Hey, sorry all who are following for the wait~! Been sidetracked by things in real life and had a writing block~ ((I had a much better chapter than this written down, and then my computer decided to have a spaz-attack))
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Bane sighed. Another sleepless night. He lay carefully in the dark, unmoving, his mate lay next to him, with their two hatchlings between them. The sounds of the crystalline waterfalls around them the only sound. Still worry plaugued his heart whenever he shut his eyes.

Outside he could faintly hear the wind blowing as normal, the occasional baying of a distant hound....

Slowly he shut his eyes, his earfins twitching at the slightest sound, listening.....

His eyes flew open, staring straight into the darkness. Tensing, he didn't move, didn't even breathe. Listening again, harder, harder... Slowly he heard scraping, much like claws over ground..... He paled some as only a dragon can, his blood going cold for a long moment, until he slowly picked up the rhythm of his mate's breathing, her scales creating the sound..

Cursing himself silently, he sighed, somewhat with relief, some with annoyance, he closed his eyes and focused only on that sound. It seemed only moments later that the shrill laughter of the hatchlings woke him.

Smiling and lifting his head, he allowed them to pounce and climb over him as Crystal left to hunt for herself and the hatchlings. Bane had convinced her he would pass.
SHORT chapter. have to cut off~!