I think I'm getting pretty well-known in the rant boards. lol. I guess I just like to rant to get things off my chest, I find that it is healthy.

Anyways, I'll take a moment to describe my living conditions. Nothing too detailed, but I currently live with my parents, and I know many people would frown upon that and think lesser of me because of it.

The truth is, they are getting on in their years, and my presence helps them, both in the physical sense (doing things for them, etc) and also in the financial sense (I pay one-third for major bills and things gotten for the house, like that freezer we bought last year to replace an ancient one that wasn't working right).

Either way, Mom has been concerned that Dad is slowly going brain-dead and I can kinda understand what she means. We both think that Dad doesn't seem to understand the importance of mental exercise. Everyone preaches about physical exercise, and how important it is to be physically fit, but yet, I don't see too many people crying out for Mental Fitness too much.

Both your Brain and your Body are important, in fact, I'd think the brain is far more important than your body; even a wheel-chair bound person can enjoy life, but someone who is in a vegetable-state can't.

Mom's afraid that Dad is slowly coming down with a mental disease like Alzheimer's, and I can kinda see where she's coming from on that. He has trouble remembering things he said a few days to a week ago, that both mom and I remember quite clearly, and when he's not working, he sits for long hours in front of the TV, falling asleep usually.

So, to everyone, please remember that Mental Exercise is just as important if not moreso than Physical Exercise. That fit, strong, athletic body won't do you much good if your brain slowly goes dead on you from lack of use. It is good to find hobbies that make you Think, it is good to read books (or read things on the internet works too), and it is good to daydream and use your imagination.

I doubt I really have to tell anyone here about this, as most who read this are playing at least one MMORPG, but if you know aging family members who are slowly going brain-dead, you may want to try to convince them to take up hobbies that encourage them to think more. I know I've been trying to keep my mom mentally active so that she doesn't start down the same path that Dad is...