So while working on some crafting I have been looking over what adventure schools might be fun/fight my play stlye.

I was initially thinking of paladin but after reading some articles I am questioning that choice as it appears that they do not get a lot of heals and do not deal a whole lot of dmg either.

So what I am looking for is what type of class would best fit one of the two playstyles below. With either style I am loking at something that would hopefully not have a lot of down time between fights and is solo friendly. Meaning if the class can kill but takes ages n ages to kill then its probably not the best for me at least solo wise

Playstyle one: A ranged DPS based, willing to give up survivablity for the ablity to either burst a target down or to effectively kite them/keep them at bay while I remove their health. Yet if something does get into melee range of me its not game over for me.

Playstyle two: Heavy armor character that can stand on their own, do respectable DPS and is solo friendly.

I am not looking to do to much multiclassing at this point. Perhaps having one main school high enough that I can work on my primary goal(crafting) for now. Perhaps later once I get a hold on crafting and what not then I can come back and play with adventure schools more and develope a more hybrid build.

Oh and on the last note, in prior games I have always been the group healer. Have not been really allowed out of that mold as no one else would play the healer and we always needed them for grouping. I have played ranger types as well and enjoyed them. Mages can be trickie for me, they are either very fun or very fustrating for obvious reasons lol.

I do like the idea of my dwarf in chain/platemail as it seems more role appropriate to me. However I am willing to by pass that for leather/cloth as well as I have played games where a dwarf fits that role as well(healing types etc but not so much rangers lol. Perhaps I can be that odd dwarf the likes to plink things with his bow.)

Thanks for any advice in advanced.