I picked up a pretty good midi keyboard controller out of a used instrument shop the other day originally to fulfill an old desire and teach myself to play the keyboard but I realized when I saw it that there was a heck of a lot more that I could do with the thing with some synthesizer software. I remembered seeing in a making of documentary a sound designer loading pre-recorded sounds into synth software and being able do some great creature and sound effects using his keyboard to control the distortions of the sounds. If I could figure out how that was done and what he used, perhaps I would be able to use my keyboard to build up some new sound effects for Istaria. So far my research and trying out demos is coming up with a lot of synth programs but none of them seem to do what I'm wanting. So I was curious if any of you out there has a suggestion or two because until I learn a bit more I sure don't have a clue.
