heh the timeline doesnt seem very accurate when you compare it to the lore on the races, for instance - dragons were around before the time of the gods, but werent the dryads? since they spawned right after the creation of the world spawning from the left over essence of life and nature? i also noticed dragons have a bad tendancy to over use and abuse the "naka" word thinking it means 2 legged creatures when it just means unscaled "sslik" also have scales. Also a dragon tried saying they were unique "refering to being alien" saying there from another world "literealy" when there only alien by physical looks in comparasin to the other elite races, when it comes down to italot of the dragons have a bad missconcieption of what they really are "those that think there better then the unscaled" im dryad lvl 13 druid and i'd b happy to show off any lvl 13 dragon in the arena all day any day and we'll see wats better scales "Sinnaturaleza's - natureless" or 1 of the races that r in full complete ability to use the powers of istaria to its fullest "not quite fullest since im just a pure lvl 13 druid, took me a while to find out how to b one since im actually fairly new to the land"