The Map Marker Pack 1(with search grid) This file contains only definitions there are no maps included but it will work with any map pack which uses "resources_override/resources/interface/maps" directory.
The Map Pack 3.4 (with above Updates)
Thanks Terao for the permission to work on the map pack. I will not be working on the maps because I don't have the tools for that.

Made a large number of changes to definition formatting.
1. Removed extra linefeeds and indents.
2. Moving the float definitions for the Image to be right after the second beginner brace.
3. Rounded WorldX WorldY numbers to get rid of 1/10's portion of the meters, which further reduces size of the file.
4. Did this to all definition files in map marker pack.

Doing all this to definition files for town maps did not reduce file sizes much but I did it to have all the definitions formatted identically.

Examples of before and after below:
float WorldX = 14592.0
float WorldY = 14889.7
string Image = "map_marker_destpad_2.png"
float H = 16
string ToolTip = "146/148 Pad Garnet Bay"
float W = 16
float WorldX = 14592.0
float WorldY = 14889.7
string Image = "map_marker_destpad_2.png"
float W = 16
float H = 16
string ToolTip = "146/148 Pad Garnet Bay"
Final format below:

float WorldX = 14592
float WorldY = 14890
float W = 16
float H = 16
string Image = "map_marker_destpad_2.png"
string ToolTip = "146/148 Pad Garnet Bay"

Below is screenshot of Abandoned Island area with all markers on and tooltip showing The yellow dots are the markers I used laying out search grid.

Changed layout of the addicon panel Foods, Resources, NPCs, Craft, Mobs, Arrows, Buldings and Structures, Walls, Leftovers, and they are sorted by tier.

Changed tooltips on addicon panel from file name type such as Clay_1 to Adobe the item name.

Added (400 Shown)and edited some of the map marker icons. Easiest to spot are the golem icons all gem golems have a diamond on chest, Stone golem have a Sash, Metal have shorts

Added Red arrows for showing paths where it possible to run into mobs as shown in partial map area of path from Harro to Draak

Added Path from Lerena to Draak

Below is map area in blight showing some of the walls gates and towers.

Named Mobs are on the NPC switch so they can be noticed easier by switching mobs off.

Added markers for Mhedon, Brecah, Verdeios, Gheniem, GrumbleGut some of these spawn in more than one location(not updated yet).


For the .zip Version: you will need to unzip the file then copy the resources_override folder into your Horizons folder and say "yes" if you get asked to overwrite, and it's always a good idea to make a backup of your old folder before you change it.

For the .exe version: unzip the file then double click the icon to start installation and follow the on screen instructions.

Both versions:

Edit with any text editor such as NotePad the value "string mapPath" at the bottom of the file located in the folder horizons/prefs/ClientPrefs_Common.def:
string mapPath = "resources_override/resources/interface/maps"

This may have to be done after a Horizons update or a full scan too!

Only highres maps up to now, if it's recommended I can edit the lowres version of the Mappack, too. Up to now no one seems to want it.
