*this is a mess, as if written while walking*

Well my life has been hectic.

Of course, when is it NOT?

Most of my time has been consumed with me trying to not...consume....people. Heh, perhaps I should have thought of a better way to put that. Oh well. Nihil and I have been going through quite a few spats with each other and this in turn makes those shadows be a little more difficult to control...and to keep fed. Note: must fill up soon. I know Nihil hates those solid dragon soul shards that Saphire keeps, but it is better than nothing. We did ONCE achieve a total agreement on a subject though, and that was a little amazing and terrifying to go through.

I can only describe the sensation as...my body became one with the shadows. My movement was absolutely unhindered by anything like a 'body' and my ability to dodge and move was akin to water....it...was like I had no bones. Granted, once I returned to normal I grew incredibly ill later in the day due to the stresses on my body, but it was still an interesting happening to say the least.

In other news, Iseia is awake again. She...has grown. THAT makes no sense....but I suppose after all the horrible mutations Zarla
put her through I shouldn't be that amazed. She had the unfortunate luck of running into me when Nihil was flaring a bit....I hope I did not offend her too terribly.

Finally, seems Greer made a rather bold move against Saphire; he actually sent archers after her with poisoned arrows. Potent stuff too. No permanent harm done, though it seems to have damaged her ability to recall. As it stands, I am out on a path at the moment hiking to Aughendell to see if I can pick her up some travel scrolls.....just in case.