Small fliers are tacked up on message boards, in the towns that have them, or simply nailed to a handy post where they're not. Although there are small errors and differences between the copies, they all look to have been scribed by the same hand. All are posted between a gnome's or human's height from the ground. Conspicuously, there are no fliers to be found in New Trismus, although there are twenty in Tazoon.

WANTED: dining establishment seeks help. Openings include:
  • venture partner
  • cook/server
  • hired muscle

Applicants should contact Uekyoo by person or post. Jokers or persons with authority issues are thanked in advance to look elsewhere.

(A mail box address based in Tazoon is scribbled at the bottom)

((OOC note: those interested are welcome to whisper Thicklesip or Uekyoo-- for RP purposes they'll be talking to Uekyoo, but I can't always be on that character. Those who can't/won't whisper are encouraged to "mail" a letter of interest/application to my PM inbox. And yes, this is open to everybody. I can't promise you'll get a job, necessarily, but anyone and everyone is welcome to participate.))