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Thread: On courtesy... and the lack.

  1. #1
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default On courtesy... and the lack.

    Elders and wise

    Last waking I did wake me to the land. And in the course of that waking did I find me in a place where those of the land might have discourse.

    The nature of that place be not the purpose of my speaking. Rather, it seems, there be ill to the nature that is mine own. For while I took sojourn in that place, one there did speak. And, to be sure, they spoke of a thing and they spoke in a voice of the land called Real.

    Ere any might leap to any mark not merited, I bear none of issue with any that speak so. That which the least and less finds ill hath no need of gift of virtue. But even were it else, the manner each finds meet to adopt be that manner best suited to their purpose and nature at that time.

    To proceed... the speaking made was one to which I offered comment. Not on its nature, that being a voice of Real, but merely to extend the discourse. And, my nature being mine... I spoke in the voice I bear, and that voice be Istari.

    Thus and so. To the meat. Aye, and long past time for meat, no doubt ye feel! .

    Another that was there, and i see none of need to bring any name to this discosurse ( though it was not the one that had spoken in Real's voice), did far-speak me in a manner not public. And that one did have words to say. For they did say that to respond to one speaking in Real's voice with a voice Istari be lacking in courtesy and indeed be a thing most rude.

    And seeking not to bring discord to those present, I took me from that place of speaking.

    And having come to the claw's sharp point, this I will say, and let any hear that feel need of hearing.

    The nature I bear is, of no doubt, more poor and limited than those that honour me with their tolerance. But.. that which I am, I am. And it would not be my nature to be any other.

    So this I offer. And if the land finds it best, then to it I will stand.

    And if the land finds it meet, then if in any place I am found, and the nature I bear or the voice I speak be ill to those present, then let the one that finds it ill but speak, in public or manner private. I will take silence. Not ill, not offence, not anything... but silence. And if the land is more silent for that silence... then mayhap it will be the better for it.

    What be the land's will, elders and wise?

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  2. #2

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Sephiranoth, don't ever stop speaking as you do in Istaria!!!

    Order is a roleplaying shard. Those who visit it should *expect* that some will speak differently than they do. A polite inquiry as to what you mean if they don't understand you is something you can expect. To tell you to shut up instead of speaking with your accent is indeed rude on their part.

    My guess would be that even though you use the English language, your phrasing is difficult for them to understand, and they are embarrassed to have to ask about it. However, you at least spell words correctly and use correct grammar. There are others I've seen on the shard use odd spellings to indicate how they are pronouncing words to represent their accent (gotta luv ssilmath), or who choose to use variations on normal grammar.

    I firmly believe each voice that stands out as a different speech style adds to the character of the shard. Rude as some of the responses may be, please stick with it for the sake of those who love having you around. A gentle reminder to the complainer that there are many different types of characters in Istaria and that their otherworldly references on the roleplaying shard are less welcome than an accent may be appropriate... though I doubt they'll be particularly interested in listening. Letting them know that the issue is known and who may be able to interpret what you say may be helpful.

    Anyway, I'd far rather have your lovely speech than real world references when I'm in Istaria; that's WHY I'm on Order all the time.

  3. #3
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    i care nothing for order or roleplaying, i am a blightie and proud to be so.

    but the mere speculation of the thought of a silent sephi makes me so sad that there are no words for the sheer depth and breadth and width of sorrow that plunges its deathly sharp daggerpoint into my very soul.

    you are a light of the universe, you beloved fool!! let no one extinguish you, for istaria would be plunged into darkness, and therefore would the terrible world called real become even dimmer and more hellish than it already is.

    once again i say to you - you send anyone with a problem to me. i will straiten them out for you. believe me, i got the same thing on blight a while ago, so i am ready to take care of it now!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #4
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Now, that is indeed a shock. To not ALLOW someone to RP on a RP shard. Totally uncalled for. Highly irregular. Lacking in most regards.

    Now, you might speak more eloquently than those around, Sephiranoth, but just because THEY have a problem with it doesn't mean you have to stop being you. Nor does it give them the right to force you out of any channel on the shard. So, first off, get your big blue hide back in that room. Secondly, stand firm. And, thirdly, should they decide to give you grief, keep a log, submit it, and request aid from those in the room, those in the shard, and/or those whose butts sit in the seats marked "Developer".

    I'll be happy to send Tagath to flay them open if necessary.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  5. #5

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Sephiranoth keep speaking the way you do, dont let anyone tell you diffrently. I've always found it entertaining to listen to the way you speak. Makes order more diversified and enjoyable!
    100/96/21 32.2 mill hoard Killer 87% socializer 47% explorer 40% achiever 40%

  6. #6
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.


    You're fine! Don't change!! My girls always love to hear you speak.

    Nellie Lovett/Ochre Tekton
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  7. #7

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    I respect your roleplaying and personally was happy to see you in action even though my brain shuts off from the circular and extended way that you speak.

    Don't let anyone tell you how to play your game. It's none of their concern.

  8. #8

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    i never read your posts, i just look for key words to translate what you say into english in my head. and i echo everyone here, don't drop the way you talk because some moron that cannot understand, and decided to attack you because of it. don't change.

  9. #9

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Like already others said, don't let you shut up by anyone. If they keep harassing you, submit a ticket, the CS will then deal with those people.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  10. #10

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    My avatar's mind is small, and the body we share on occasion for periods of time makes translation difficult, but the eloquence in which you speak in something I admire. If one has a grievance with it, it is they who should be silenced.

  11. #11

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Quote Originally Posted by peladon View Post
    What be the land's will, elders and wise?
    The land's will is set forth in the scrolls "Policy - Rules of Conduct", "Policy - Harrassment" and "Policy - Role Playing".

    I do not believe it is "the land's will" for players to stir up the population to illicit sympathy towards yourself or disdain upon others over an alleged incident.

    As Takora already said, report the incident, let Virtrium handle it and get on with playing and hopefully enjoying your gametime.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Lovely Arkansas... Against my will!

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    How you talk is up to you. If you don't want to be taken seriously or get your point across or communicate anything (because few can understand or take the time while.. say, fighting a monster, to try to comprehend) then, by all means, continue doing what you do. I'm not sure I would call it effective RP since most people don't read it.

    No offense, I'm sure it's eloquent and takes some thought and what-not. But if the best actor in the world doesn't connect with his audience, he might has well be reenacting a shakespearean play (complete with dialogue) for a kindergarten class.

    Not saying we're all ignorant or that you're bad at what you do, but when there's no cross-flow of information, there's no communication.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  13. #13
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.


  14. #14

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Teto stops on a far away hill in another realm and ponders, the journey home to Istaria is long.

    "Home for gnomekindle" he says as he stares at a old letter, who knows how old he is far from home.

    He looks at his companions sleeping, "yes he must leave them and return to Istaria for the holidays" he whispers to himself. He's missed home immensly, but what of this news. Seph speaks no more, cant be, her greetings brighten the realm. Is there need to return he wonders. He walks from camp as he talks to himself, "will my day not be brightened by Seph's sweet voice, will there be klava served by Awdz, *laughs* will Digbe steal Roguars ale while Rog and I hunt. What of Knossos my favorite and most reliable merchant, my friends in OA," Teto stops now, atop the highest peak , thinks of the many more friends he had there. He wonders, no he knows theres still a place to go to , but is it still home.

    Shoulders his pack and begins the long walk home," home for gnomekindle it is"

  15. #15
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teto Frum View Post
    Teto stops on a far away hill in another realm and ponders, the journey home to Istaria is long.

    "Home for gnomekindle" he says as he stares at a old letter, who knows how old he is far from home.

    He looks at his companions sleeping, "yes he must leave them and return to Istaria for the holidays" he whispers to himself. He's missed home immensly, but what of this news. Seph speaks no more, cant be, her greetings brighten the realm. Is there need to return he wonders. He walks from camp as he talks to himself, "will my day not be brightened by Seph's sweet voice, will there be klava served by Awdz, *laughs* will Digbe steal Roguars ale while Rog and I hunt. What of Knossos my favorite and most reliable merchant, my friends in OA," Teto stops now, atop the highest peak , thinks of the many more friends he had there. He wonders, no he knows theres still a place to go to , but is it still home.

    Shoulders his pack and begins the long walk home," home for gnomekindle it is"
    Elder and wise... and those wise that have spoken to this point.

    Never was it my intent to suggest that permanent silence be a path to seek. Though it may be indeed that there be those that would take delight were I to seek such .

    Rather, the question I posed related to one that took offence at a response I made to them in a voice of Istari nature to a speaking made in a voice of the land called Real. That is, that my speaking so was itself discourteous, rather than the poor content of my words.

    And Teto elder... may ye wake, and wake swift, for the land is the better for thy waking and thy walking... and if Kindle will bring such weal to the land, then it be gift in and of itself .

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  16. #16

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    I may not understand you all the time but I do most of time I love how you speak please dont let others take you down.
    Leonea-Leo for short please ((Pudda Tank!/Builder))
    Yavahona-or known as YAVAFLAVA!

  17. #17
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vortura View Post
    The land's will is set forth in the scrolls "Policy - Rules of Conduct", "Policy - Harrassment" and "Policy - Role Playing".

    I do not believe it is "the land's will" for players to stir up the population to illicit sympathy towards yourself or disdain upon others over an alleged incident.

    As Takora already said, report the incident, let Virtrium handle it and get on with playing and hopefully enjoying your gametime.
    My words be but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

    Elder... the land's will be what I seek, not the hammer of the gods.

    If I offend more than is meet, then gods will or nay, I will choose to act according to that expressed will.

    Nor do I seek to ' stir up the population to illicit sympathy towards yourself or disdain upon others'. Were I to seek to cast disdain, then mayhap I might have chosen to speak some name or other. I did not. Were I to seek to gather sympathy... well and all. It is for others to speak as to whether that be my nature.

    As to the nature of the event I speak, and that it be but alleged... that also is for those to judge who have any knowing of my nature and the Flame I bear.

    My words be but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  18. #18

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    I am angered, if this has yet happened again.

    Something must be done…name names.

  19. #19

    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Sephiranoth, you already know my opinion,
    but I want to add my 2c to this.

    It`s bad that they do not understand
    It`s worse that they even do not try.
    It`s worst that they hate what they do not understand.

    One can bend down unil one`s nose hit the dirt- one will not reach them-
    but get a lumbago.

    *bows to Sephiranoth in respect and affection*
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  20. #20
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: On courtesy... and the lack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mimir View Post
    I am angered, if this has yet happened again.

    Something must be done…name names.
    Elder and wise... and well do ye know the honour in which I hold thee... I would not think it of any gain to speak names. I hold no ill to the one that bespoke me... for their feeling and stance be as valid as the stance of any other.

    Rather... were more to share their stance than did not, then I, of my own choosing, would recognise any such comment when made and accept it as passage to silence.

    Or if, as appears to be so, the stance was isolated to one or more that felt so, then I would rather offer such response to any that take such offence as seems meet at that time.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

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