As the title implies, I'm going to take a minute and convey some of my personal thoughts having to do with Customers.

Before I continue, a little background about me: I work in a small-time grocery store that is family-owned and not part of a larger chain.

With that being said... this is meant to be a rant to get some steam off my chest, but also, as a Guide so that you (the reader) can learn how to Not suck and annoy the workers.

If we are happy, we can serve you better. If we are annoyed, and feeling like we had a crappy day, then we have to _work_ to show a smile, and oftentimes, our work is Not done with the level of completeness and neatness.

#1: Coming to the Store on Days you _know_ it is Crowded, and then complain about it.

This has to be one of my worst pet peeves. There are certain days that you KNOW the store will be crowded, especially a small-time store like the one I work in. We KNOW it is crowded, and whatever staff on-duty at the time is TRYING to handle the extra business. The best things to do here are:

a): Don't come to the store on days like that.
b): If you must, and have no choice, then please be patient. You Knew it would be crowded before you came in, you made a choice to come in, don't stand there tapping your foot.

Extra-Busy Times are usually one of the following:

a). Predicted Snowstorm
b). First week of the month (Foodstamps)
c). "Kiddie hour" (when the local school lets out)
d). Last week of the month (Social Security checks)
e). Holidays (everyone should know this one, but eh.)

#2: Complaining to the peons (cashiers, stock, etc) about things that only a manager (or the owner!) can change. This does nothing but annoy and frustrate us. Yes, I KNOW the store is busy, and no I do NOT have the authority to call someone extra in. Yes, I KNOW you don't like the fact the restrooms are not public, and NO, I cannot make an exception for you. If you wish to voice your opinion about something of this nature, please call the store, or ask to see a manager, or write a letter.

#3: Illiteracy. Not the "I can't read" kind, the "I don't feel like reading" kind. When something is on sale, 99.999% of the time, there is a sign right next to, under, or above the item that is on sale. 99.999% of the time, this sign states the Brand, Type, and Size of the item on sale. The price is written larger than the rest of the text, I understand that. But please read the rest of the sign. It would save you, and the poor staff, a Lot of hassle. 80%+ of all disputes over sale items are caused by the customer failing to read the sign.

#4: Checks. Personal Checks are slowly becoming a Thing of the Past (Thank God). Most, if not all, banks will issue a Debit (or Check) Card. These cards cost you nothing if used at a Point-of-Sale (Read: the cash register). You can even get money back on a Debit transaction at many stores and provided you don't write your PIN number somewhere in your wallet/on the card/etc, and you at least attempt to cover the keypad while you enter your PIN, it is also safer than a check. It is also MUCH faster, and much more trustworthy.

Nothing annoys people more (see #1) than waiting in line while someone, usually elderly, takes 5+ minutes to fill out a check. Not every store has a check printer, either. If you can remember a simple 4-digit number, a debit card will work much better. Also, we cashiers do not like putting trust and faith in total and complete strangers; there's no way for us to _know_ the money is actually in the account, or that the account still exists when you hand us a check. And don't complain if you buy a $1 item and write the check for $50 over. Of _course_ we're going to think it suspicious and call your bank before taking the check. And yes, the people behind you WILL get annoyed, usually with the cashier.

#5: Random stupidity/harassment of the workers. While I am stocking shelves, I have heard a few phrases that just get so old, doubly so because of how stupid they are. I _know_ I dropped something, you don't have to tell me that. Yes, I'm working, you don't have to ask me "Working Hard, or Hardly Working?" ... what do you THINK I'm doing, while I'm holding a 30lb box in my hand, putting items on a shelf!? And No, I'm NOT saying a prayer for you people who like to say "Say one for me too while you're down there" to anyone kneeling to put items on a bottom shelf. And finally, asking me "Are they keeping you busy?" is just stupid. What, do you think they're going to pay me to stand around and do nothing? Ha, as if...

#6: "Excuse Me" means "GET OUT OF MY WAY". Don't just STAND there and STARE at me with this dumb "I'm stoned out of my gourd" expression on your face. Okay, maybe you Are stoned. But I'm going to go with the 90% chance that you're not stoned, the elevator just doesn't go clear to the top. So you're standing right next to the Employees Only door with a group of your friends, talking away. Employee is pushing a cart full of stuff up towards the doors. He says "Excuse me, please". This means GET OUT OF THE WAY, NOW. Not just stand there and stare at him for 5-10 seconds plus. We got a Job to do, you know...

#7: Leaving your money out in the car, or only bringing into the store what you *think* you will need. Seriously, what's up with this? Okay, so you go to the store and you have X amount of money on you. You plan on buying roughly Y amount of items, so you only take Y amount of money in the store with you. You get to the register and tell the cashier "Oh my... I didn't bring enough money with me! I have to go out to the car, be right back!" Yeah, nice. I'm sure everyone else in line (AND the cashier) likes the idea of just standing there. And that money was sitting out in your car? I hope it was locked. If not, anyone could have helped themselves to your money. I never understood the reason for this; you're not going to get robbed in the parking lot (unless it is a HUGE parking lot at night, maybe). Just bring all of your money and save both of us a royal pain in the butt hassle.

#8: Lazy Men. Okay, so your wife is getting on in her years, she might even use a cane. It is time to get off your lazy *beeep* and help her. Nothing annoys me more, than helping a poor older woman out to her car, and see her husband sitting in the driver's seat, just watching me put her groceries in the back. Said man is perfectly healthy enough (probably healthier than she is). Now, if the guy's health is worse, I understand. But I've seen this happening where I *know* the guy is perfectly capable of it. So, not only does this guy not care that his wife is doing all the work and experiencing all of the pain, but he is also wasting MY time, because if he actually helped his wife, then I could go and help a customer who really needs help. Trust me, dude... going into the store grocery shopping is NOT going to give you cooties. There's nothing wrong with helping your wife shop.

This is but a small and partial list of the things people do, that Really annoy us. Please consider some of these things for the next time you go to the store, and you'll make us both a lot happier.