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Thread: power-leveling- what is it?

  1. #21

    Default Re: power-leveling- what is it?

    I've always loved power leveling in Istaria, but not in the tradiational sense. Being in a low level class with a high level rating and then just having someone high level hunt with me was always fun. The xp that came in was like a drug and i always wanted more whicih is why i love multiclassing. I do think it legal if the game is meant to permit it.(not exploits)
    ^.^ *Speed Demon of order..*

  2. #22
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    Default Re: power-leveling- what is it?

    To me Power Leveling is not illegal but can be troublesome.
    For example, I don't like to see Power Leveling down for a low player when that said player has no clue how to play the game. Then it could be said that the higher player is not helping the lower player at all, since the lower player can't survive without said higher player around.

    I don't have a problem with Power Leveling when the said lower level player shows they can indeed do things without the higher level player around and use the high level player to just get to a spot in a level quickly because they are either a) stuck in a rough leveling spot or b) like to quickly get to level faster then normal in order to get a quest done.

    I was Power Leveled for a bit of the game only because some of the players wanted to help move me along to get my adult quest done for my dragon character. Thus they power leveled me and kinda steam rolled me through some parts.
    Oh I understood the game play, since I had to prove I could get to the area without being caught at lvl 30(I think it was lvl 30), so I didn't seem a problem for what they did.

    So to me, its a mix basket.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: power-leveling- what is it?

    Edit: I will admit, though, that a very grindy game like Istaria makes PLing a lot more Tempting.
    A game is what you make of it. When I played, I was in a lovely guild and I'd group with them and spend evenings that I still recall with affection.
    We had the great opportunity of playing when the top level guy was like level 30, there was an happy caravan of people of all guilds outside Lagzoon killing golems and skeletons, imho no powerlevel can beat that and it's a sad event that later on the amount of new players dropped so much that those mega-groups could not happen any more (therefore, the now lonely newbies would have only interminable grinding as their only companion).

    Even the grinding, it's grinding only when it's seen as the barrier to get into the good stuff.

    When Istaria was young and for me it was spelled ICE, I was a spell crafter, grinding some dozens or hundreds of mobs to gather the materials I used later in the day was just a prelude for the fun I had at playing little trading man later.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  4. #24

    Default Re: power-leveling- what is it?

    Power levelling is discouraged by the current management, and that is the only opinion that matters, since they set the grouping and XP mechanics of the game.

  5. #25

    Default Re: power-leveling- what is it?

    My personal opinion after playing WoW is that there can be many definitions of power lvling, the one I usually use is the fact that anyone can powerlevel no matter the level. My definition is that a person uses good knowledge of game mechnics and locations to gain levels extremely fast. Term i use for lowbies being upped by high lvls is boosting, which is what we use in WoW as well for high lvls taking low lvls thro instances and such, and i do that a lot for my friends.

    Many ways to call it and do it but as i always have said each to thier own

  6. #26

    Default Re: power-leveling- what is it?

    Personally, I don't mind. As long as it doesn't interrupt other players and their enjoyment of the game, it's up to player to decide how to play their game.
    Of course, I do agree that the quests given to players are there on purpose, to help you learn more of the game mechanics and get more out of the experience. Small doses of PV'ing is fine, but when you do nothing but that to achieve your lvl 100.. well, I think you just missed something.

    When I started on Unity with my first dragon, I was dragged on BitterPickle and few other places for power-leveling. Me and a few other hatchies were sitting on a safe spot, unreachable by mobs, while a lvl-100 adult dragon killed stuff for us. I didn't ever come to think that it was illegal or anything - I thought it was just nice of people to help us newbies to get some good starting point. I reached lvl 20 quite quickly that night, and I have to say that killing normal quest mobs after that was much more entertaining, when I actually had a chance to survive through them.. with my yet-noobish abilities.

    And nowadays, I still help my alt characters occasionally by collecting trophies for them with my main dragon. Again, by small doses, I do hunt with them all by myself too.

    But I have to say that sadly even in Istaria, a small group of 'noobs' will remain because of this. I'm glad that PVP isn't encouraged in this game, but still I have got comments like: "hah, my dragon is lvl 100, I could beat you easily!" out of nowhere, mostly when I've been playing with my lvl 50 alt dragon. even without PVP, there seem to be players who get some sort of bragging fever for reaching the max lvl with their characters..which is kind of silly, since level 100 isn't exactly rare in the world of Istaria anymore. Yeah you may have been quick with your levels, but just let other players to do things on their own pace, please.

    Racia Trejan & Trica - Helians of Chaos
    Salama Lizran - Lunus of Unity --> Chaos (alive but retired)

  7. #27
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: power-leveling- what is it?

    yeah i hate braggarts.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  8. #28

    Default Re: power-leveling- what is it?

    Ahh, I remember many an evening spent with friends new to Everquest in Unrest... I, with my level 50-ish druid, spending the evening casting the EQ version of Cloak of Thorns on everyone and healing a bit as they ran around killing anything that touched them.

    Sure, they were being power leveled, but they also learned quite a bit about the game's mechanics such as how aggro worked, and got a lot of skill points as well.

    Was some fun times. And those people I power leveled were still there when we started plane raiding - and two still play. So it certainly didn't ruin them or their game experience I don't think.

    You know, as I think back I actually miss the shouts of "train!" and everyone scrambling to the walls to watch the 2-3 minute procession of undead chase some hapless soul to the zone then march back to the house...
    Last edited by Raeshlavik; February 23rd, 2010 at 01:01 PM. Reason: speeling

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