Elders and wise

Last waking I did wake me to the land. And in the course of that waking did I find me in a place where those of the land might have discourse.

The nature of that place be not the purpose of my speaking. Rather, it seems, there be ill to the nature that is mine own. For while I took sojourn in that place, one there did speak. And, to be sure, they spoke of a thing and they spoke in a voice of the land called Real.

Ere any might leap to any mark not merited, I bear none of issue with any that speak so. That which the least and less finds ill hath no need of gift of virtue. But even were it else, the manner each finds meet to adopt be that manner best suited to their purpose and nature at that time.

To proceed... the speaking made was one to which I offered comment. Not on its nature, that being a voice of Real, but merely to extend the discourse. And, my nature being mine... I spoke in the voice I bear, and that voice be Istari.

Thus and so. To the meat. Aye, and long past time for meat, no doubt ye feel! .

Another that was there, and i see none of need to bring any name to this discosurse ( though it was not the one that had spoken in Real's voice), did far-speak me in a manner not public. And that one did have words to say. For they did say that to respond to one speaking in Real's voice with a voice Istari be lacking in courtesy and indeed be a thing most rude.

And seeking not to bring discord to those present, I took me from that place of speaking.

And having come to the claw's sharp point, this I will say, and let any hear that feel need of hearing.

The nature I bear is, of no doubt, more poor and limited than those that honour me with their tolerance. But.. that which I am, I am. And it would not be my nature to be any other.

So this I offer. And if the land finds it best, then to it I will stand.

And if the land finds it meet, then if in any place I am found, and the nature I bear or the voice I speak be ill to those present, then let the one that finds it ill but speak, in public or manner private. I will take silence. Not ill, not offence, not anything... but silence. And if the land is more silent for that silence... then mayhap it will be the better for it.

What be the land's will, elders and wise?

Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
A Fool that walks among the Wise