Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
I think I have to agree with Teto on this one. As Istaria continues to survive long past the expectations of others, it will be inevitable that a level cap will have to be raised for the elder players to remain while new players are introduced along the way. It would be another way of proving that Istaria is a successful, albeit small, game with a growing membership.

The fact that Amon has stated it's not being worked on (I'll insert "now") hardly covers that it would never be raised. As the years have shown, Istaria has a unique survivability that boggles even some stalwart gaming critics out there. Personally, I'd take it as a detriment to Istaria to say that level 100 is all one can ever reach. For Istaria to grow as a game, eventually the level cap would need to be raised, even if only in incremental units (from 100 to 120, 120 to 140, etc.).

I also think it'd be a great benefit for the level cap to be raised, whether or not that's happening now. It gives some of the elder players who've long slept for reaching the 100 cap a reason to return. It brings hope that more lands would be found to make use of both the aboveground and belowground resources to expand Istaria.
Elder and wise

My words are but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found, as suits the seeker. And certain sure any word of mine be no thing any other might have need of heeding.

Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
I think I have to agree with Teto on this one. As Istaria continues to survive long past the expectations of others, it will be inevitable that a level cap will have to be raised for the elder players to remain while new players are introduced along the way.
Inevitable, wise one? Inevitable, if I understand thy words, for if not the old will pass? In some wise, inevitable that new not-old will come?

The old pass, wise one. The old pass, and the new among us pass... mayhap ere ever we know they are here. And if the old have stayed, as they have both long and long, in the absence of the thing ye speak of... then while it might keep some with us, it is not of need for others. And if new ones come to us, and dance and grow and come old.. then some thing there is that keep sthem here already.

Least I am, but I do not remain for hope of the thing ye speak of. I remain because.. I remain. Let each choose.

Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
The fact that Amon has stated it's not being worked on (I'll insert "now") hardly covers that it would never be raised.
The fact that a thing is not now a thing true is indeed no proof it will never be. AND IT IS ALSO NO PROOF IT EVER WILL. The fact that a thing is not now a thing true is, to my poor wit, simply that. A fact that a thing is not now true. And words ye may set to the gods' mouths, but they be no words still a god spoke.

Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
For Istaria to grow as a game, eventually the level cap would need to be raised, even if only in incremental units (from 100 to 120, 120 to 140, etc.).
And where ends this mathermatik? For it does not. If the thing ye speak of were set to 120 seasons this very day, then in a seven day, or two seven days, or three... the land would again be setting chatter of the same.. that more is needed. And more and more andmoreandmore.... Elder... this hath no end!

Elder.. I set no ill to thy words, nor would it be of any import to any did I do so. But, if I may, I will take me some differed stance.

We are here, we old. We are because here is a place we find it fit and meet to be. It may be we are here, if only in part, because.. because some other is here. It may be we are here because of the light the sun casts on a certain rock we once saw... and in no other land have we ever seen that light or that rock. It may be we are here because there is some thing we have not yet done. But.. I have found no new season in no small time.. and others there are I know the same. and still.. they are here. Even, aye, as others are not.

For each and all, there be many reasons we are yet here. Even as there are... are reasons others will seek the Void of a time. To sleep.. perchance to dream.. and, as some have done... perchance to wake again when here is the place they must be once more.

Elder and wise.. there are many reasons. Many and many. And Istaria will live, Istaria will grow... if there are indeed those reasons, differed for each Woken.

And while if thy mathematik comes, I do not think it would be ill... I think me, not all is mathematik. Not all that holds the land bright in the hearts that burn with it is for some thing that, however crafted, will only burn for some brief time ere the fire must be made to burn again.

And these are but my poor words. These are but the echoes of the light as I see it cast from new dawns and old stars. These are... but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
A Fool that walks among the Wise