To add to that "being a vendor" point: Set your cargo disk to Contents For Sale (check the box in the right-click Customize window). Fill it up with ore or units or whatever. Others who are using what you gather and process can come, click Trade with you, look at Their Items, pull as many as they can carry, you click Approve and off they go. Make sure you trust them and/or you want them to have what they picked up from you.

This is ever so handy in vast construction projects where you are supplying various runners with units to take to the site and don't want to have to ask them each time "how many can you carry?" They self-select what they want, they do all the clicking and dragging, and you just hit Approve and keep on crafting. Heaven!

Now, to be nice to them, make sure that your disk is the /only/ thing in your inventory or vault that is Contents for Sale. Or they will be scrolling through all your potions, techs, comps, etc., just to find the resource they are trying to pick up from you.

-Levity Merrel