You know how it goes...

it seems that eveyone is able to make any gear or weapon, they have collected over the years of play, all techs and forms. They are a veritable cornucopia of skills.

A new or returning player asks in Market Place, if anyone can make them a new set of cargo gear or some weapon... then asks again, and again, and finally on of the master crafters agrees to help them, but will accept NO money in return.

I myself used to do that very thing. My thoughts were as follows. Sine I am high level, I sure don't need the coin, and they really don't have the coin, so I will be kind and just give it to them. I felt I was being generous by doing this.

But now, I have changed my mind.

You see, we old timers have had plenty of time to build up our money. We were privileged to participate in the economy. But today, those that are totally new or are returning after a long absence, are not so lucky.

There IS a market for them to be a part of, but not if we continue to give everything away. Some will say that it's too late to help this economy, and it's not worth the bother. But those people are established and have many skills.

When we flood the NT connie with items we DO help the new players avoid frustration, but at the same time we are removing their chance to make the items themselves and make much needed coin.

So here is an idea. Why not encourage all your newer players in your guild to be the ones stocking the NT connie. Lets teach them what to do and get them to participate in the economy. Let's stop taking away their chance to make a profit.

Opinions? comments?