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Thread: Kerian's Quest: Learn to Technique a Spell

  1. #1

    Default Kerian's Quest: Learn to Technique a Spell

    Having serious problems off and on with these dragon quests and now I'm stuck again.

    Wiki says the Sand Pygmys are 45385,14888 and the quest description seems to agree however this area is actually completely vacant. Is it bugged or?... Can anyone offer me a screenshot of the area they are in? I just plain don't see them.

    Had the same problem with Avariatus' Quest: Slap around some beetles with Tail Whip - the quest said I "found" them then described the beetles as being at the crossroads there and the road east, however they(the lvl 4+ ones required) were in fact west WAY past the spiders, past the entrance to blight. They were around the rocky areas just outside the cave with mushrooms. I managed to find them by asking a higher level dragon and even then they found them on accident while flying.

    If it helps, I'm on Order. There's noone else around me or I'd ask them for help

  2. #2
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Kerian's Quest: Learn to Technique a Spell

    the sand pygs on new trismus, right?
    if not, the sand pygs i know of are near the lakes of crystal tears between sslanis and kion.....

    been a long long time since i been to the evil place for something for myself......i think the sand pygs on nt are down on the beach under the windmill next to the cedar.......
    but be clearful, i believe i remember an amethyst gol that patrols near there......
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Kerian's Quest: Learn to Technique a Spell

    Well I am on Chaos, so I can't confirm on Order. But I made a new dragon recently and I found them past the blight. So you run down out of town till you get to the crossroads where the lower level beetles and Grulets are and then go left. Go down the road till you see the blight. Head up that way, then go right. The blight will turn back to grass and go down a hill. There will be higher level beetles here.

    Keep going (or just drop over the cliff) and you will find them at the bottom.

    Alternatively you can port to Kion and head down the beach behind the landing pad. Once you pass the Large Sand Beetles and just before you get to the Giant sand beetles you will find Sand Pygmys there. Levels 2-10. They drop ears too

  4. #4

    Default Re: Kerian's Quest: Learn to Technique a Spell

    You also have to make sure your quest updates when you enter the area - otherwise you won't get credit for the ear you finally get after 2-3 hours camping them... and you get to do it again

    If I remember right, there's 2 ways onto the beach area - one is down a grassy slope that curves along a cliff wall - that way gives the update.

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