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Thread: An unusual Ascention

  1. #1

    Default An unusual Ascention

    This title will make sense when the next part happens, as for the section in the middle where Krimson and Falkors dialogue changes styles, that was taken and altered directly from RP.

    Murphy's Law - A family Ascension

    The spotted blue hatchling sat at the entrance of his adopted mothers lair, his mind beyond set in his plans. Looking out over the valley set before him covered in a thick fog, seeming as dreary as his A'meo Shashomaru's memorial had been many days before it. The tower loomed in the distance poking through the fog like some ethereal island or haven of lost souls, almost looking like an unreachable sanctuary. He dreamed Shashomaru was there looking down over them... he still could not accept him having fallen in battle.

    This vissage before him seemed a rather iconic sight with where his life had lead him, The roads he had traveled to this spot had been long and filled with loss, fear, and darkness. Back in the beginning he had been nobody; a scruffy dirty little hatchling with no past, no future, and until A'mea Krimsonflame had found and adopted him, he had no family.

    He reflected back to waking on Skaalkar no memories except from that instant forward. Having no memories at the beginning were not at all a bother to him, and the days had drifted one into the other over and again... Until he had been attacked.

    Rayos scowled for quite some time thinking--that one attack killed the care free know-no-evil hatchling, forever opening his eyes to the darkness this land seemed to breed. He actually had known no happiness for quite some time after that, that was until the human Lykopis managed to open his eyes again.

    Smiling he recalled that scared human acually fighting her fears to say hello to the equally scared hatchling: truly she had been Rayos' first friend outside his own family since the attack. He had even gone as far as doing his adventure tasks with her... Adventure tasks, Rayos sighed at that. They had seemed to drift apart after he stopped doing the tasks, not that he didn't want to do them, it was just with the opportunity he had been given, the knowledge for the tasks would be lost. He had hoped to just go hunting with Lykopis, but that had never happened.

    The opportunity, if all went well he would not be adopted anymore. Just thinking of that made him churr with excitement. Rayos had gotten a taste of being in a family, but it left him wanting more. One could say the desire was selfish, but he was willing to make the ulitmate sacrifice this opportunity required.

    He couldn't keep the thoughts out of his head, what would it be like to remember hatching? What would it feel like being different? Would it finally feel real once he was actually related to them? Rayos sat clawing at the rocks in the spiral thinking about these and more. Alot about what Yukii had told him earlier as well bothered him.

    Rayos furrowed his brow in thought. He had figured that the binding had to be done as the egg was forming, Yukii told him the only way it would work would be if his soul was there before any egg started to grow. That had ment it had to be done soon... and... Rayos scratched at the ground worried, would his mother agree to it so far in advance?

    He wanted to be awake when Yukii transferred him. He had to be awake when the ritual started: how else could he tell her one more time he loved her and was giving his soul to her? Shaking his head he stood to check on his sleeping A'mea again.

    Creeping through the lair to where she slumbered, her bright scales nearly made his heart skip a beat. Being adopted by her was the most joyous thing he had known... but... he could barely contain his heart when he thought up the way to actually be her son. And even now the thought.... his chest scales barely contained the happiness.

    Slowly slipping up to her slumbering form her nuzzled her gently. "A'mea? A'mea are niea awake?" pausing, the blue hatchling waited for a response. Instead his hearing picked up the unmistakable rustling of Falkor's wings. Looking up he smiled, seeing the suitor he hoped his A'mea would pick. Not only did they look so perfect together, Falkor seemed to have a wonderful personality and he always seemed to be there. Also he was kind of hoping for Krimsonflame to chose him, as he really wanted to inherit a bit of Falkor's good looks. Obviously more selfish desires, oh well. He had been waiting for one of them to wake, and Falkor definitely counted as one of them.

    Falkor managed to spot Rayos fairly quickly, "What are nieo doing bothering your A'mea when she is sleeping aorban?" he landed next to Rayos and Krimsonflame lightly. "Nieo know your A'mea has been having a hard time with the loss of your A'meo, nieo should let Krimsonflame sleep Rayos."

    "But Falkor, ae is important new information ieo have learned from Yukii earlier. Ae is different than how ieo first considered ae... "

    Falkor cut of Rayos abruptly, "Now nieo know Krimson and ieo have d'na yet even decided to be bonded, she has, other options still open. D'na can do anything untill ae is the right time Rayos, ieo do know how eager nieo is to do this, but we cant rush into anything."

    "D'na Falkor, A'meo, what ieo learned from Yukii changes ae, if we wait for that "right time" that we were thinking, ae will be too late." Rayos looked up at Falkor eyes giving off a pained look. "Yukii said ae is possible, but only before A'mea and nieo ask Dralkar for an aorban. If the egg has started forming, ae is too late and the egg will all ready have a soul. Ae has to be done before A'mea is even yet gravid and anchored there. So the new egg can latch onto ae instead of ae to the egg."

    Falkor furrowed his brow, "But what if ieo am not chosen by your A'mea? Nieo might not be hatched or nieo might have another A'meo." He peered down at Rayos inquisitivly.

    Sighing sadly Rayos nodded, "A'na, ae is true A'meo Falkor, but d'na matter. Ae is better to do ae soon so ae is ready if and when A'mea asks Draulkar for a new aorban." He gave Falkor a pleading look.

    The large blue adult shook his head and sighed, "This will be a delicate matter to attend to, ieo will have to speak to Krimson alone, nieo go out front of the lair and play until ieo call nieo."

    With a squeak Rayos rushed up the lair and out front to continue his fog gazing, even though he could not help but wonder what was being spoken inside and wanted more then anything to listen.

    Many hours later the little blue hatchling had dozed off when he was suddenly nosed awake. A brief meep of disorientation left him gazing up into the warm eyes of his a'mea, seeing that he purred and licked her nose lovingly. Purring back Krimsonflame layed down and curled around the hatchling.

    "It is a brave thing you ask to do aoretao, You do know I love you just as you are? You dont have to give up your being for me. This is such a risky thing you want to do, I dont want to lose you."

    Rayos cocked his head and embraced Krimsonflame's neck. "But A'mea, ieo d'na desire anything else in the whole world but to truely be niea's aorban. To no longer feel ieo pretending to be family. With all niea have gifted me, ieo am willing to risk ae all to be able to carry the honor of carring on niea bloodline later. Ieo am nobody now, d'na know where ieo come from. Ieo want to know where ieo come from... and ieo want that to be niea's." His eyes glistening from forming tears, Rayos peered right into Krimsonflame's eyes as he spoke, as if baring his entire soul to her to show how truthful he was in his desires. "An.. an.. and ieo got this to use as a focus a'mea, ieo have inscribed it in recognition as well." Rayos sniffed as he handed Krimsonflame the lifelike statue he crafted for her--a statue showing a certain blue spotted hatchling sitting on it's haunches with a rather lifelike grin on it's muzzle.

    The statue was enough to bring tears to Krimsonflame's eyes as she gathered Rayos in her wings and hugged him. "Thank you aoretao... I... I dont know what to say. I will let Yukii try, but I don't know if it will be Falkor I chose as a companion. Are you sure you wish to do this now? You could wait for when I have chosen my com..."

    "D'na, weather ae is Falkor or another as a'meo, ae d'na matter, ieo just want niea as my A'mea. Ae is better if ieo am ready at any time. D'na know when ae will happen and Yukii says once ae is set niea will hold me close inside niea untill niea is ready. Ieo will always be with niea then A'mea. Please let me give this to niea." Rayos looked up with pleading eyes, a look that could almost break through Reklar's blighted heart.

    Krimsonflame rumbled in joy as she lifted Rayos and held him tight. "Yes aoretao, then next waking we will do this, there is much to prepare though. But you, you need to sleep." She chuckled as she sat Rayos down and ushered him off to the lair spiral. Indeed, much to do, was she ready to go though that pain again? She shook her head, she wasn't sure she wanted to inflict on another male what Shashomaru had to endure, but Rayos seemed determined to gift her with another blood aorban... one she already knew she would love... And she knew loved her.


    Curled up in the lair the following day Rayos and Krimsonflame sat together enjoying the bliss that this joyous occasion would bring, the small blue hatchlings doing all he could to remain respectfull, knowing while it might be his day, it is also theirs. As Rayos reached over to Nuzzle his a'mea he noticed the shadow bassing in the corridor behind him. He knew who it was and happily greeted Falkor.

    The darker blue spotted adult reached down and nuzzled Rayos at the same time Krimsonflame nuzzled Falkor, she then looked deep into his eyes. Noticeing his a'mea's look the hatchling tucked himself under her wing as Falkor smiles and looks deeply into Krimson's eyes. Purring Krimsonflame started, "Iea have made a decision." Falkor noded at that "Niea have? what be thy decision?"

    Krimson flame gently lifts and places Falkors paw into hers resulting in a warm smile from the drake. The seemingly forgotten hatchling peered up at his a'mea and began purring quietly. Continuing to peer deeply into Falkors eyes, quietly and lovingly Krimson flame says, "Ieo choose... nieo if nieo still wants iea to be mate" Falkor's eyes gleam as his smile widens across his muzzle "Ieo would be honored to be niea mate!

    Rayos's eyes go wide for a moment then narrowing, he remains silent aside from the purring trying to dissapear so this perfect moment doesn't end for his a'mea and, apparently, actually his a'meo. Looking up he furrows his brow... and breaks his silence to whisper quietly to Krimsonflame. "Niea do this for niea, d'na ieo right?" Krimsonflame nods, her eyes never leaving Falkor's, "Iea have known Falkor and been close for mmost of our lives, would have happened anyways." Bubbling over Rayos begins to purr a little louder.

    Falkor clears his throat and asks, "Krimsonflame, would niea be my mate forever? our hearts and souls as one?" eyes glistening the beatuifull red dragoness nods gently, "Iea will be aeos mate forever as one"Eyes glowing brightly with his heart pounding Falkor kisses his mate deeply "Ieo love niea with all my heart." Krimsonflame responds naturally in falkors embrace, "And iea love nieo Falkor... guess there has always been the strong bond." Giggling and purring happily the forgotten hatchling adds, even though it feels kinda out of context, "Ieo love nien both!" as he beams happily at both of them.

    Krimsonflame and Falkor both smile at Rayos and gently nuzzle, then Falkor looks back into the loving gaze of his mate, "Ieo truely think niea is my soul mate, my savior." Lovingly looking at Falkor, Krimsonflame adds,"And together we will be strong"

    Falkor looks to Krimsonflame, "Niea ready?" he appear slightly nervous but still manages a smile. Krimsonflame closes her eyes then gently nods to him while holding his paw. Nosing at her wing, the hatchling thinks a moment then with a sigh says "If ae is asking too much of a'mea, niea d'na have to do ae." Rayos then drops his head to peer at the ground, "Ieo would understand." Smiling, d'na Rayos, nieo should call Yukii." Nodding in agreement the larger drake says, "Nieo may call aea."

    Grinning and without another word Rayos quickly contacts Yukii, looking up he smiles, "Ae may take a few... How about we wait for Yukii in the hall?" Falkor holds and rubs Krimson`s paw between his paws as he looks up to his mate. Krimsonflame smiles and says, 'a'na'


    Rayos looked up at Krimsonflame and Falkor. His heart felt like it was trying to leap out of his body and race around the hall faster then anyone could ever hope to catch it. He idally pawed at his broken horn. 'Not to much longer' he mused, 'and you will no longer exist'. Oh Drulkar where was Yukii? His A'mea and A'meo were dozing while waiting, and he was so tense he could almost see the air.

    "Aoretao, calm down before you faint." He heard his mother chuckle as Rayos looked up. "She will be here soon. You don't need to worry Rayos, everything will be fine." Krimsonflame's eyes were drawn to the entrance to the hall by a shimmering light. "Ahh, See Rayos? There she is. Come in Yukii, we have been expecting you."

    Yukii shimmered as she greeted everyone, smiling gently as her light filled the area. "How yous today? Rayos told yous all what to expect?" As Falkor and Krimsonflame acknowledged it the light dragon beamed. "Goods goods!" She looked down to Rayos warmly emitting a comforting and protective aura into the room. "Yous know yous don't have to do this right? I am sure theys are happy as you are."

    Shaking his head, Rayos was far from turning back. "D'na Yukii white dragon, ieo want with all my heart to do this for a'mea. Ieo want her to have a real aorban with my soul in ae. D'na backing ways." Krimsonflame purred loudly and pulled Rayos to her chest, her gold eyes gleaming with tears.

    "Rayos, I am so proud of you and love you so much. I will miss you aoretao, I will miss you alot." "D'na A'mea, ieo d'na go anywhere, in fact untill ieo hatch again ieo will always be with niea."

    Falkor looked down from next to Krimsonflame and nuzzled Rayos. "Ieo am proud to call nieo my aoretao as well, and ieo will protect your mother while you are... asleep."

    Yukii grined as she felt the love in the room, "Now Rayos, yous know I has to kill yous to workies this rights?" She patted Rayos' head as he nodded, wide eyed. "Yous will not feel a things. But sit up here on hers legs and lean against her chest." She looked to Krimsonflame, "Yous has the statue? Cans I see its?"

    Digging though her pack Krimsonflame pulled out the treasured item and hesitatingly handed it to Yukii, "This won't hurt him will it?" "Nopers he wont feelies a thing. I assure yous of that. Are Yous all readys?"

    As everone nodded Yukii began. She proceeded to write in an unknown language, utter mysterious phrases. Runes appeared on the statue and around Krimsonflame, going up her tail and stopping mid back. Yukii gently placed the statue directly between Krimsonflame and Rayos and then dispersed into a bright glowing mist proceding to encircle the blue hatchlings body ready to catch and direct the spirit as it recalled to where it was bound.

    Rayos peered up to Krimsonflame and Krimsonflame smiled at Rayos lovingly in return. "A'mea, ieo love niea and ieo am ready. D'na matter how this turns out, remember ieo love niea A'mea... mother. Ieo am not scared anymore a'mea." A tear rolled down Krimsonflame's muzzle as she mouthed "Iea love niea Rayos" but no words could make it out as her voice failed her. Yukii gently entered Rayos's body and sent the hatchling into a deep slumber. From within she began to disrupt the normal impulses of his body; causing his to slowly fade into death and slump onto Krimsonflame's chest. Krimsonflame froze: the cold of horror brushed her as she felt the life pass from the small blue hatchling.

    The mist form of Yukii slowly circled the spirit as it departed Rayos. She guided it carefully into Krimson's body, using the runes as a guide for the young spirit to follow. Once inside she marked a few runes around where the egg would be: hopefully the spirit would stay within that area until it is time and anchored it to the statue so it does not lose cohesion. As this happens Rayos' body shimmered and faded, like the bodies of Gifted tend to do as they follow the souls to be reunited. Lacking a soul to reunite to however, the body was lost to oblivion.... that teardrop finally maked it to the end of Krimsonflames muzzle and fell, splashing on her legs where the body and image of Rayos had rested for the last time.

    Yukii stayed in her mist form, having used an enormous amount of energy to accomplish the task. She echoed happily, "There...that shoulds do it...." as she faded from the room she managed to add "If yous... needs me I must meditate and regains my energies... find me in a days or two.... " and then, she was gone.

    The silence drifted into the hall as Falkor watched Krimson, unsure of what to do. She continued to stare at the spot on her legs where Rayos was; where he had faded... her claws silently gripped the statue... and she began to sob, curling around the stone image. Stepping close, Falkor pulled her to him in a tight embrace and whispered, "He is not gone, he will be back Krimson, sebea..." "Yes, I know, I... I.. I can feel the warmth from him, as if it's waiting. I.. I.. I wish I knew what the future held for him. I... miss him already." Krimsonflame pulled Falkor close and continued to cry lightly on his shoulder.

    Last edited by Velea; March 30th, 2009 at 05:36 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: An unusual Ascention

    wow, that is quite an interesting read, I look forward to seeing the next bit ^^

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