasive to begin, but after a moment or two, something stirs in the back of my mind...bringing comfort at that scent's arrival. This whole place is starting to feel more comfortable as I move deeper in...and I realize now it must be a cave of some sort.

    Yet the further I go, the warmer it is. The surface I had found, stone plainly, grows steadily warmer beneath my hands while the air grows heavy with moisture; heated moisture. It has begun to coat the walls and myself as well...but it is hardly unwelcome. It may make the filthy rags that cling to me feel all the worse, but the numbness of the winter's unkind kiss is being chased away faster and faster.

    Still, I make myself move slowly, feeling each step carefully as I go deeper in. The floor is hardly even, though it surprisingly lacks any bits of loose stone or the like thus far. And with each step the wind grows fainter, while a new sound is slipping through the cave to me. A sporadic, rapid hissing and bubbling...not unlike Talen's stew pot. If he were able to have several such going, at any rate. And that scent is thicker than ever, stirring that longing for comfort even stronger.

    This is a good place. That is what my instincts are whispering through all my senses, giving the information my own short memory cannot supply. This place is 'right', a place where I belong. Deep, comfortable, warm- safe!

    That latter impulse is what finally drives me to abandon caution as I feel myself entering a larger place..the walls and ceiling no longer feel so close and I can hear the bubbling hiss right before me now. With every sense urging me on where the mind can tell me nothing, I dart for that sound...and then find good cause to curse my own foolishness once again as a sudden rise of stone catches my foot, pitching me forward.

    It is not stone one of my hands finds right away, however. I let out a startled, wordless shout as heat boils up around my hand and arm, a rocky basin of sorts slamming into my ribs as my attempts to stop my descent only find more heated water. I lie there a moment, gasping to drag air back into my lungs after such a knock...but find myself loathe to pull my hands back from the water I have found.

    The scent is coming from this; each burst of hissing releases a new waft of that unidentified, heavenly promise of comfort...and here, I realize, is where that comfort is. This water boils hotter than anything Talen had ever made over his little campfires, but my hands and arms are not snatching back instinctively from the heat. It feels quite good, in fact, to let them soak in it, feeling the boiling water scrub the grime of several days off of them.

    Some part of my mind, the one aware that it is still winter outside of this little haven of water and heat, whispers I have hardly ceased to be a fool as I pull my filthy rags away...letting them drop into that pool as well to be boiled clean. I would work out how to dry them later- it took no great genius to know I could not travel in that frozen forest with damp clothing. Yet for the moment, I simply wanted that filth off.

    I wanted to feel everything that instinct was promising me this place was: warm, comfortable..and above all, safe. No wintry spectre waiting for me to give up, no Talen and Brollis trying to sell or ransom me off, no soldiers from a strange land chasing me....No need to concern myself with worries about I had come to be in this place or who I was and where I had come from.

    All that matters right now is that glorious heat peeling away the grime, soothing wind chapped hide. It leaves a residue behind, perhaps the same thing that is causing that scent? Yet even so, it feels wonderful, unlike that coat of filth. Soothing to the skin, easing aches in muscles I had started to wonder at the existence of if all they were meant to do was hurt.

    Perhaps...I could stay here, actually. Oh food would certainly be a problem; but there's a whisper under that general murmur of content settling through me that food was to be had in such places as well. I would simply need to follow that instinct as I had the one that had led me here. I could stay here, at least for a good while and let myself recover or just make a home of it.

    Yes...that certainly has an appeal to it. I take a deep breath and plunge under that water, feeling the bubbling jets scouring across my face and hair now...harsh and gentle all at once, in a way. There are plenty of other things in this water, I'm realizing...all things my senses are telling me are good and will only help me. I stay beneath the surface for as long as my breath will hold, clinging to the rocky bottom and letting the water do its work before emerging again to gather another breath.

    A breath that I feel turn into a shout as something entangles me on rising out; my clothes, perhaps? No- this is cord of some kind, heavy and coarse against my newly cleaned skin and being jerked sharply this way and that to entangle me further.

    Net! The word comes abruptly from the depths of my mind, identifying my assailant with a flare of alarm that sets me thrashing wildly against those cords...wildly, but uselessly. And now, barely over the rapid fire hissing of this odd spring, I can hear someone moving. How long had they been there? And it is more than just I can hear bits of mocking laughter to either side of me, comments being made back and forth in an odd tongue I had heard only once before.

    "Galdabar..." That word slips out before I can strangle it down; eliciting another round of laughter from my captors as something else joins the net around me...something that cinches the net in tighter. Then it's being jerked viciously forward from either side, dragging me from the spring even as I struggle to find some loose place I might start to worm free from, clamping my teeth down against a cry as I land hard against the stone floor of this chamber.

    There are so many of them; I can hear them all moving around, circling me and easing closer. The Princes truly must be fearsome things to inspire this kind of caution when there are so many of them...and now I am desperately wishing I had spoken to Talen more before I had left. He surely must have known something for why the Princes were feared, something I could have used to win my freedom now.

    They continue to jerk the netting around as I struggle, catching my legs in it now and then cinching it down once I can barely move any longer. My instincts, every bit as blind as I evidently, have nothing to offer in the face of this. There is only panic, fear...knowing myself pinned and unable to use arms or legs as would be needed to flee or fight.

    There is more of that strange language sounding around me as I worm about helplessly on the floor...though the words mean nothing to me, the tone is plain enough. They're confused. I could almost laugh- if they thought they were, they should try being the one in the net, aware I should be something to be feared...and instead, all I can do is flop about like some landed fish.

    In some desperate, delirious and hysterical's suddenly amusing. So incredibly, viciously and ironically amusing I should run away from Talen to avoid being sold or tricked...and instead I walk right into the very hands he would have sold me to. Well, I had at least avoided rewarding him for his efforts, eh? The very thought is enough to start a low chuckle in my throat.

    A chuckle that starts to become a full throated, gasping laugh as I lie there, bound up as neatly as any hunting trophy. I must look and sound the part of the truly mad to these men right now, something I'm sure of as they step away almost in unison at that sound. I'm the one bound up in a blasted net after walking into what I have to admit now was likely a trap to start with- did soldiers carry around nets as standard issue? That strikes even my patchy mind as strange...and yet, I'm the one who's laughing, devoid of clothing or any scrap of dignity after this absolutely pitiful display of forethought.

    Never mind with the laughter, a different sort of sound is starting to claw its way from my throat. What shreds of pride I might still be able to claim are being washed away by gasped sobs between the bouts of hysterical laughter. It's hopeless, so utterly hopeless...they plainly didn't expect that plan to work the way it had, from the tone of the murmurs going around...and it had because I simply had no idea how to be a Prince!

    Powers on high, they must have set this trap knowing the kinds of places I would be drawn to. The soldiers of Galdabar knew more about being a Prince than I did, it would seem.

    At last there's the sound of a boot scraping along the stone nearer to me...then the sudden singing of air around something being raised for a blow. I brace myself, savagely pushing away the instinct whispering at me to go lax, cursing it for a bitter traitor to have led me here and yet not have warned me there was danger lurking nearby.

    Pain bursts along the side of my head, turning that eternal darkness momentarily white and dazzling. Then the darkness returns, carrying me off into a blissful nothingness on a tide of fading own mad laughter echoing through this place's depths even as the clanking of armored soldiers surrounds me, rough hands hefting me up from the ground while I spiral away into that darkness.

    Perhaps this time, I would not be waking up?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Original Story

    Chapter Six: The Beast's Release

    Awareness returns in phases...not unlike the first time I had awoken into this strange life. The pain that had sent me deeper into that darkness still has echoes of itself lingering in my skull...every small flinch turning the darkness briefly to white yet again. And I cannot help but flinch with a certain unhappy steadiness...for whatever I am lying upon is hardly still.

    Had I been lashed to the sled again? I try to shift to test for ropes...but other things are starting to penetrate the haze of my unsteady mind. Memories of warm stone beneath me, of cords cutting viciously against my skin and pinning me down...the blow that had sent me into that painful sleep and left me now with these aching flares. I was not with Talen, not now.

    The surface on which I lay is moving at a quick pace, bouncing and rocking from time to time as it finds some uneven ground. I can hear the jingle of metal all around; and a second, more organized attempt to move in turn informs me the sound is nearby me as well. I push myself up, testing it...and sure enough, I can move my hands only somewhat. Heavy bands about them make themselves known to me as I tug at them...I can sit up, but the bindings attached to these manacles must be chains, not rope, and will not permit me to bring my hands together or even close enough to catch the covering I have only now become aware of as it falls away, leaving the winter's chill to cut at me as it likes.

    Whatever conveyance I am in, it must be open...for that loss of cover invites the wind to moan softly through it, increasing the faint trembling already gripping my form into outright shivering. I try to find some way to push the cover back up; coarse and scratchy thing though it is as it slides away, it is better than nothing at all between myself and the wind. I find my legs similarly bound, however..and a final attempt to simply reach down and catch the blasted thing with my teeth brings the most unpleasant discovery of all.

    Pain shoots along my jaw as I attempt to part my teeth- numbness giving away to a freshly awakened ache as something presses against the corners of my mouth. A metallic plate of some sort has been pressed between my teeth and against the corners..with something cinched tight over my mouth and chin to keep it in place and my mouth firmly closed.

    Muzzled; they've chained and muzzled me like some sort of animal! The last of my daze slips away as I realize the full state of affairs...I am bound hand and foot like some hunting trophy, muzzled like some beast they thought might seek to bite at them. Well if it was a beast they wanted? I may lack Talen's strength, but I can feel a fury granting a strength all its own as I turn my state into my little mantra of encouragement.

    The chains jingle furiously as I tug against them with all of the strength my rage is giving me, drawing alarmed cries somewhere ahead of doubt where those who were transporting me sat. The forward movement halts abruptly as more shouts are raising; had they been so sure of their bindings that they hadn't even thought to set a watch?

    Was I truly so pitiful a sight that they thought they could treat me as little better than a beast and I could do nothing for it?

    The thought of that fuels the rage already building, sending a wonderful, burning strength through my form as I again yank against the chains. This time, the building squeal of metal and groan of wood answers my attempts. I throw myself against them, sending whatever it is I am bound in rocking even as a heavier clanking is sounding from all about me...Galdabar soldiers, no doubt, coming to drag me back down by those chains.

    I throw myself against the chains again as they draw nearer, shouting back and forth to one another. They're starting to panic, I can scent it on the wind, hear it in their voices as they're reaching for the chains, then pulling away again as I jerk them to and fro. This is not like traveling on the frozen paths, where my strength had slowly faded away every step I had trudged.

    This was not like the spring, where shock had taken its toll and seen me trapped before I could do anything at all. I could move now, hindered though it may be. I could fight; and every attempt had me closer and closer to freedom. I could feel it as the wood began to crack audibly beneath my jerks and tugs on the lengths of the chain. One chain abruptly jerks back, however, and the sound of someone shouting comes from that same side- trying to stop me, are they?

    Several days of helplessness and fear running from these people without ever knowing why, my dismay at the truth of my rescue...I take it all now and feed it to that rage, feeling it spread through me. They would pay for it, for all of it...for all of the fear, for all of the despair and now..for all of my rage at being treated so. Something within certainly seems to be agreeing with that prospect, and the soldier who had thought to try to pull me down by the chain on my wrist is letting out a startled shout as I throw all my strength and weight against it, even as his comrads are trying to drag me down by the one on my other wrist.

    I let them help me- throwing all my weight and strength in their direction. The answer? A most satisfactory sound of wood shattering, feeling splinters shower across my form as the initial soldier's alarmed cry turning to an outright scream of pain as a new scent fills the air. A delicious scent, sweet and coppery, radiating from the now loose chain that hangs from my wrist.

    The same instincts that had led me into that trap before are singing out once again, this time in a savage delight. My control of this situation is suddenly slipping away from me...all I can smell is that sweet, intoxicating scent...all I can feel is the strength that grows only greater the more I fight the chains that bind me. What pain I feel is only fueling it as those instincts take over, pushing me back behind it all in a red tide of fury and glee, a sweet blood song whispering promises even as I struggle to regain some form of control.

    Under all the primal rage, I'm still here...I can still feel my body as it battles on heedlessly against the chains, treating them as little more than inconveniences now. More men are crying out in growing alarm, their panic a sweet song to the ear as my freedom is gained...but at the cost of finding myself in a very different sort of prison.

    I am not in control; I can feel the pain that cuts through me as each chain is freed. Splinters are digging into my flesh, armored hands are grabbing at whatever part of me they can grasp, leaving slashes and gouges as that creature they had set loose within me throws them off. They had bound me like a beast and so a beast has risen in response to them....

    But it is not me. Suddenly it all feels far too surreal, as though I am simply standing back and listening to this all take place. I am not the one that reaches freed hands up to claw the mask away...seeking no binding, simply ripping fingers into it and flesh to get it off, a savage animal finding itself restrained in a way it hates. The sort of blind, furious survival instinct that would send a wolf to chew its own leg off to free itself.

    Stop! I want to scream it, but the only sounds rising from my throat that I can hear are growls and shrieks in reply to the soldiers still attempting to restrain me once again. Whatever you are, stop! You are going to get us killed; we- I cannot win this! There are too many, can't you hear them? Stop!

    Perhaps it cannot; I can hear the sounds of more people coming, heavier clanking announcing these to be a different sort. Ones better armed for this sort of thing, perhaps? Yet the savage one now in control of my form is paying it no heed, nor is the fool making any attempt to escape. The scent of blood, the pain and shock of being restrained...did some part of me go mad?

    Was I now to stay here, buried under it all and helpless to do anything but listen to myself become the very animal they had treated me as? I had relied too much on that instinct...first in the spring cavern, and now here when I had sought my release. Was this why the Princes were feared? I can feel my hands finding purchase on this or that fool soldier; dragging them in close and raking at them with hands that suddenly feel as though they could easily shatter Talen into pieces. These frail, metal clad men of Galdabar certainly stood no chance against that, coming so foolishly close.

    Sweet, salty copper across my tongue suddenly; a burst to fuel the primal rage as what little control I had sought to reclaim spirals away again. Does this animal not hear the other soldiers? I cannot understand their words, but I can hear the intent...there are still men who come near, but it is plain now they are merely sacrificial lambs. Even as they are being slain, flesh torn by hand and tooth as my form continues to only grow stronger, more savage...I am being lured.

    Stop, you fool! Are you so dead set to lead me into another trap? That primal self continues to pay me no mind; I am certainly aware of what it is feeling, however. A savage glee at justice done, at these men being slain for daring to lay a hand on it- fitting they should be food. Fitting they should be what gave it- me -back the strength that had been denied by a human's diet of tasteless bread and dried out fruits. The rightful prey was here now; and it - I - would dine accordingly.

    No! We- I do not! Stop it; stop! Again that salt sweet taste, driving that other self to shove me away as little more than an inconvenience.

    Trapped behind that monster, I am almost ready to sob with joy at the sudden explosion of scent all around u- myself. I haven't forgotten that strange drug Talen had used twice against is filling my senses now, making me reel and choke as that strength is checked. I can feel something brushing along my skin, the source of that scent...leaves of some kind? Their very touch burns the skin, driving that beast to utter a horrible, shattering cry I cannot believe is coming from my own throat as it - as I sink down to the ground.

    With every passing second, I am feeling weaker; smaller in some way. The soldiers drawing near no longer seem so frail, so small to my senses...they are a threat once again, one bearing that hateful net. I can feel its cords landing over me, pressing some of those burning, painful leaves against my form...between that and the horror I had just 'witnessed', I am only all too grateful to feel that darkness deepen yet again.

    I had wondered before if I would, some part of me is praying I will not.

    Better to die while still something resembling a person than to live as a rampaging beast....


    Awareness comes in passing moments after that for some time. Sometimes I am aware of movement...of voices speaking around me in that strange, heavy language of Galdabar. I wish, sometimes, I could see them...or have sight enough to know at least when I have betrayed myself with opened eyes. Those moments never last long; they are quick to throw a cloth laden with that drug's scent over my mouth and nose at first, using it to send me back into that oblivion.

    A good thing, perhaps...I still do not know who is in control. Myself...or that monster I had set loose all unknowing on the soldiers. I had no pity for those men, no...they plainly knew more about what I was and what I could do than I. They had made a mistake and paid dearly for pity was entirely for myself. Imprisoned in body and now perhaps in mind.

    I never should have left Talen. I know now why he brought only bread and fruit; why he never hunted in that forest to feed us. Perhaps if I had stayed...I would not be in this condition now, aware of that thing within me. Perhaps pity would have inspired him to hide it from me forever, just tucking me off to live whatever life humankind does.

    With self pity as my boon companion, I listen to the world visit and depart my senses on the wings of that drug. I know days must be passing...sometimes I can hear the howl of the night winds; at others, what little warmth the sun has to offer can be felt on my face, rousing me just enough to send a fresh wave of drug through my system.

    A bed of that burning, horrid and wonderful drug is what I am lying on now...there are chains again, of that I am sure. The real restraint, however, is beneath me, separated from burning me by only the thinnest bits of cloth I can sometimes feel when I stir. How long was I to be like this? Where were they taking me; to their homeland? Talen had said they came from beyond the sea....

    Perhaps I cannot recall what, precisely, a 'sea' is, but the notion that it is something quite large is plain enough.

    Slowly, I find the times I am conscious becoming longer...the leaves must be drying out. Perhaps they are simply not refreshing them any more. Did they run out, perhaps? Or did they have some other plan in mind now...for as I begin to spend more time aware than not, muddled though I may be, it is to realize I am not alone on that bouncing, swaying surface.

    There is a scent becoming prominent as the drug's fades away...not the scent of oil and metal that permeates the soldiers that linger near. Nor does it carry that under current of fear that makes that thing lurking along side me tremble with glee, wishing to escape its cage once again and feast on the cowards. No, this presence has the scent of some sort of flower, I think...sweetly cloying and dizzying in its potency. There is no fear in this one, either...a person, certainly, but not one in the least afraid to be sitting so very close to me.

    They are either incredibly confident I am no danger to them or a fool. I spend some days debating that, drifting in and out of consciousness with a pattern more properly resembling waking and sleeping, I think. It is the figure that finally answers the question for me on the day that scent suddenly moves much closer...and hands gloved in some soft, smooth material laden in that disgusting scent brush against my cheek.

    The fool is undoing the muzzle that holds me silent; that keeps me slowly starving and weakening further.

    Did they somehow not hear what I did? I struggle to grab a hold of that monster before it can try to leap from its cage, to snap at those fingers...while a low chuckle sounds from the idiot.

    "My men say you will try to devour me should I do this." The words are pronounced oddly; stilted and unnatural in their pacing to my ears. "My men say you are a savage monster. Tell me- will one of the great rulers of this land behave like a beast? Why then do they call you 'Prince' if you are such a thing?" That gloved hand is resting over my mouth as I try to form a reply, though only a parched croak emerges.

    Who was this...person? Was it a man or a woman? The voice was so light, I think it must be a woman. The guttural accent attempting to slip into the words make it hard to tell, however. The hand rises away again, the scent fading enough to let me catch a breath that isn't making me dizzy from the reek. It returns quickly enough, sadly...though at least it is bearing something beyond a horrid scent.

    Water. The person's other hand is pushing my head up then, the other resting the cup to my lips and letting it trickle in. I stifle a growl of frustration at that slow delivery; I hadn't realized how thirsty I was until that little bit was offered...and now it feels like some sort of cruel tease for it to be given so slowly.

    "Patience, little Prince. You have neither ate nor drank since you assaulted my men. Even one such as you should not drink hastily, eh?" The water continues to trickle down my throat, easing the pain of tissue left dry far too long. How had I not noticed how parched I had become? The person holding the cup shifts slightly, popping my head on something as they continue to ease the water down my throat.

    "There see? There is no need for savagery. We are civilized people; you must forgive my men their fears and actions. The Princes carry a terrifying reputation, you see." That voice continues now, pitched to an odd, low murmur as the container being offered to me slowly drains. How odd...did water always taste so sweet? "They have killed so many of our men for sport. You are not such a beast, eh?"

    It is so easy to simply listen to that voice..the words are stilted but not unpleasant...and now, in time with the words, a hand is brushing soothingly against my hair as the water grows ever sweeter against my tongue.

    "No, you are not such a monster." Such certainty in those words, echoing the same thing I myself had been screaming at that beast. "We shall go to my homeland; you will see we are as civilized as you." I can feel my eyes closing, the lashes brushing against my cheek. Odd...I hadn't felt tired; didn't I just wake up? "We will see you properly clothed, not running about as some ragged beast. You will be treated well, my Prince. You will see we are not your enemy at all." The words are almost a chant now, the voice is so soothing to listen full of promise after everything I had gone through.

    Some small part of me is screaming warning; that beast. I turn away from it, shoving it away. I want to hear nothing it has to say. One disaster to one horror after another is all it has led me to. Instead, I turn my mind to that far more pleasant voice..and that once cloying scent is not so horrible now. It is rather...pleasant, now that I am used to it.

    "Ah, but you are weary. It has been a trying time for you, yes? Sleep, my Prince. We will speak again once the ship is underway." The last of that peculiarly, deliciously sweet water slips down my throat and the cup is taken away. It is still winter, of that I have no doubt...but it feels so warm now, suddenly. Comfortably so, lulling me into a genuine sleep now in its embrace. I am dimly aware of that strange person's hand still smoothing down my hair, of words being uttered though I cannot understand them now. Something slides over me...heavy and soft, a fabric of some kind rather than one of those reeking furs such as Talen had used.

    For the first time I can recall, I slip into sleep's hold without winter's cruel knives cutting into me or the discomfort of filth clinging to my skin and making me gag from the scent. There is no pain, no fear...only that sweet warmth spreading from within and the soft sound of that voice lulling me to rest.

    Warm, content last, feeling well and truly safe...I gratefully let the world slip away.

    Please note that this will be the last segment I post to this forum as I fear future chapters may move past the acceptable rating due to certain elements, such as the use of drugs, mind games and so forth, unless a moderator says otherwise.

    If anyone here wishes to continue reading past this chapter, you can find future chapters on my Devart page. Thank you for reading this far; I welcome any and all feed back/constructive criticism, be it here or there.

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