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Thread: Unification: Oil and Water

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Unification: Oil and Water

    (Hey all, been awhile since I posted up a story. Maurger's been very busy though, and it's about time to move his story along. This is part 1, but there should be about three parts total and I'll get them out sometime this week. This is mostly a conversation with Nyoko and his activities in Chiconis. Enjoy~)

    “Dragons must unite as a people, elder. We have a splintered and broken future if we do not. I do not mean to lose the Helian completely – you would still have a very important role to play in the new society-”

    “The idea that the dragons must unify and lose the culture of Helians? Preposterous!” Semeneth exclaimed. The green dragon paced rapidly about the chamber as the black one watched. “And who are you to be asking for such a thing? I’ve never even met you before – how did you ascend without speaking to me?”

    “This has little to do with me, elder Semeneth, and everything to do with the future of our race. In this factional world, much can happen that passes completely out of your sight, and ideas, technology, and strength cannot be shared. If we do not come together as a people, we could still be on the path to civil war that Helian tried so valiantly to avoid,” Maurger said, sitting on his haunches. He had been talking with Semeneth for some time, trying to convince him that the factions had to change.

    “Our race will never war with itself. To fight another dragon, to kill another dragon, is against Drulkar’s most sacred laws,” Semeneth said with a snort.

    “And how many dragons today even still know those laws, Semeneth? Even if you taught them to all your faction, what about the Lunus? Can you be sure that they-”

    “I trust Valkoth implicitly! His political views may be misguided, but he is Dragon. He leads his flock as best he can, but I know for certain that he follows the ancient laws, for he is a Dragon worthy of his position and respect.”

    “But both you and he are getting on in years. Sooner or later, you will have to be replaced. Can the same be said of one who takes his place?” Maurger asked.

    Semeneth hissed. “Leave my presence at once! Do not return until I call for you!” The elder stood to full height; though his form was aged, there was still plenty of power left within it.

    Maurger lowered his head. “As you wish, Elder. I see that logic does not reign in Chiconis anymore.” Semeneth seethed as Maurger left.

    Meeting up with Amalteah, Maurger rested by the gate of Chiconis and churred his frustration. Amalteah had been a constant companion for him of late, and he had been very thankful for her. Without her, his plans could not have moved as far as they had. Spending time with her put him back into high spirits and he was smiling at all who passed the gate.

    A green dragon passed near, intent on using the gate. Maurger smiled to her. “Ah, glit’sita Nyoko. Temaga niea?”

    Nyoko blinked and tilted her head to the side. “Surprised seeing nien two here.”

    Maurger chuckled. “Just because I disappear like a ghost doesn't mean I don't reappear somewhere else.”

    Nyoko also chuckled. “Iea suppose so. Well, da let Iea interrupt nien two.”
    He smiled at her, resting a wing over his black companion. “Oh, no interruption. What are you up to, Nyoko?”

    “Glit’sita Nyoko,” Amalteah said, bowing her head a bit.

    Nyoko hummed a soft greeting to her before looking back to Maurger. She tilted her head in thought, as if unsure of her answer. “Exercising, Iea suppose. Iea needed a break from k'iea lair.”

    Maurger nodded. “Always g'rei. Body and mind both must be kept in shape.” He chuckled suddenly, adding, “Have to stretch my wings form my lair too. Though the rest of me is certainly kept in shape.”

    Nyoko chuckled quietly, agreeing, before looking around. “Ae is a lovely day to be out, so Iea figured a flight would do good. Usually da see others here though, which is why Iea was surprised.”

    “If you recall, I am trying to mediate. I am waiting for Semeneth to cool off before I return to him,” Maurger said. He had taken on the responsibility to mediate problems between the factions as suggested by Nyoko.

    “If nieo upset Semenoth too much...”

    Maurger shook his head. “D'na worry. Helians are supposed to listen to reason better than Lunus. I expect he'll come around eventually. The old ones, at least, understand the need for debate and discussion. It will be hard to convince them to abdicate their power. Those who have power prefer to hold onto it and exercise it.”

    “Perhaps...or...perhaps ae may be easier to invite voices of wisdom? Then ae will da seem as if aen are just being tossed aside. Perhaps aen pride is getting in the way,” Nyoko suggested.

    “When I approached him, that is what I offered to him. That he and his way of thought become an integral part of a unified dragon society.” Maurger sighed. “He went on about how the world needs Helians and that their viewpoint on bipeds was more pertinent than ever, and so on.”

    Nyoko pondered a moment. “Well, aeo is set in k'iea ways.”

    Maurger nodded. “It will take time to convince him, I suspect. But the reality of our world is that Helian and Lunus both are out of date. We need a reevaluation.”

    “Or a change of heart. Ien can da hope to change a society, if the society aeself is in need. Ae is like fixing the symptom but da the disease,” Nyoko said.

    “A'na, there is much changing that is required...” Maurger churred. Amalteah sat beside him quietly, tail twitching in the grass.

    “But by whom?” Nyoko asked.

    “Whoever who can, who has a better future in mind,” Mauger said. “It seems to me that if we wait for another to do it, that person might not truly have the world in mind, or would change it for something worse. Such it was for us when Ashlander came along, and for the world when Torrin did.”

    Nyoko looked uncertain. “D'na waiting...but knowing. set, but perhaps aeo ways are da so outdated. If ien fight k'ien ways in with the old ways, and even of the ways before the schism, would da a better way be found? To say something needs...reevaluating, how are ien sure that the way ien want is the correct way, without taking into account the g'rei things that are?”

    “Reevaluation does not necessarily mean erasure. There are many good thigns that exist now that should continue to exist, like Pride and Honor, and Wisdom, and Patience... But the Helian and Lunus fight over something they cannot change - the epitome of futility - and it has driven a wedge between dragon and dragon.” Maurger lifted his head high. “That must not be.”

    “But those were there before. Aen were da part of the schism. Though Iea will admit the foolishness of the Dragon mind in insisting in futility, well...” Nyoko still looked torn for some reason. It made Maurger somewhat frustrated, but he hid it well. Amalteah, however, did not. She leaned her head down on her paws, huffing a little, and began to count the grass threads with her eyes. She had no clue of understanding their complicated talks.

    “I do not mean to deny people their choice to how they should feel on bipeds. But nor should it be the forefront of politics since we have no choice but to rely on them at this moment due to the Aegis,” Maurger said, continuing his conversation anyway.

    Nyoko chuckled softly. “Iea have yet to find a biped Iea...have to rely on. However, ae is true...the Aegis, the Blight, ae is growing, and ien need to come together, despite k'ien differences.”

    “As for what the Schism has earned us... what has it, truly? Did the Helians advance our knowledge of primal magics? Do we have spells equal and surpassing those of biped casters of their various arts? And the Lunus - did they create new ways of fighting, utilizing techniques that had never before been seen and giving way to different paths of study? No... the Lunus and the Helian cling to traditions even far older than they are. I am not saying this is a completely wrong thing, but we are being left behind, and we cannot share ideas.” Maurger’s chest puffed out as he spoke, his wings high. A better world was just within reach…

    Nyoko chuckles softly. “Nieo sound vehement.”

    Maurger smiled. “I must be. For I face opposition from all sides and stare down opponents as unyielding and often as unthinking as the Aegis. They will be made to listen, for if they do not, we will splinter further and fall apart.”

    “How will nieo make aen?” Nyoko asked.


    Nyoko smiled. “ da a guarantee, k'iea friend. One can be persistent, but if the other is equally persistent, then ae is like rolling around in the mud with pigs, but the pig enjoys ae.”

    “Well. I have other options, too,” Maurger said, murring thoughtfully.

    Nyoko furrowed her eyeridges. “Iea hope aen are nonviolent options.”

    “Of course. I detest needless violence. It is all my father ever gave me as a hatchling,” Maurger said. Yes, his father…

    Nyoko hummed a soothing melody at Maurger. “Thank nieo. Iea would hate to see a society built on the blood of others. Iea would rather remain more alone then Iea am now, then to see that.”

    Maurger churred. “D'na. I do not wish things to come to blows. If the leaders will not listen, then I shall birth a new faction that allows one to be Helian or Lunus. Time enough, if successful, it will phase them out regardless of their desires.”

    “Ae will take time,” she said.

    Maurger nodded. “I am a patient dragon with a great deal of love for both his kyn and the future. I will take whatever time I need to see my dreams realized, so that others can as well.”

    Nyoko hummed softly at Maurger. “Iea wish nieo luck then. However, Iea think ien may be boring Amalteah here...” Amalteah lifted her head at this.

    Maurger chuckled and nuzzles Amalteah. “Oh, perhaps. But I don't *always* bore her.”
    Nyoko chuckled softly. “Ah, so aea is kor nieo mate?” Amalteah nuzzled him back, chuckling a little too.

    “Mm, I do suppose so.” Maurger grinned at Amalteah. Amalteah purred as he said that.

    Nyoko hummed softly at them both. "Iea do offer k'iea congratulations then."

    Maurger smiled wide. “She will make a great mother. And I thank you, Nyoko.”

    Amalteah bowed her head. “Thank you as well, Nyoko.” The group spoke for a time on personal mattered until Nyoko was called away to finish her exercise. Leaving the two behind, Maurger nuzzled his Matron and looked up towards Semeneth. That old fool had not listened any better than Valkoth had. Something would have to be done about them.

    “Maurger?” Amalteah asked. Maurger looked to her. “Ausixen contacted me.”
    Ah, excellent, Maurger thought. If he knocked over this last piece, the whole board would at last be open to him. “Is it time? What are you say?”

    “I’m trying to invite him home,” Amalteah said.

    Maurger grinned. “You are so direct.”

    Amalteah finished her mental conversation with the purple that vexed Maurger so. “He is on his way, and so am I. I’ll see you at home.” Amalteah stepped through the gate, leaving Maurger alone.

    The black looked down at his hand, his skin taking on the texture of gel and quaking with anticipation. “Now to see if my first plan has worked… Oh big brother… one way or another, you will no longer stand in my way.” The black rose and spread his dark wings, taking to the air and flying from Chiconis.
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Unification: First Strike

    (This took a long time to get out. Just been too busy with other things. I wanted to post up both parts of the story at once, though, so that the whole picture could be seen. In this part, we get to see Maurger at his worst, but make sure you read both parts before posting.)

    Ausixen entered into the tomb-like lair of the beast, following Amalteah. His eyes were partly glazed, as if he had not slept, but that was not the true reason. Maurger had followed behind the two, hiding downwind of them. “This is his lair, then?� Ausixen asked.

    “Yes it is,� Amalteah said. She smiled benignly. She had been trying very hard to convince Ausixen that Maurger was not a threat and that he had changed.

    Maurger wondered if she believed it herself. As Ausixen prepared to go deeper into the lair, Maurger struck, falling from the top of the shaft and crashing onto the purple’s back. His body melted and reformed around the purple. As the black goo coated the hapless purple, his struggling only made it easier to coat him. Before long the blackness had hardened into a rubbery suit, completely restricting the purple’s movement. “Hello, brother,� Maurger finally said, forming his head next to Ausixen’s half-coated maw.

    “Maurger! You did this! You’re the reason I…� Ausixen’s maw was clamped shut by the black ooze.

    “Now now, big brother, you chose to come here. All I did was poison you a little bit, so you’d make that choice,� Maurger said.

    “Just relax, Ausixen! Maurger still cares about you,� Amalteah said. Ausixen only looked at them both with hate in his glazed eyes.

    “I tried to make you listen, I sent envoys to you, but still you maintained your useless hate. So be it then, my brother… Now see what your hate and lack of reason earns you!� Maurger moved his head and a portion of the back of Ausixen’s neck became exposed. Maurger bit into the scales, the black goo becoming more liquid as it flowed into the purple’s bloodstream. Ausixen began to scream and struggle, but the suit of rubber prevented all movements. The blackness had absorbed into his neck and formed a lump at the base of his brainstem. As soon as it had formed, it intercepted the signals his brain sent to his body and the screaming and struggling stopped. All that was left was Ausixen’s eyes, looking terrified at Maurger.

    “This is… for the best,� Amalteah said, breaking the surreal silence. It sounded as if she were trying to convince herself.

    Maurger looked up at her and smiled. “Yes, it is.� His rubbery suit and head melted down and fell away into a puddle. The puddle oozed to the side and reshaped itself in his dark, oily way. He smiled brightly again with his black teeth. “Ausixen hated himself for not going through what his grandfather did. Now, I shall remove that hatred by allowing him to make up for his failure.� Ausixen stood of what seemed of his own volition, but Ausixen no longer had control of his body. Maurger directed him further into the lair. “See to it he gets cleaned up. He shall become your assistant Matron soon enough.�

    “What will you do, Maurger?� Amalteah asked.

    “This encounter has taught me that some dragons cannot be reasoned with. Indeed, most dragons cannot be anymore. This must be rectified,� Maurger said.

    “How will you do that?� she asked.

    “If one wishes to kill a dragon, cutting off its head is the best way to do it. Go now. I will return before long,� Maurger said. Amalteah nodded her head and followed after Maurger’s soon-to-be sister.

    The dark dragon lifted his dark wings and flew from his cave. Neither Valkoth or Semeneth had listened to reason. They had failed as Ausixen had. But now that Ausixen was out of the way, there was none left to suspect him. None that would act, anyway. Now he could punish them freely for their transgression. Punish them he would.

    Semeneth’s cave was on the outskirts of Chiconis. No hatchlings visited and Semeneth himself rested on his perch, watching the entrance with lazy eyes. They opened wide in irritation as Maurger strode in so carelessly. “I told you not to return until I called for you. What arrogance leads you here?�

    “Yes, arrogance. Revolutionary thought has often been decried as arrogance in its time. But years after it has past and its new ideas a part of normal society, those same thoughts are looked upon as a source of inspiration and strength. Helian herself was a revolutionary, and we look at her fondly, even if she was responsible for the separation and disempowerment of our people.� Maurger’s black smile seemed to darken the whole of the cave.

    “How dare you speak such blasphemy to my face! You tempt me to break Drulkar’s sacred laws!� Semeneth said, lifting up to his full ancient height.

    “You have held the keys far too long, old man. If you will not give them to me, I shall have to take them,� Maurger said calmly.

    “Come and try, not-dragon,� Semeneth hissed.

    Maurger placed his tail against the entry way, and a thin wall of black rubbery goo extended from it and coated the entire entrance, darkening the entire chamber. “I am become more than dragon. I am superior to you and all others. It is only fit that I shall rule us all!� he exclaimed, lunging at the ancient.

    “Never!� Semeneth exclaimed, throwing a massive ball of primal energy at the charging black. It crashed into him and obliterated him utterly, pieces of goo going everywhere. Semeneth took a breath, recovering from the shock of it. “Drulkar, what was that thing?�

    “More clever than you,� Maurger answered. He stabbed his claws into the elder’s flank, tearing his claws off in the process intentionally. The black ooze began to drill into the elder as he turned and threw another ball of prime energy. This one Maurger dodged.

    “How! I destroyed you!� Semeneth exclaimed. His wings crackled with energy as he prepared to cast another spell.

    “You destroyed a shell. Do you think I talk that much when I am trying to fight someone unless I have another plan?� Maurger asked with a black grin. He too prepared a spell, shadowy mist rising from his wings as he created a dark ball within his forepaws.

    “Blasphemy! You have corrupted the Prime itself!� Semeneth exclaimed. Maurger would have replied, but the cavern shook with the tremendous magical strength of the elder. “Behold the Rite of Unmaking! Drulkar, shower your wrath upon this imposter!�

    “Do your worst!� Maurger exclaimed, prepared.

    The prime itself buckled as a spiritual dragon formed. Maurger released his own spell, sending balls of energy into the air, hovering menacingly. As the spirit-dragon struck, the whole cavern erupted into energy, painting the darkness red. The balls of energy flew into the walls, splattering against them like paint. Maurger himself was liquefied by the attack; his remains painted the wall behind the platform.

    “It is finished… the demon is no more,� Semeneth said. Catching his breath, the green turned around to the entrance of his cave, only to find that the black goo that covered the entrance had begun to glow. “What is this?�

    The goo fell to the floor. Black ooze from the orbs Maruger had fired crept like shadows around the wall. Maurger’s voice emanated from all sides. “My dark primal is powerful, earned when I took the shadow phylactery of a hatchling I slew and attempted to use it to assassinate my father. Indeed, it seems as if I am always fighting opponents far more powerful than I.� Semeeth’s eyes looked aghast as Maurger reformed himself yet again. “I bet you are wondering how it is possible that I still live. I used the primal within myself and forced it out in front of me, using it as a shield against my darkness. I then collected all the excess primal energy from your spell using the goo at the door. This recreated the balance I need. As you can see, I am most resilient and am able to get out of most situations without difficulty. Especially when I have a plan before I ever arrive.�

    “The monster you are must be…� Semeneth trailed off, his body jerking in a realization. “You are talking a great deal again! This was your plan all along!� The green looked to the wound that Maurger had caused with his claws and found that it had completely disappeared. There was not a scar remaining. The ooze left within, however, had traveled up his spine.

    “Yes, my dear old fool. All this time, I have been waiting for my dark primal to reach your nerves and cut off any impulses I don’t need you having. But don’t worry. I won’t really control you as I have others before.� Maurger lifted his forepaw and squeezed it together; the blackness within Semeneth suddenly squeezed around his windpipe and arteries, choking him. The green writhed on the floor, clawing helplessly against his neck. “You see, I’ve discovered better ways of handling this. Ways that are beyond your ken. Listen to my voice…� Maurger came up very close to the struggling green. “This has all been a dream… this is your future, should you become so enraptured by your own power that you fail to do what is right for your society. I offer logic, compassion, and unity. When you wake, reconsider your stance.�

    “You…� Semeneth choked, before blacking out completely. Maurger removed the death grip he had on the ancient’s insides, letting air flow naturally once more. Guiding the goo within the green, he placed it not at the neck, but spread his influence throughout the elder’s body, targeting the production of hormones and chemicals. From this moment on, Semeneth would look at Maurger with a great deal of respect and euphoria. He simply wouldn’t be able to help himself.

    Maurger placed the ancient into a sleeping position and restored any damage the Rite of Unmaking had done to the cavern. Walking outside, he stretched his wings and yawned. “A good start, but there’s still one more head to sever…� His black wings cast their shadow over Chiconis as he flew through the travel gate to Dralk.

    He soon arrived at Valkoth’s cave. Valkoth also sat on his raised platform, but he was wide awake. “Oh, Maurger. Please come in.� Maurger came before Valkoth, a bit confused at this change. Last time, Valkoth had been quite angry with him, and he had expected the ancient to hold a grudge even longer than Semeneth. “I have been considering you and your position and I believe it is just right.�

    “Just right, elder?� Maruger asked.

    “To fry!� Valkoth exclaimed, belching forth a powerful burst of flame. Maurger jumped back, but he was unprepared for the attack. The flames washed over him, causing the black to scream, his ooze bubbling and the bonds between his shadow and darkness breaking apart. The elder followed after him, trying to finish him off with the flame, but he ran out of breath. Maurger limped off to recover as the elder hopped from his platform. “So Semeneth was right. Did you think he was not informed by Frall, when he had to undo the damage you did to Maekrux and his son years ago? Did you think that the factions were so separate? I know what you did to Semeneth.�

    “Impossible!� Maurger hissed. “No one witnessed-�
    “Semeneth and I are connected, more than just as leaders of our factions. Should I fall, Semeneth would feel it. The same is true in reverse. Our people are more united than you think.� Valkoth leapt upon the melted dragon and began to carve into him with his claws. Where his ooze had been hardened by the flame, he was successful, but Maurger pressed forward into his attacks, his goo getting all over the cavern and onto Valkoth’s arms. “We maintain our positions for the power, yes! But without that power, we could never keep the traditions alive! Your empire would have collapsed, Maurger. Take solace in that fact as you die.� The elder prepared to blast his flame again, as hot as lava itself.

    “I will not be denied!� Maurger shrieked. His entire body flung itself at the elder’s maw, wrapping like a large globe around his head. He couldn’t stop the elder from releasing his flame; he counted on it. A hole burst open in Maurger at the elder’s mouth as he shook his head violently, flames coating the walls. The elder smashed his head against the side of the wall, trying to shake the ooze off to little avail.

    “Get off-� Valkoth exclaimed, his flame ceasing.

    “You are mine!� Maurger exclaimed. The ooze around the elder’s head suddenly surged into his throat and nostrils, laughing with glee as he choked off all air from the elder. The elder clawed at his face and throat much as Semeneth had before him, but like the green, he too fell unconscious.

    Maurger left a bit of himself in the ash-covered elder before he exited the dragon’s mouth and reformed into a dragon. As he collected his pieces from around him, his ooze began to work at the chemical balances within the elder. He had not expected this turn of events. The elders were connected?

    His mistake had left its mark on him. He was now a bit shorter. “I’ll need to find another fount of shadow. As for the primal, though,� Maurger muttered, walking to the fallen elder, harvesting primal energy directly from his flesh and storing it within himself. Once finished, he walked to the front of the slumbering dragon and smiled his black smile. “When you wake, you will seek out Semeneth. And then I shall learn how you are connected, and then the next phase can begin.� He cackled, patting the elder on the head before leaving Dralk as well, his shadow cast over the lava.
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Unification: Aftermath

    (In case you're wondering, what he did to the elders cannot be detected directly. However, you might start noticing their actions and think something is up. If you want to take part, your best bet should be to track down what happened to Ausixen. Whenever he is discovered and recovered, the next part of the story can begin. Start with his grandfather.)

    “The dream I had was nightmarish, Valkoth. It was as if I was not myself. The shadow itself seemed alive,� Semeneth said to his friend and nemesis. The two stood in Valkoth’s cave in Dralk, discussing the horrific night before.

    “Could it have not been a dream? We know his history, though few others do,� Valkoth suggested.

    “We do, and we are still as we are, with full control of our bodies. I already had Frall check me for that corrupted darkness he had cured before, but… he found nothing,� Semeneth said.

    “What else could it be then, that I should also have a similar dream?� Valkoth asked.

    “It could be the very link we share as leaders of our factions. Either yours or mine, the worry that he might yet be right. Tell me, Valkoth, we have entered a new age. Are we no longer needed?�

    “I am not as sure today as I was yesterday,� the elder Lunus said.

    “Let us send for him, then. We shall discuss together what this could mean,� Semeneth said. Valkoth reluctantly agreed.

    Maurger arrived not long after, looking at the two suspiciously. “To see you both together is either a sign of great hope or great happenstance. Which is it?� the black asked.

    “We wish to hear your plan for unification at the same time. Not many, but some have come before us promising different things, things that ran directly contrary to the promises made to the other. This seems the best way of listening,� Semeneth said.

    Maruger nodded at this logic. “Very well. My plan for unification is a process that can take place over the next several years. It involves the creation of a unified faction, that Helian and Lunus both are expected and encouraged to join. Its primary purpose will be the rallying of our species as a whole against the threat of the Aegis; it will ideally revive the old positions and roles of society that have been lost to time as well. As time passes and it becomes standard to be in this faction, Helian and Lunus factions can become clans within this faction, wielding similar political power but ultimately ending factions entirely. Their traditions and beliefs can be taught and maintained, but their dogma must not. The new unity will offer a more modern perspective on bipeds as allies who must clean up their mess with our assistance.�

    Both ancients mulled over the words, each looking to the other. “Well,� Valkoth finally said, “There have been a few factions that have risen and fallen in the time that we have reigned. How shall yours encourage dragons to join?�

    “At current, the way dragons become Helian or Lunus is by coercion – the two of you hold the keys to ascension. I would need your help to encourage your ascended to join the new faction, but ultimately, I will need the same keys that you hold,� Maurger said.

    “That is dangerous, Maurger. We hold these keys so that our traditions might be maintained; not just those of Helian and Lunus, but dragonkind from the time Drulkar walked this realm,� Semeneth said.

    “Already, dragons begin to ascend without your consent or rites, Semeneth. I was one of them, and I know of at least another who developed her own method of ascension. I would prefer to maintain those traditions; thus have I come to you both for those keys, instead of making my own. By holding them so tightly, you risk others tunneling under your walls,� Maurger said.

    Sementh nodded. “Well spoken.�

    Valkoth also nodded. “I agree. Perhaps it is time to hand the reigns over to the new generation. It has been several hundred years.�

    Maurger smiled brightly with his black teeth. “I knew you both to be wise, and I have not been disappointed.� He bowed his head. “We shall discuss this at length then?�

    “One last question. Have you considered what your faction might be called?� Valkoth asked.

    “I have no desire to see it named for me. My name is hateful to myself, and crude to ears that know the ancient tongue. I wish to name it Desha Treskri.�

    “Better World. To be honest, I expected you would have rather liked it to be named after you,� Valkoth said.

    “I do not do this for myself, but for my kyn. I do not desire this power, and if I can find a better drake or dragonelle to lead this faction, I would gladly pass it on to them. But no one else has been successful, as you have said,� Maurger said, again bowing his head humbly. The elders agreed that they saw a positive change in the upstart, and that he had grown on them.

    Indeed, grown in them he had.

    After discussing for a long time, Semeneth returned to his lair and Maurger remained a time in Valkoth’s lair, lounging and talking of lighter matters with the ancient. It was not long before Amalteah arrived and took a seat next to him. Valkoth, sensing their closeness, turned away to give them privacy. “He likes me now,� Maurger said.

    “He does?� Amalteah asked. “That is good. He will support you?�

    Maurger nodded. “A'na, he will. So does Semeneth. It will not be long now, Ieo believe. Let us return home.� Amalteah agreed and the two said a respectful farewell to the elder. Maurger led the way, his bright black countenance leading the way. Flying into the hidden lair and disappearing underground, he let his body become a little gelatinous so that his whole body would quiver as he shook the day from him. The now meek and submissive purple stared at him from around the corner, but he dismissed his former brother away as Amalteah came in and rested beside him. By the way she sat, Maurger could see her gravid belly, growing thicker with eggs.

    “I can feel them growing,� she said.

    Maurger murred at the sight. “Ieo cannot wait. Ieo will finally be a father...� He closed his eyes. His murring took on a hint of pride at the thought of it. “Ieo will be a g'rei father.�

    Amalteah also purred deeply, caressing his cheek with a forepaw. “You will be, the greatest father. And I will try to be a good mother.�

    “Niea will have help from me, to be sure,� he said.

    “I appreciate it very much Maurger… after all I am an inexperienced mother.� She paused a moment, looking down at her paws. “I am, curious about something…�

    Maurger tilted his head. “Oh? What is that?�

    Amalteah dug a few lines in the dirt, looking a bit down as she spoke, unsure. “About when we spoke with Nyoko in Chiconis... what you said - was it just a lie for hiding the truth or… was there some truth in it as well? About… me."

    Maurger smiled his black smile, but there was no malice or deceit in it. “In k'ien society, mates may not have as much weight, as all shall be family... but a'na, as far as Ieo am concerned, that is how Ieo see niea. Ieo confide in niea, and love niea, and spend time with niea... Niea are sister, lover, and mate to me.� He nuzzled her tenderly. “Niea are my everything.�

    Amalteah lifted her head, looking at him straight to his eyes, her maw spread a little bit and she remained almost frozen for a long while, admiring him, those words have touched her so very deeply he could see her deep golden eyes watering slightly, her tail shivering a little bit. “I...� She really did not know what to say, the feelings so strong. “Nieo… are my everything as well…� She leaned into his side, giving a tender lick to the side of his maw, in a kissing fashion.

    He leaned into the lick and returned with one of his own. After a time, he smiled at her and looked into his ever expanding lair. “There will be more work to do yet. But for now, let us rest, my matron and my love.� She nodded her head and the two retreated into the deepest parts of his lair.

    (What I love about this is that we get to see two very different sides of Maurger. He's matured as much as he's become twisted. Also, hey~ Maurger's gonna be a daddy ;p If you are interested in playing one of the hatchlings let me know. There's room for three more.)
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  4. #4

    Default Re: Unification: Aftermath

    ((awp wish I had the both participate in this storyline or to be a hatchling! Love reading the updates though - fun epixness!)
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Unification: Oil and Water

    That is nicely written. That goo ability is rather creepy, and I haven't totally understood what Maurger did to Valkoth and Semeneth.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Re: Unification: Oil and Water

    Basically, instead of taking over their body, he's messing with the chemicals in the body. So he's increasing dopamine when they agree with him, making them feel rewarded, for instance.
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

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