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Thread: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

  1. #61

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    i got skewl today and it usually isn't over until 4pm, but i am already at th arena, so don't be too surprized if derexx pops up a little after start time!!

    ooo i am so excited and looking forward to the event!
    At the arena?

  2. #62

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    I do believe we're meeting at the community lair beneath dralk again, don't we?

  3. #63
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    pisswah i thought it was at the arena for some reason.....some kind person may perhaps be my guide when i get back to dralk
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #64

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    It will be a peaceful meeting, not a battle arena : )

  5. #65

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    Hello, there is the second meeting report :

    [03/29/10 21:43:41] Temeraire nods to greet everyone
    [03/29/10 21:44:02] atillad gives a head bow in greetings to those hoom have just arived
    [03/29/10 21:44:48] Elenath_chaos rumbles a greeting then settles down with a groan.
    [03/29/10 21:46:47] Siivyra nods to Elenath, though she isn't sure she recognizes the dragon.
    [03/29/10 21:50:09] atillad looks up to runos and says "greetings
    [03/29/10 21:50:19] Temeraire looks nervous
    [03/29/10 21:52:20] The black ancient nods to Ledha
    [03/29/10 21:57:22] You say, 'Hello'
    [03/29/10 21:57:53] Frith-Rae says, 'Glit'sita Aucapoma'
    [03/29/10 21:58:13] Aucapoma says, 'Hello!'
    [03/29/10 21:59:09] Elenath_chaos preens her wing absently
    [03/29/10 22:00:23] atillad lays his head down closing his eyes and relaxing after giving a yawn
    [03/29/10 22:08:24] Aucapoma says, 'Cooler lava than around teh shrine...'
    [03/29/10 22:08:24] Rorix_unity twitches as he's practically run over by Aucapoma.
    [03/29/10 22:08:53] Frith-Rae says, 'Yes but warm enough, that's what matters *smirks*'
    [03/29/10 22:09:21] Aucapoma says, 'I tried to leap clear of you, Rorix!'
    [03/29/10 22:10:04] Much like last time, Ikaron settles himself down between Hraefn and Siivyra
    [03/29/10 22:10:21] Temeraire bows in respect
    [03/29/10 22:10:50] Dracaena glances around at the assembly and nods a greeting while staring intently at the accused.
    [03/29/10 22:10:57] Rorix_unity lets his gaze wander over the assembled dragons, nodding to each.
    [03/29/10 22:11:09] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Greetings...'
    [03/29/10 22:11:31] Siivyra obviously rested herself down near Hraefn before Ikaron had settled himself. She peers around, wondering why it seems the dragons get progressively more squished nearer to her. She shuffles over a little.
    [03/29/10 22:11:32] You say, 'Greetings, Rorix.'
    [03/29/10 22:12:12] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Hmmm, I assume we could move to the ground level if things up here get too... cramped.'
    [03/29/10 22:12:48] Elenath_chaos settles herself in the lava flow and sighs.
    [03/29/10 22:13:07] Frith-Rae nods to Elenath, "Yes, lovely isn't it..."
    [03/29/10 22:13:42] Elenath_chaos nods, cackling softly. "It does old bones good."
    [03/29/10 22:14:04] Frith-Rae says, 'Aye, i'm hurriedly getting one on my lair as we speak *chuckles* The waterfalls just get too cold.'
    [03/29/10 22:14:17] Starstilanxs nods to the dragons in the room, before looking over to Rorix. He seemed a bit nervous about how this was going to go.
    [03/29/10 22:14:47] Temeraire glances at each dragon there, then back at Rorix
    [03/29/10 22:15:04] Elenath_chaos says, 'Ahhh place those waterfalls over a magma flow and they'll get ssssteamy. *She cackles again.*'
    [03/29/10 22:15:06] Runos digs her front claws into the rock in front of her to steady herself. Perhaps sitting right in front of a lavafall was not such a good idea, but oh well.
    [03/29/10 22:15:10] You say, 'Is everyone there?'
    [03/29/10 22:15:13] Frith-Rae says, 'Oooh what a lovely idea! *nods to Elenath*'
    [03/29/10 22:15:32] Hraefn seems mostly asleep. Perhaps she only came for the finality of it. Every now and then, a wing thumb scratches at the rigid mane along her spine, but that's all the movement she really shows.
    [03/29/10 22:15:44] Rorix_unity looks at LungTien, waiting for him to begin. This whole thing was his idea to start with...
    [03/29/10 22:15:53] Frith-Rae says, 'Actually a few of the hatchlings are still on their way *smiles at Lungtien*'
    [03/29/10 22:16:26] Elenath_chaos blinks milky golden eyes and cracks a smile with a toothy grin.
    [03/29/10 22:17:00] You say, 'May we wait them?'
    [03/29/10 22:17:16] Frith-Rae nods in agreement.
    [03/29/10 22:17:25] Rorix_unity nods. "Of course..."
    [03/29/10 22:17:25] atillad looks up to rorix then to the others giving a bit of a head bow in greetings befor laying his head down listening closing his eyes
    [03/29/10 22:17:30] Siivyra had taken to studying Rorix, not really having met him before.
    [03/29/10 22:18:31] Looking over the group of assembled dragons again, Rorix hopes this meeting would not end like the first 'conversation' he had with LungTien... He'd be in serious trouble.
    [03/29/10 22:18:50] For the moment, Ikaron's attention too is mostly centered on Rorix, his expression is relatively soft compared to that others are likely looking on him with.
    [03/29/10 22:19:08] Frith-Rae lookts to Rorix, her tail swishing in unhappiness.
    [03/29/10 22:21:43] Temeraire hopes really Rorix will acept an alternative*
    [03/29/10 22:22:24] accept*
    [03/29/10 22:22:42] You say, 'I'm sure you'd have come if you could, Rorix.'
    [03/29/10 22:23:23] Frith-Rae stays silent, not planning on speaking until hearing the outcome.
    [03/29/10 22:23:35] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> No, I stayed away for a simple reason. After how my debate with LungTien ended I was not quite sure wether I would leave this chamber after entering it.'
    [03/29/10 22:23:58] You say, 'I have been wrong... indeed.'
    [03/29/10 22:24:28] You say, 'This is a peaceful meeting, now.'
    [03/29/10 22:24:41] Siivyra nods slowly. 'I certainly can't blame you for thinking that, Rorix.' Her manner suggests that she, like Ikaron, is one of the more lenient or understanding ones present.
    [03/29/10 22:26:56] Rorix_unity turns his head to Siivyra, tilting his head to one side slightly. "Oh, it is less because of the topic discussed. During my conversation with LungTien, I agreed to speak before this council. Just to be attacked by him as soon as I did so."
    [03/29/10 22:28:03] Ikaron's head tilts quite a bit in listening to Rorix ".. What?"
    [03/29/10 22:28:14] You say, 'Some of your words... made me lose of my temper... I apology for it, anyway.'
    [03/29/10 22:28:30] You say, 'lose my*'
    [03/29/10 22:28:51] Siivyra's gaze turns to LungTien, one eyeridge raising. She snorts quietly at him. Lung made himself out to be so "understanding" the other day..
    [03/29/10 22:29:35] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Very well, apology accepted...'
    [03/29/10 22:29:40] With only a brief glance in LungTien's direction, Ikaron gives a short nod to Rorix "Well, that won't be happening here if I have anything to say about it."
    [03/29/10 22:29:42] Frith-Rae remains silent, only interested in hearing one thing.
    [03/29/10 22:30:41] Temeraire nods slowly
    [03/29/10 22:32:27] You say, 'Well... Rorix... we are here today, to offer you alternatives that to eat gifted hatchlings.'
    [03/29/10 22:33:35] LungTien nods to the others
    [03/29/10 22:33:39] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Hmm, I was under the impression there was an ultimatum issued?'
    [03/29/10 22:35:02] You say, 'No, no... alternatives. You could, for xample, feed from Gifted animals.'
    [03/29/10 22:35:08] You say, 'example*'
    [03/29/10 22:36:24] Frith-Rae speaks softly, tail swishing, "We offer alternatives in the hopes that an ultimatum is not necessary."
    [03/29/10 22:36:34] Ikaron says, 'Or, well, simulated gifted.. Not entirely sure how well we could manufacture a gift.'
    [03/29/10 22:37:15] Temeraire nods "We won't need an ultimatum...
    [03/29/10 22:37:39] Rorix_unity nods. "I believe that is what Stars mentioned, as well as something about artificial food... Or be banished."
    [03/29/10 22:37:55] Hraefn rumbles softly, shredded eyelids slowly opening to reveal vacant socekts where eyes should be. She's still not particularly interested, but her swiveling ears are a tell tale sign that she's at least listening,
    [03/29/10 22:37:58] Frith-Rae raises an eyeridge at Temeraire, feeling that will be up to Rorix.
    [03/29/10 22:38:10] Magnumer tilts his head raising an eyeridge, "Wouldn't this alternative be an ultimatum regardless? I imagine if he doesn't do as requested... There may still be serious reprocutions?"
    [03/29/10 22:38:30] Hraefn says, 'Yesss...'
    [03/29/10 22:38:44] Frith-Rae says, 'Transmuted food yes. Since we were attempting to respect your beliefs, while perserving the wellbeing of our young.'
    [03/29/10 22:38:56] Magnumer repercussions^
    [03/29/10 22:39:06] Frith-Rae says, 'Of course there will be. There are always consequences to actions. *nods to Magnumer*'
    [03/29/10 22:39:17] You say, 'These alternatives aren't punishment... you won't be banished, Rorix, I know that.'
    [03/29/10 22:39:47] Frith-Rae says, 'You do? Funny, that's not what we decided last week if he didn't want any of the alternatives...'
    [03/29/10 22:40:23] Ikaron chuckles "Quite frankly, I don't think we would have the authority to actually banish someone in the first place."
    [03/29/10 22:40:28] You say, 'I'd not prefer to banish one of our kind, Frith-Rae...'
    [03/29/10 22:40:31] Hraefn says, 'Temeraire, you will let Rorix decide that.'
    [03/29/10 22:40:41] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> These alternatives essentially mean that you are shaping my way of life according to your wishes.'
    [03/29/10 22:40:46] Frith-Rae says, 'Its his choice, Temeraire. I never said I preferred it.'
    [03/29/10 22:40:56] Magnumer says, 'Thats not true...'
    [03/29/10 22:41:07] Frith-Rae says, 'You think you're better by shaping our hatchlings by your wishes? *snorts*'
    [03/29/10 22:41:08] Magnumer peering over to Ikaron, "It has been done in the past..."
    [03/29/10 22:41:17] Ikaron glances over at Rorix "In response to that, however, you're shaping a hatchlings way of life to suit your own wishes."
    [03/29/10 22:41:20] LungTien sighs
    [03/29/10 22:41:23] You say, 'Yes, sure... it is your choice, Rorix.'
    [03/29/10 22:41:57] Rorix_unity turns to look at the hatchling adressing him. "I am? In what way am I affecting their lives?"
    [03/29/10 22:42:08] Dracaena better then a myloc eating his own kind.........
    [03/29/10 22:42:22] Hraefn says, 'By obscuring their views of their own kind.'
    [03/29/10 22:42:33] Frith-Rae says, 'The hatchlings you've eaten are remembering...dragon. And they are becoming afraid of us all.'
    [03/29/10 22:42:54] "Perhaps more -ostracizing- than banishment, after all we can't really prevent Rorix from using the portals like a true banishment would entail" Ikaron says as he looks towards Magnumer
    [03/29/10 22:43:11] You say, 'The problemis that your way of feed yourself, is known, now... the hatchlings, knowing one ancient could try to eat them, will be harmed, if not phisically, it will be mentally.'
    [03/29/10 22:43:23] Frith-Rae chuckles softly at Ikaron's words, "True, perhaps Ostracising is the better word."
    [03/29/10 22:43:41] You say, 'problem is*'
    [03/29/10 22:43:47] Rorix_unity raises an eyeridge. "I was not aware that anyone had memories of what happens to them during their sleep."
    [03/29/10 22:44:04] Frith-Rae says, 'Essera does, she reported it.
    [03/29/10 22:44:18] You say, 'Essera knows. Shaol knows. I know, as a lot of dragons...'
    [03/29/10 22:44:30] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Ah... Essera... *he closes his eyes and sighs softly*'
    [03/29/10 22:44:50] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> That incident was... unfortunate. Caused by her as much as me.'
    [03/29/10 22:44:55] Starstilanxs lowers his head, deciding not to comment on that particular incident.
    [03/29/10 22:44:55] Ikaron turns to look back at Rorix "I'm no master of the mind, I'm only a master of the spirit.. Or atleast I was.. But it could be coming to them in their dreams.. Perhaps they get nightmeres"
    [03/29/10 22:45:00] You say, 'Your acts were hidden, until Essera came to me...'
    [03/29/10 22:45:21] Siivyra says, 'Well, apparently it occurred, otherwise none of us would know about this.. Besides, there is still some damage done to a Gifted through death.. Indeed, the Gift weakened some time ago, and we felt death's effects longer. Who's to say that the Gift is truly immortality?'
    [03/29/10 22:45:48] Frith-Rae nods to Siivyra in agreement.
    [03/29/10 22:45:59] Hraefn says, 'It is not. Gifted have died never to rise again.'
    [03/29/10 22:46:42] Magnumer says, 'Mmph... The gift won't always be there to protect us, best to remember that now than later... My parents, were gifted... The fate I think they befell... May be worse than dieing.'
    [03/29/10 22:46:43] You say, 'Your secret is no more, Rorix...'
    [03/29/10 22:46:46] Rorix_unity frowns. "I was not aware of that. Surely there were exceptional circumstances involved..."
    [03/29/10 22:47:15] Hraefn says, 'Not in all of them, unfortunately.'
    [03/29/10 22:47:25] Ikaron says, 'As Hraefn said, too, the gift isn't infoulable'
    [03/29/10 22:47:56] Siivyra says, 'I personally did not come here to "shape" your life, Rorix. I offered alternatives in the hopes that nothing unfortunate and, on your part, unforeseen happened to the hatchlings.'
    [03/29/10 22:48:31] Frith-Rae says, 'Rorix, we will not allow our young to be eaten - your choices are to eat mostly-gifted other creatures; which we can devise for you. Or Trasmuted meat. This is done out of attempting to respect your wishes to not eat things that die every time. Surely a compromise can be reached.'
    [03/29/10 22:48:59] You say, 'You don't need to eat hatchlings to survive, dragon.'
    [03/29/10 22:49:51] Elenath_chaos has lost connection.
    [03/29/10 22:49:53] Ikaron nods in response to Frith, still addressing Rorix "For example, if one could catch the spirit of an animal before it is lost, then in theory the animal could be reformed similar to that of a hatchling.."
    [03/29/10 22:49:58] Rorix_unity rubs his head with a paw. It is difficult to react to one reproval if five others were swamping him as he thought of a reply.
    [03/29/10 22:51:06] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Yes, yes. Explanations and arguments aside, since those do not seem to matter, what choice is there for me? Of course I will accept this councils proposal.'
    [03/29/10 22:51:33] Frith-Rae says, 'There is always a choice, even if none of us like some of the options *sighs*'
    [03/29/10 22:51:33] LungTien breathes, looking cooler
    [03/29/10 22:52:01] Siivyra looks to Lung, thinking it more appropriate that he answer Rorix.
    [03/29/10 22:52:46] Rorix_unity chuckles. "Banishment? And abandon my family? No, certainly not."
    [03/29/10 22:53:13] Hraefn rumbles softly, approvingly. "I'm glad to know you're a sensible drake, Rorix."
    [03/29/10 22:53:14] Frith-Rae says, 'Well you may not beleive us when we say, we are glad to hear you choose that. *nods at him more respectfully*'
    [03/29/10 22:53:30] You say, 'We have found some alternatives. What about Gifted cows, or fish? Then, it would be the same, in a decent way.'
    [03/29/10 22:53:44] Temeraire nods
    [03/29/10 22:53:58] Starstilanxs looks over at Lung, wondering what god with give the gift to a fish or a cow...
    [03/29/10 22:54:11] Frith-Rae nods, "Yes, the choice between mostly-almost-gifted animals or Transmuted meat, is yours to prefer. Either you can keep with you as you like and partake of them whenever you want."
    [03/29/10 22:54:16] Magnumer sighs nodding to Rorix, "You have a choice... But... What becomes of that choice if it is disagreed with is another story. I will help youf if I can, if you are willing, you are family to me now."
    [03/29/10 22:55:17] You say, 'Yes... magic can do a lot of things... if we have made some of us Gifted, whu couldn't we do the same with animals?'
    [03/29/10 22:55:25] You say, 'why*'
    [03/29/10 22:55:40] Hraefn says, 'Transmuted meat really is the easier way and has no risk of murder.'
    [03/29/10 22:55:53] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Well... *he eventually says, facing LungTien again* while I am not entirely happy with it, the err, gifted fish sounds most acceptable... If there is a way to even create such thing...'
    [03/29/10 22:55:58] Siivyra shakes her head. 'We can't do a true Gift, Lung.'
    [03/29/10 22:56:00] Frith-Rae says, 'I belive Runos offered to use his abilities to allow a cow or fish or deer or, whatever Rorix chose, to cause them to be reborn similiar to the Gift.'
    [03/29/10 22:56:27] Frith-Rae nods to Rorix, "He said to leave the creature in his lair, and he would work what needed to be done."
    [03/29/10 22:58:02] Rorix_unity nods. "I would have to find an apropriate one... I can provide a dimensional pouch to hold it."
    [03/29/10 22:59:02] Siivyra says, 'Might I ask, Rorix.. what details are you unhappy with?'
    [03/29/10 23:00:28] LungTien stays silent
    [03/29/10 23:00:43] Hraefn rumbles, thankful someone at least acknowledged her comment.
    [03/29/10 23:00:57] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Ah, I would rather not explain that. *he replies to Sii*'
    [03/29/10 23:01:12] Frith-Rae says, 'Well, we'd have to make a new one? *looks at Ikaron* Isn't Runix the better one to decide which way he likes better?'
    [03/29/10 23:01:18] Frith-Rae says, '((rorix...))'
    [03/29/10 23:01:39] Ikaron says, 'Well, it would be all fine and dandy until he learns that he just ate a creature that won't come back because the rune finally broke.'
    [03/29/10 23:01:42] Hraefn says, 'If the rune broke while the creature is devoured, Rorix will have taken a life.'
    [03/29/10 23:02:18] Siivyra frowns slightly at Rorix's reply to her, but merely nods.
    [03/29/10 23:02:26] Hraefn says, 'Unless Runos can rework the... final bits of the beast after it left Rorix' body...'
    [03/29/10 23:02:45] Hraefn smirks. "Though I might like to see that."
    [03/29/10 23:02:46] You say, 'Yes... for transmuted meat or semi-gifted fish, I'd like to help as much as I can...'
    [03/29/10 23:03:06] Frith-Rae says, 'Well Rorix - if there's the chance the runes won't work would you prefer the transmuted meat?'
    [03/29/10 23:04:07] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Should that... rune fail, it will be unfortunate, but it would not throw me into depression. I tend to carry a fish in the pouch I mentioned... for emergencies.'
    [03/29/10 23:04:42] Frith-Rae says, 'Oh, g'rei then. *nods glad to hear this*'
    [03/29/10 23:04:44] You say, 'Well... we could try to work on that...'
    [03/29/10 23:04:47] Hraefn shrugs dismissively.
    [03/29/10 23:04:47] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> As for transmuted meat... I don't know. The idea does not appeal to me...'
    [03/29/10 23:05:17] Frith-Rae says, 'Well if the loss of the fish does not bother you, then it is of no concern.'
    [03/29/10 23:06:21] Aucapoma says, 'And if a fish suffices in emergencies, why not at any time. Or all time?'
    [03/29/10 23:06:24] Frith-Rae sighs, letting the tension out of herself, visibly relaxing now that the problem has been settled to her satisfaction.
    [03/29/10 23:06:48] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Do you think this... Runos might forge a rune for two creatures? Living on one fish for my entire life seem... dull.'
    [03/29/10 23:07:05] Ikaron says, 'I'm sure.'
    [03/29/10 23:07:08] Frith-Rae says, 'Oh, I imagine he could fashion it for however many creatures you wished to keep with you.'
    [03/29/10 23:07:11] Hraefn says, 'I'm sure she could manufacture a variety.'
    [03/29/10 23:07:25] Frith-Rae says, 'It might take a longer time, I don't know how taxing such a spell would be.
    [03/29/10 23:07:28] Rorix_unity nods. "Very well..."
    [03/29/10 23:07:29] Ikaron says, 'It would just be wise to have Runos do occasional maintainance if you don't want to have to go out and grab another ceature.'
    [03/29/10 23:08:26] You say, 'Indeed... I think I know some spells to keep them fresh...'
    [03/29/10 23:08:45] Siivyra says, 'The runes, Lung? I doubt it.'
    [03/29/10 23:08:54] Hraefn returns to looking very bored indeed. Her eyelids close again and she lays her head atop her paws with a snort.
    [03/29/10 23:09:12] You say, 'If the runes don't react badly to these spells...'
    [03/29/10 23:09:33] Hraefn says, 'Perhaps you should just let Runos take care of it, Lung..'
    [03/29/10 23:09:50] Siivyra says, 'Runos' runes are specific to herself. They are not things you would have encountered, I don't think, and she teaches next to none of their workings.'
    [03/29/10 23:09:55] You say, 'Well... but I' be willing to help, if needed.'
    [03/29/10 23:09:57] Hraefn says, 'Drulkar knows we have enough troubles running amuck.'
    [03/29/10 23:10:11] You say, 'I'd*'
    [03/29/10 23:10:49] You say, 'Even if it would be to catch fish and bring it to her.'
    [03/29/10 23:11:03] Rorix_unity turns his gaze on Aucapoma. "To answer your question, little one, if facing a situation where I need to feed without anything but a fish available, of course I will sacrifice it to keep me from starving. As anyone would."
    [03/29/10 23:11:27] Ikaron starts resting [<!--LI 11136442 13239075>a number of dead spiders<!--/LI>] on Hraefn's forearm, seeing that she's not paying much attention currently.
    [03/29/10 23:11:41] Dracaena wonders why make the leap to eatting hatchlings if fish were acceptable all along....clearly not sane.
    [03/29/10 23:12:17] Hraefn mutters, somehow knowing what Ikaron's up to. "Careful runt. The rodents might migrate to you knowing you've snacks."
    [03/29/10 23:12:45] Ikaron grins "They'd have nowhere to hide on me."
    [03/29/10 23:13:22] LungTien hands [Maggot Chews] to Hraefn "Do you want some?"
    [03/29/10 23:13:43] "Oh," Hraefn whispers, "So you're trying to bolster the flock of them I already have, are you?"
    [03/29/10 23:13:54] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> So... *he sighs again, rubbing his head with a paw* Could anyone mark Runos' lair for me?'
    [03/29/10 23:13:57] Hraefn says, 'Thank you Lung, I brought my own snacks.'
    [03/29/10 23:14:39] Siivyra says, 'I believe Runos owns one of the lairs in Dralk proper.. though I cannot recall exactly which.'
    [03/29/10 23:14:57] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Ah, that will suffice. I will find it if it is here.'
    [03/29/10 23:15:09] You say, 'Hmm... I don't know its location.'
    [03/29/10 23:16:30] You say, 'But Runos is really master of runes... she helped my mate and me, when had troubles...'
    [03/29/10 23:16:48] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Hmmhmm... I will see.'
    [03/29/10 23:17:02] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> In any case, might I perhaps add another thought?'
    [03/29/10 23:17:10] You say, 'Sure.'
    [03/29/10 23:17:15] Siivyra nods.
    [03/29/10 23:17:18] Temeraire nods
    [03/29/10 23:17:43] Aucapoma tilts his head.
    [03/29/10 23:18:54] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> As some of you may know, there are weekly sparrings held at the isle of battle. I have joined those for a few times now and I must say I was surprised to see most of these 'friendly' duels end in one opponents' death.'
    [03/29/10 23:19:22] You say, 'There is a difference.'
    [03/29/10 23:19:36] Siivyra says, 'Only slightly, Lung..'
    [03/29/10 23:19:42] Starstilanxs says, '<!--color r=.6 g=.4 b=.0> Besides the concent, its about the same thing.'
    [03/29/10 23:20:00] You say, 'The ones who come there do it, knowing what can happen, and agreeing to do this.'
    [03/29/10 23:20:03] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Indeed it is. The difference is these deaths serve noone. Except, perhaps, for entertainment.'
    [03/29/10 23:20:04] Hraefn grunts. "I've never especially agreed with them from the getgo. I've never attended."
    [03/29/10 23:20:07] Aucapoma says, 'And on account of pride, most likely. Noone considers surrender until, perhaps too late.'
    [03/29/10 23:20:55] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Oh, on the contrary. I usually offered my duelling partners to yield, which most did. But that was, again to my surprise, the only exception.'
    [03/29/10 23:21:26] You say, 'That isn't like to eat an unaware and non-consenting one.'
    [03/29/10 23:21:46] Ikaron chuckles and raises an eyeridge slightly "Well, the difference with the fights are that they're consentual on both sides.. Now if you were to find a hatchling that knew you were going to eat them, and were ok with that.." his chuckle turns into a laugh "Then I guess it would be exactly the same, minus the context"
    [03/29/10 23:21:46] Frith-Rae says, 'Or a hatchling...'
    [03/29/10 23:22:07] Hraefn says, 'As Ikaron said..'
    [03/29/10 23:22:13] Siivyra nods towards Ikaron.
    [03/29/10 23:22:42] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Exactly.'
    [03/29/10 23:22:42] Magnumer snorts, "Just keep in mind... The gift may not always be there to protect you or others around you..."
    [03/29/10 23:22:45] Hraefn says, 'Unless a resurrection spell is introduced into the equation.'
    [03/29/10 23:22:47] You say, 'We are Gifted, as well, and our spells can resurrect, so not a single life is lost.'
    [03/29/10 23:22:53] Frith-Rae says, 'Aye, both are still damaged from dying *nods*'
    [03/29/10 23:23:35] Dracaena says, 'Needless battles for self glory, there are always the brash who glory in such things. Hardly the same situation as the one this council was called over.'
    [03/29/10 23:24:07] Frith-Rae nods to Dracaena, "Definitely."
    [03/29/10 23:24:10] Hraefn says, 'Rorix, if you find a willing hatchling - a willing hatchling with a willing family, if it has one - I could not argue against your mannerisms.'
    [03/29/10 23:24:26] Ikaron says, 'But it is the same situation- What Hraefn said.'
    [03/29/10 23:24:32] Rorix_unity nods to Hraefn.
    [03/29/10 23:24:50] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> The problem with that however is, I believed Essera was such a hatchling.'
    [03/29/10 23:24:53] LungTien nods to Hraefn as well
    [03/29/10 23:25:10] Hraefn says, 'Ahhh. and such is where all this stemmed.'
    [03/29/10 23:25:18] Hraefn lifts her head, interested now.
    [03/29/10 23:25:19] LungTien blinks
    [03/29/10 23:25:31] Frith-Rae says, 'Essera apparently either did not understand what you were asking, or it that was not her reported reaction afterwards'
    [03/29/10 23:25:40] You say, 'Essera was? so, why has she come to me?'
    [03/29/10 23:25:52] Frith-Rae says, 'Hence it may be better to ask a hatchling's parents, if it has them - they may not understand what it is that you're saying.'
    [03/29/10 23:26:11] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> You see, she knew about me. She watched me devour Eidolen after he had attacked me. She asked me at length about it and I did explain my habits to her.'
    [03/29/10 23:26:26] Hraefn chuckles darkly, having expected something like this to lie behind the scenes.
    [03/29/10 23:26:44] You say, 'This doen't mean she accepted.'
    [03/29/10 23:27:36] You say, 'doesn't*'
    [03/29/10 23:27:45] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Not by itself, no. But she came to me a few days after, completely unconcerned.'
    [03/29/10 23:28:34] Starstilanxs says, '<!--color r=.6 g=.4 b=.0> I have to admit.. that can be possibly classified as concent.. or.. lack of intellegance. One of the two.'
    [03/29/10 23:29:00] Hraefn says, 'Yes...'
    [03/29/10 23:29:10] Siivyra holds her tongue on her opinion of Essera's level of intellect.
    [03/29/10 23:29:21] derexx says, 'innocence often equals misunderstanding'
    [03/29/10 23:29:25] Frith-Rae says, 'And either way, this meeting would have been called one way or another at some point - Eilerten were going to get upset.'
    [03/29/10 23:29:28] Ikaron grins and looks at Starstilanxs "Seems to be a little more common these days.."
    [03/29/10 23:29:41] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> I understand I should perhaps have asked her again beforehand. Hence I said it was carelessness on both sides.'
    [03/29/10 23:29:58] You say, 'Has she told you, clearly, she wasn't bothering if you eat her?'
    [03/29/10 23:30:10] Hraefn smirks at Ikaron's comment, but it fades and she nods in agreement with Rorix.
    [03/29/10 23:30:37] You say, 'Perhaps she wasn't wise...'
    [03/29/10 23:30:46] Frith-Rae says, 'Better to avoid a possible battle by working this out, as we have now. *smiles*'
    [03/29/10 23:31:01] Hraefn says, 'Indeed.'
    [03/29/10 23:31:38] Magnumer says, 'Erm... Essera I think is still just very young in mind. She once tried to fit her head in my mouth, but when I pulled back and opened my own to protest well... she kind of tried to cram her head down my throat. Nearly choked me to death, though she hasn't done that since... I think she understood it wasn't a good idea.'
    [03/29/10 23:31:42] Siivyra glances at Frith. 'I came only because I thought hatchlings were being eaten in a manner that caused them some sort of harm. Had the situation been that hatchlings had been giving Rorix consent, I would not have cared to come to such a council.'
    [03/29/10 23:32:35] Frith-Rae says, 'But I still say that, clearly, some hatchlings do not have the ability to approve of that themselves. They may not understand how it effects them afterwards and are then still harmed. *shrugs*'
    [03/29/10 23:32:45] derexx says, 'perhaps seeking adult permission is adequete, but what of foundling hatchies?'
    [03/29/10 23:33:00] Frith-Rae says, 'And approval or not, I am not one who will ever approve or accept the eating of my own kind. No matter the harm it does or does not do *shrugs*'
    [03/29/10 23:33:01] Dracaena boggles at the games hatchlings come up with. And scowls at the thought of grown dragons who take such foolishness as permission.
    [03/29/10 23:33:47] Rorix_unity shrugs. "I just believed it should be mentioned."
    [03/29/10 23:33:51] You say, 'Well... wisdom comes often with age... but this doesn't justify any harm...'
    [03/29/10 23:34:41] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Again, I do not see myself causing any harm, beyond perhaps straining the gift.'
    [03/29/10 23:34:53] You say, 'Foundling hatchlings? Then, they'd first understand the intent, and the effects.'
    [03/29/10 23:35:11] Siivyra says, 'There is always going to be someone who doesn't agree with what someone else is doing..'
    [03/29/10 23:35:20] You say, 'Sure.'
    [03/29/10 23:36:06] Dracaena says, 'Murder is still murder even if the victum is gifted and returns intact at a shrine.'
    [03/29/10 23:36:15] derexx says, 'an it harm none, do as thee will - this is a guiding force in life, i believe'
    [03/29/10 23:36:37] Magnumer says, 'If there's any good that has come out of what Rorix does. It is that it helped me come up with an understanding for my own habits... I would never harm my own kind of naka-dueskal by using them as food, but I never thought of the other creatures I ate till I heard what he had tosay.'
    [03/29/10 23:36:39] Hraefn growls at no one and nothing in particular as she stands and stretches. "Well. The matter has been resolved, at least. What remains are opinions and points of view. I am not here to hear them all out. I take my leave. Fare thee all well."
    [03/29/10 23:36:51] Ikaron looks at Dracaena "Then explain the fights at the arena. Murder is murder."
    [03/29/10 23:37:07] Frith-Rae says, 'G'rei oiorcai Hraefn *smiles to her*'
    [03/29/10 23:37:20] Siivyra chuckles at Ikaron's point, before looking up at Hraefn. 'Take care, Hraefn.'
    [03/29/10 23:37:24] Hraefn grunts, her observations made plain. She nods one last time and then recalls.
    [03/29/10 23:37:25] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Farewell, Hraefn.'
    [03/29/10 23:37:28] derexx says, 'i am honored to be in your present, great hraefn!'
    [03/29/10 23:37:32] Hraefn cast Recall.
    [03/29/10 23:37:49] You tell Hraefn, 'Well... thanks to have come, and take care, Hraefn'
    [03/29/10 23:37:49] Dracaena says, 'I have never been to the areana, I am not amoung the isane who kill for glory.'
    [03/29/10 23:38:23] Ikaron says, 'Who says they kill for glory?'
    [03/29/10 23:38:35] Hraefn tells you, 'You as well, Temeraire.'
    [03/29/10 23:38:40] Aucapoma says, 'Some for glory, perhaps. i went in curiousity of the goings-on... and was called out.'
    [03/29/10 23:38:41] Dracaena says, 'Why else do they go?'
    [03/29/10 23:38:55] Ikaron says, 'Thrill of the fight?'
    [03/29/10 23:39:14] Ikaron says, 'There are few aegis out there that can offer quite an interesting fight as other gifted can.'
    [03/29/10 23:39:22] derexx says, 'friendly competition against ones comrades...'
    [03/29/10 23:39:34] Dracaena says, 'Plenty of aegis to put down if you wish a thrill.'
    [03/29/10 23:39:53] Frith-Rae says, 'Aye, I don't care to go as well. I do not enjoy fighting against my own, even the blighted dragons and pale hatchlings I feel sorrow for as I put them out of their misery.'
    [03/29/10 23:40:07] Aucapoma says, 'Or crunchy, tasty spider-kin!'
    [03/29/10 23:40:15] derexx says, 'for my liege, it was a lesson in humility'
    [03/29/10 23:40:16] Rorix_unity chuckles.
    [03/29/10 23:40:20] Hraefn has lost connection.
    [03/29/10 23:40:21] Ikaron says, 'As I said, Aegis don't offer quite the same thrill.'
    [03/29/10 23:40:25] Hraefn is not online.
    [03/29/10 23:40:31] Siivyra says, 'I don't see either of you crusading against it. *She says with a wry smirk.*'
    [03/29/10 23:40:43] Dracaena says, 'And that is not glory seeking?'
    [03/29/10 23:40:52] Ikaron says, 'No, it's thrill seeking.'
    [03/29/10 23:41:01] Aucapoma says, 'The Aegis should be put down, and yes, some not without sorrow.'
    [03/29/10 23:42:28] Frith-Rae says, 'If I did not think I was doing those dragons' spirits a favor, I probably would not do it.'
    [03/29/10 23:43:16] You say, 'Hmmm...'
    [03/29/10 23:43:55] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> Was there anything else to be discussed? Questions to be asked? Or are we finished?'
    [03/29/10 23:44:16] Frith-Rae looks to Lung, "I believe the official business is settled but that is for Temeraire to formally announce."
    [03/29/10 23:44:56] Siivyra says, 'We seem to be finished as to the purpose of the meeting.. all that seems to be left is the possibility to argue about opinion. *She chuckles.*'
    [03/29/10 23:45:14] You say, 'Hmm... I have still a question...'
    [03/29/10 23:45:16] Frith-Rae says, 'Well, Eilerten do enjoy a good..ahh..discussion on opinion *grins toothily*'
    [03/29/10 23:45:42] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> By all means, ask.'
    [03/29/10 23:45:47] LungTien glances at the others
    [03/29/10 23:45:57] You say, 'Who wants [Maggot Chews]?'
    [03/29/10 23:46:30] Aucapoma says, '[Maggot Chews] Gots!'
    [03/29/10 23:47:07] You say, 'Well... if everybody agrees... *gives maggot chews to Aucapoma "... I adjourn the meeting.'
    [03/29/10 23:47:51] Ikaron says, 'I've nothing more to say, so I agree.'
    [03/29/10 23:47:52] Rorix_unity gets to his paws with a sigh.
    [03/29/10 23:48:04] Frith-Rae says, 'A'kein Nien then *nods* And Thank you Rorix for agreeing to come and compromise.'
    [03/29/10 23:48:22] Rorix_unity inclines his head.
    [03/29/10 23:48:30] Rorix_unity says, '<!--color R=0.8 B=0.2 G=0> If there are no more questions, I will take my leave.'
    [03/29/10 23:48:45] Frith-Rae says, 'Fair winds and Sharp Claws to you all as you go'
    [03/29/10 23:48:53] Aucapoma says, 'And I will take the maggot chews...'
    [03/29/10 23:48:56] Siivyra guffaws at Lung's unexpected question, quickly clearing her throat and looking around awkwardly after the outburst. She hears Rorix's sigh, and frowns lightly that he seems so unhappy. 'Take care, Rorix..'
    [03/29/10 23:48:57] Rorix_unity bows respectfully.
    [03/29/10 23:48:58] You say, 'Thanks all to have come. See you later.'
    [03/29/10 23:49:11] Rorix_unity began casting Recall.
    [03/29/10 23:49:34] Starstilanxs nods lightly to Rorix and stands up himself, "Yes.. I will also take my leave. Take care everyone." bows his head before he recalls.
    [03/29/10 23:49:40] Dracaena bows to the assembly and departs
    [03/29/10 23:49:42] Starstilanxs cast Recall.
    [03/29/10 23:49:50] Magnumer says, 'Mrm...'
    [03/29/10 23:50:01] Frith-Rae says, 'Aye, I've got beleved tricuts to finish....*makes a snort gack noise*'
    [03/29/10 23:50:22] Aucapoma began using Packed Snowball on Dimmae.
    [03/29/10 23:50:26] Aucapoma used Packed Snowball on Dimmae.
    [03/29/10 23:50:27] Aucapoma used on Dimmae.
    [03/29/10 23:50:32] Siivyra chuckles slightly at Frith. 'Ah, tricuts... have "fun" Frith.'[03/29/10 23:50:32] atillad cast Recall.
    [03/29/10 23:50:40] Frith-Rae says, ''
    [03/29/10 23:50:46] Frith-Rae began casting Recall.
    [03/29/10 23:51:26] Magnumer says, 'I suppose I should get back to Chiconis... That training is rather urgent...'
    [03/29/10 23:51:34] You say, 'Take care...'
    [03/29/10 23:51:59] Magnumer bows his head to the others before leaving.
    [03/29/10 23:53:42] Siivyra follows after Ikaron. 'Farewell.' She nods before departing.
    [03/29/10 23:53:45] Aucapoma says, 'Mmm... redbacked spiders... *smacks his gums...'
    [03/29/10 23:56:13] You say, 'Well, if I am no more needed there, I'll take a rest... Take care, everyone...'

    Sorry again if I missed some quotes, and I hope you enjoy

  6. #66

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    Again, I apologize for not being able to react to each and every comment, question or suggestion. It was hard to keep track of them when five or six people at once adressed me.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    Quote Originally Posted by Morphaz Bladewing View Post
    Again, I apologize for not being able to react to each and every comment, question or suggestion. It was hard to keep track of them when five or six people at once adressed me.
    np, I'm doing the same thing

  8. #68

    Unhappy Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    I have mistaken, too... I have been confused when I wrote "she helped my mate and me, when had troubles...", that was Yukii, not Runos...

  9. #69

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    I ended up having to leave due to stuff outside of game that at the time, was more pressing. Reading over though, I would be happy to continue when I return again :3

  10. #70

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    As soon as I manage to get hold of you for my fish. D:

  11. #71

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    I would love to participate in these. I really hope "fun" stuff like this happens over the summer. Right now, school has the priority -_-

  12. #72

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    Unfortunately, Shian, the matter is kind of resolved. Unless Rorix gets caught straying from the resolution, which, of course, he'd never do.

  13. #73

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    Quote Originally Posted by Morphaz Bladewing View Post
    As soon as I manage to get hold of you for my fish. D:
    Hey! You could always ask Vesper! I am sure she has plenty of.. 'fizzsh'! XD

    Ok, bad joke! Sorry, had to!

  14. #74

    Default Re: Calling a meeting of elders to discuss troubling events in New Trismus

    Quote Originally Posted by Starstilanxs View Post
    Ok, bad joke! Sorry, had to!
    There shall be consequences. :9

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