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Thread: Closing up Shop

  1. #41

    Unhappy Re: Closing up Shop

    Quote Originally Posted by RuneDragoon View Post
    (And thank you lung for making me feel utterly singled out here, I already feel bad enough like I'm a major cause for shinkuu leaving)
    I am sorry if you felt like this, Runedragoon, but I wasn't pointing at you at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Starstilanxs View Post
    Try having your bipeds and dragons join up with Starstilanxs and Callihan, they need the support in defending the society and taking down those who do these evil things, even out the numbers a little with the evil vs. good if you could say.
    I'd add LungTien there. This dragon, after the battle at NT's deadlands, which involved him, Starstilanxs and Rorix against Selarth, met the blighted dragon two times and tried to catch him (one time in the icy lands near Mahagra, one time on the RP valley).
    Last edited by LungTien Temeraire; December 20th, 2010 at 02:40 PM.

  2. #42

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    I'd like to know where it is stated that istarian dragon hatchlings should not speak nor act like young children, just after their hatch. Does it mean they learned things and/or are like my own character when he was born?

    Still, if some new players are making their characters act in a childish way when they shouldn't, according to the lore if this is the case, they can still be greeted and asked softly and quietly.
    Well, I'd think, unless it is covered by the lore, that hatchlings might know language if they had conditions and time to learn it before their first death. But I'd rather think they don't know how to speak properly if roleplayers start to RP them after they have just hatched.

  3. #43

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    I too have given up public RPs. only way I do RP publically is with Seraemha, but otherwize I realy have to reason to rP publically, or I get oOC backlashing so I officialy gave up. as for one of my characters, I`m considering not even playing him at all. since no one asociated to him wakes anymore, I just don`t have fun playing him anymore. Falkor is who I speak of, he`s turned so emo, and depressing to play, I just can`t play him anymore.
    But Reagle`s still around, and happy, I don`t plan on quiting anytime soon, and I really do enjoy RPing with you Zarla ^^ just RPing in private chats, and guild, since public channels are for the dogs. :P

  4. #44

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    I wouldn't backslash anybody for the style of roleplay, personally. And I'm open to anybody who agrees to RP with me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwing_Duck View Post
    since public channels are for the dogs. :P
    What do you mean by that?

  5. #45

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    I wouldn't backslash anybody for the style of roleplay, personally. And I'm open to anybody who agrees to RP with me.

    What do you mean by that?
    I think the meaning is very simple; the RP channels have gone to sh*t. That is primarily where the 'problematic' RPers are.

    Don't really have time to make a big fancy reply since I'm at work, but I wanted to express how much I agree with Frith-Rae's post. Among other reasons, this is precisely why I haven't quit yet. I know that nothing will be mended if I leave. Her point has been more than proven, as the shard is worse than ever now that so many of us are scarce or have left the game completely. It goes without saying that we have to try and do something. What? I don't know. This has been going on so long I have to wonder if there even is a solution other than to wait and hope that new, serious and adept RPers will join soon and help lift Order back up to the amazing place to Roleplay that it used to be.

    Heh, maybe those of us amongst the serious and more logical RPers that remain should have some sort of get together to talk things out and try and come up with ideas.

    I also have to give props to Starstillanxs for making the points that he did. Very few people are able to portray an evil character all that well, and the ones that exist tend to be rather unbelievable and just a bit -too- bizarre. They annoy a lot more than they contribute to the general public 'storyline' and that is one of your duties as an RPer, to entertain others while being entertained yourself, this is a give and take hobby, not an excuse for people to live out their dreams of being 'evil' without consequence and otherwise try and suck out sympathy and attention from others. Most who cause trouble refuse to suffer the consequences or change in any way, as well.

    I'm starting to ramble, so I'll leave it at that... Rather serious about that meeting I proposed, though. If anyone's actually interested in gathering and being able to all talk about this together at the same time (As opposed to these occasional and impersonal posts) then I would be more than happy to try and arrange something.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    Quote Originally Posted by Xepher View Post
    I think the meaning is very simple; the RP channels have gone to sh*t. That is primarily where the 'problematic' RPers are.

    Don't really have time to make a big fancy reply since I'm at work, but I wanted to express how much I agree with Frith-Rae's post. Among other reasons, this is precisely why I haven't quit yet. I know that nothing will be mended if I leave. Her point has been more than proven, as the shard is worse than ever now that so many of us are scarce or have left the game completely. It goes without saying that we have to try and do something. What? I don't know. This has been going on so long I have to wonder if there even is a solution other than to wait and hope that new, serious and adept RPers will join soon and help lift Order back up to the amazing place to Roleplay that it used to be.

    Heh, maybe those of us amongst the serious and more logical RPers that remain should have some sort of get together to talk things out and try and come up with ideas.
    Well, I feel singled there, and I feel like others (including good friends who are nice roleplayers) who are roleplaying as well on the RP channels like Role-Play chat are singled, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xepher View Post
    I also have to give props to Starstillanxs for making the points that he did. Very few people are able to portray an evil character all that well, and the ones that exist tend to be rather unbelievable and just a bit -too- bizarre. They annoy a lot more than they contribute to the general public 'storyline' and that is one of your duties as an RPer, to entertain others while being entertained yourself, this is a give and take hobby, not an excuse for people to live out their dreams of being 'evil' without consequence and otherwise try and suck out sympathy and attention from others. Most who cause trouble refuse to suffer the consequences or change in any way, as well.

    I'm starting to ramble, so I'll leave it at that... Rather serious about that meeting I proposed, though. If anyone's actually interested in gathering and being able to all talk about this together at the same time (As opposed to these occasional and impersonal posts) then I would be more than happy to try and arrange something.
    I would be happy to join if I can help solving the issue as well.
    Last edited by LungTien Temeraire; December 22nd, 2010 at 07:34 PM.

  7. #47

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    Well, I feel singled there, and I feel like others (including good friends who are nice roleplayers) who are roleplaying as well on the RP channels like Role-Play chat are singled, too.

    I would be happy to join if I can help solving the issue as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lungtien
    Well, I feel singled there, and I feel like others (including good friends who are nice roleplayers) who are roleplaying as well on the RP channels like Role-Play chat are singled, too.
    I did not name any names, and I won't either, tempting as it is. If others are allowed to express their disapproval for how I and my friends handle rude or uncooperative newbie players, I am allowed to express my distaste for others' style and skill, or lack thereof, of Roleplay. My opinion is directed only at their characters and how they RP, not at the players and who they are as people.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    Quote Originally Posted by Xepher View Post
    If others are allowed to express their disapproval for how I and my friends handle rude or uncooperative newbie players, I am allowed to express my distaste for others' style and skill, or lack thereof, of Roleplay. My opinion is directed only at their characters and how they RP, not at the players and who they are as people.
    I'd think this isn't always, nor entirely, in some cases, the new players, that are acting in a rude manner, nor always without any reason if they do.
    Also, to dislike a style of roleplay and/or a character doesn't mean this is necessarily bad, non-sensical, unbelievable, or lacking of roleplay. These things are more opinions and tastes than facts, for me.

    I'll also add AmonGwareth's words there, as I think they are wise:

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    The rest, well, RP as you see fit. Some choose to stay within the confines of the game lore, others choose not to. Its personal choice and you should feel comfortable with doing whatever makes the game fun for you and doesn't interfere with the enjoyment of the game by others at the same time.

  9. #49

    Default Making Sense

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    Shinkuu, I haven't said Selarth and Azu were the only "evil" characters on the Order shard.

    Amateur roleplayers can still be helped and learn to roleplay better, if they are nicely treated. After that, it depends of the roleplayer's reaction.
    I'd like to know where it is stated that istarian dragon hatchlings should not speak nor act like young children, just after their hatch. Does it mean they learned things and/or are like my own character when he was born?

    Still, if some new players are making their characters act in a childish way when they shouldn't, according to the lore if this is the case, they can still be greeted and asked softly and quietly.

    Maybe, played blighted dragons or bipeds might have been living ones who were killed, then reanimated by the Aegis, in a way or another. If they are dead and have been raised to be undeads, it should be possible to raise them again..
    I never said you claimed they were the only evil I just said they are not the only ones who bother me. You were asking if they were the root of my problem and they, by themselves, are not enough to be such a root.

    I think Hatchies of the size they seem to be could range in maturity from young teen to ancient in mentality considering that Hatchies DO NOT GROW UP... So technically a Hatchie could be hundreds of years old and still stuck in a child body. On the other hand if someone wants to say that as a Hatchie they were just hatched I can accept that as well and while being Reptilian they should probably be able to mostly fend for themselves if they want to have a somewhat primitive intellect at first I can understand and respect that. It can be cute and I certainly would never have an issue with such as that. Take Asua for example, she is ADORABLE.

    The Blighted MIGHT be savable but my problem with that is that I think if you actually LIVED in a world where you were besieged by the LIVING DEAD on a regular basis and you knew they were the vile enemy of all Life on your PLANET that you would not be so willing to take them in and treat them nice. You would likely either RUN to the nearest safe place or attempt to Kill them.

    I mean even in our world, say a Zombie shambles up reeking of death. What are you going to do? Going to hug it? I do not THINK so. What if someone comes up with a Gun in a Military Uniform (not of your country) and points it at you. Going to consider that person a friendly or are you going to be scared and react with Fight or Flight?
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  10. #50

    Default Link Established...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tcei View Post
    I agree so much with what has been said here. The whole reason why I moved Lantua to Chaos, was because I got tired of the evil/blighted/whatever characters. Every time Lantua tried to stand up to one (as he feels very strongly that he should protect the young from these sub-dragons) he was either told to more or less gtfo or would learn that the community had embraced that particular evil sub-dragon (I refuse to refer to them as actual dragons) and that said sub-dragon was viewed as a valued member of the community who's duty it was to eat and/or corrupt the young.

    From what I could see the good dragons, who actually tried to stop this madness, where the ones that were ultimately cast out of dragon society. In the end Lantua felt the world deserved to be overrun by the blight and skipped town.

    On reflection there is potential to have a very interesting rp story-line. Provided you could get all/most of these sub-dragons to agree. The Aegis has found a way to corrupt/blight dragon kind. The infection/corruption/whatever spread so fast that now there are very few good dragons left and they have been reduced to hiding in the far flung corners of the world. Now its up to them to band together (possibly with the help of their bi-ped allies) and save their race from utter destruction.

    Its a nice idea at any rate. Getting it to work is next to impossible tho; the current set of players of these evil sub-dragons dont strike me as the kind who want to kill off their beloved pest.
    OMG... You are describing poor Zarla to a T... She also does not call them Dragons she calls them Aegis or Monsters depending... She also has tried and failed and also believes the world should get what is coming to it and just be overrun with the Aegis and die. Same sort of Broken Spirit...

    That is truly sad, I must say, but it is hard not to come to those conclusions when it is as you point out very correctly in the Society... Unless you are out of your mind or evil yourself how could you accept the world as it stands? I have toyed with the idea she may go insane, as would be only proper, and become a terror to everything and everyone but while she has her family I do not think she could quite snap that hard... She has lost all sympathy for evil things though even slightly evil things. She figures they should all be burned and ripped to pieces without care or concern for any reasonable defense.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  11. #51

    Default Aaawwwee

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwing_Duck View Post
    I too have given up public RPs. only way I do RP publically is with Seraemha, but otherwize I realy have to reason to rP publically, or I get oOC backlashing so I officialy gave up. as for one of my characters, I`m considering not even playing him at all. since no one asociated to him wakes anymore, I just don`t have fun playing him anymore. Falkor is who I speak of, he`s turned so emo, and depressing to play, I just can`t play him anymore.
    But Reagle`s still around, and happy, I don`t plan on quiting anytime soon, and I really do enjoy RPing with you Zarla ^^ just RPing in private chats, and guild, since public channels are for the dogs. :P
    Yeah... Sorry about that Reagle. I would love to make poor Falkor feel better but Zarla is not in a good mood these days. If she manages to brighten up then maybe she can make him feel a bit more welcome and at least let him have some friends to be with.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  12. #52

    Default *Hugs Stars* And Hey Runos

    Quote Originally Posted by Starstilanxs View Post
    Adding to the subject at hand, I understand your feelings on the problem, Shinkuu. These are recognizable things that are troublesome to the RP in the world. Very few people RP evil characters well, the ones that I know of and interact with have lead great character development without decimating the lore.

    There are many, though, that RP evil characters who are completely off the wall, killing aimlessly in front of dragons such as Starstilanxs (whom, I will mention, will practically rip the head off of any character who harms innocent dragons/bipeds without reason) without any sort of thought to the fact that a giant ancient who is known to protect the society is sitting in front of their face and more often than not have these characters made in a way where they have some sort of rediculous power that does, in every way shape and form, break the worlds lore. These characters are the ones who are the problem, evil characters in general are not.

    I will admit that my character is one of the very few who do take action, but he does without any sort of thought on the matter. He is often bothered by others about how he goes about his work when defending everyone but it doesn't mean he will ever stop protecting the society.

    Try having your bipeds and dragons join up with Starstilanxs and Callihan, they need the support in defending the society and taking down those who do these evil things, even out the numbers a little with the evil vs. good if you could say.

    Now.. light hearted RP.. thats one that is very hard to come by now. When I started back up earlier this year even there wasn't nearly as much seriousness in the atmosphere, sure there where times that it became pretty tension filled, but that didn't escalate to what it is now. I would love to see more of this and really, I am willing to contribute to it as much as I really can.

    As to what Xepher mentioned, this is also agreeable entirely. Believability is difficult to come by, the server is covered with those who are generally unable to RP in a way that is understandable and believable, pointing these things out is most of the time met with anger towards those who try and help and tell them that they might end up getting into large amounts of issues in the future with other players.
    Yes, you are awesome when you are paying attention and I remember Shinkuu even liked you from the very first time she met you which is rare because she is not a very friendly person and has since come to loath dragons.

    Also, you are very correct that "Evil" characters in general is NOT the problem and I have no problem with Evil characters. I DO have a problem with completely unstoppable Evil characters and I have much much more of a problem with them being protected and held up as Heros by common society... THAT is what breaks the back and makes me want to snap.

    Hey Rune, you are NOT the only reason or even the biggest for me leaving Public RP so do not feel that bad. Azu, because we both know we are talking about her, is not an Evil I cannot handle. She is a fairly proper Evil Character who does not believe they are evil (real Evil people rarely do), and who herself is by no means over the top or unacceptable. I found her a great Villain for Zarla to fight. It is more those around her than the Dragoness herself. So, as I said, do not take responsibility on your shoulders and as for people OOCLY beating you up... That is pretty sad honestly... For them almost as much as for you.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  13. #53

    Default Makes Sense

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Every other hatchling was feral, didn't understand common, couldn't communicate in some way, or was afraid of everyone else and so just hid under a bush (how people expect to have meaninful RP if they don't come out from under a bush I don't understand..).

    Its a downward spiral, and unless people like myself and others are willing to stick around and edumacate through example then we have noone to blame but ourselves for walking away and letting the RP go crazy.

    And I include myself in there. I got tired of being only one of 2 or 3 who tried to remain "sane" and "normal".

    This would NOT be the problem it is if we had the population out there Rping that was higher in numbers *shrugs*.
    Considering how many Hatchies have no parents or social guide whatsoever seeing them be Feral is not surprising and if you saw half the thing Zarla saw growing up you would hide under a bush and trust no one as well. Honestly, I cannot blame ANYONE who hides, jumps at their own shadow, and who's trust is something that has to be painfully earned at this point. I am more likely to find the people who are happy, educated, and trusting to be the ones who are out of place considering the nature of the current world.

    Hard to educate those who will not listen. Hard to scrounge up the motivation to bother trying to help them out. Harder to do anything ICLY when it will not happen.

    I hear you, I understand you, but teaching only works if you have Students who are willing to learn. You cannot force it down their throats. So us leaving them to their own and making our own RP spots away from their insanity is all that is left really.

    I do agree with the Population thing though I am not sure the game is dying per se but Order is definitely not a very popular shard.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  14. #54

    Default That is a very GOOD idea

    Quote Originally Posted by Xepher View Post
    Don't really have time to make a big fancy reply since I'm at work, but I wanted to express how much I agree with Frith-Rae's post. Among other reasons, this is precisely why I haven't quit yet. I know that nothing will be mended if I leave. Her point has been more than proven, as the shard is worse than ever now that so many of us are scarce or have left the game completely. It goes without saying that we have to try and do something. What? I don't know. This has been going on so long I have to wonder if there even is a solution other than to wait and hope that new, serious and adept RPers will join soon and help lift Order back up to the amazing place to Roleplay that it used to be.

    Heh, maybe those of us amongst the serious and more logical RPers that remain should have some sort of get together to talk things out and try and come up with ideas.
    Heh... Two of those RP'ers you are talking about DID Join... Me and my Mate... Now we are both leaving Public RP... I suspect many other good RP'ers would quickly join us for the same reason so I think that is a false hope.

    As for the get together that sounds good. Maybe we need a new thread here on this board. That way we can all post and such without worrying about time constraints.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  15. #55

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    I assume its not appreciated so -its ok for me if you dont want to:

    I offer my help too- not concerning rp things (cause I`m not in that)
    but with technical things like moderating a prob and find a solution.
    (Even have a few ideas to bring in).
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  16. #56

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    Shinkuu, I can tell you my ancient dragon would not just lay down on the grass if an aggressive character appears and acts around him. *points to the time when LungTien hunted Azu down, when he struggled against Selarth, and the many times where he wanted to react about some doing harm to others.

  17. #57

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    Considering how many Hatchies have no parents or social guide whatsoever seeing them be Feral is not surprising and if you saw half the thing Zarla saw growing up you would hide under a bush and trust no one as well. Honestly, I cannot blame ANYONE who hides,
    Oh I'm not saying the Feral hatchling has no reason to be Feral - I'm saying when every OTHER HATCHLING I am running into is Feral, I get tired of being that teacher and teaching literally the same statements over and over and over again. Its rewarding when, you're right, someone WANTS their character to grow and undersatnds that growth in their character is necesary for further RP.

    Its a whole other type of player who doesn't want their character to "learn and grow" and just remain the same regardless of how illogical that is.

    I mean to me - any gifted that hatches into gifted life with a family is...wierd. Unless you and your family were all killed and gifted together, that shouldnt' be happening. When the game first lauched, dragons understood that. We were ALL Orphans, it wasn't anything special, it was a *given*, because we all died seperately and were gifted/chosen seperately. But just because we were all orphans didnt' mean we all acted no better than freshly welped pups. Dragons die at different stages in their life to become gifted - just because you're a hatchling doesn't mean you were hatched yesterday and died and got gifted.

    So running into *too many* of those types all in a row gets to me. Just like runing into too many of ANY one type of RP gets to me. As some things in others RP get to you.

    But then I've also been the receiving end of much QQ from Roleplayers who are shy or feral or "out of place" and they RP themselves into corners. Then they come and whine and complain because noone is "including" them - and I want to grab them by their horns and shake some sense into them.

    "They can't RP with you hiding under a bush."
    "They can't RP if you can't speak the language or in some way communicate where they can undersatnd you easily."
    "They can't include you if your character refuses to be included."

    People STOP ASKING if you RP like that! I swear, this seems like common sense to me but I've sen it happen over and over and over again. Someone who would be a good RPer and would have things to contribute if they just loosen up their holy character concept so that they COULD be included.

    I'm not going to ask the hatchling hiding under the bush to come out and play every day. That is not fun for me. It is not fun for anyone to beg others to RP because your character is "shy" or "feral" or "doesn't know how to talk."

    Guess what - your character - your choice - GROWTH - move forward - loosen up your character code if you want to be able to RP. PEOPLE ARE NOT GOING TO BEG!

    *Pant pant* ok..sorry..just go tstarted there and couldn't stop...*pant* .

    So us leaving them to their own and making our own RP spots away from their insanity is all that is left really.
    But here's muy problem with this. THen people like myself - we get left out. We either RP with the "insanity" or we have noone to RP with. Noone logs in and pokes me and goes "hey we got some great RP over here if you'd olike to join" because they know I am a good Rper and I love RP. Never once have I had that happen.

    Instead I wander a dead gameland, desperately seeking RP in public chat channels because the Rpers who got sick of the crap isolated themselves wihtout telling the rest of us where they went - or if we were even welcome.

    And then what happens is that small group of RPers gets smaller and smaller - because people move on, leave the game, get busy. And then the one or two great RPers who might be left, like yourself - quit the game because they think RP is dead.

    When its only their own isolation that killed off the RP.

    And I dont say that to be disrespectful or mean or offensive. I just want others to know the frustration of the "qualified but not included." SO when those like me login and see people griping aboue the state of RP and that they went and isolated themselves with their chosen group - what did they expect? When that chosen group dries up - what do they expect?

    You gotta have fresh blood influx to keep it going - which means those "isolated spots" need to at least have players out and about looking for the good newbs who might be good additions. And us older players who are still looking - if we don't know where to go we can't find ya!

    **As for the meeting** Might be helpful more on a thread here or in game more to see who is about who is willing to "give it a good try" to retrain the public channels. Having another discussion like this one gets nowhere if people like us don't login an DO IT. I can't say I'l commit cuz that depends on schedule - and I honslty dont know how regularlyu I'm going to be in game anytime soon to even DO IT (be in channels and RP in public..LOL)
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  18. #58

    Default Re: *Hugs Stars* And Hey Runos

    Meeting on this subject would be a wonderful thing for us I would say, it would give a much better way to speak verses the forums. I am up to attend at any time that is given, just let me know when you are setting it up!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkuu View Post
    Yes, you are awesome when you are paying attention and I remember Shinkuu even liked you from the very first time she met you which is rare because she is not a very friendly person and has since come to loath dragons.
    Yeah... that's a problem I seem to have been having. My issue with actually keeping my focus due to the random RL happenings is rather frustrating at times. D:

  19. #59

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    I'd like to be there, as well, because I love RP.

  20. #60

    Default Re: Closing up Shop

    I totally agree with what Velea said, it mirrors what I've said in
    other threads about RP.

    Instead of letting the "bad apples" win by driving you out of the
    community, might I make a suggestion?

    Put them on IGNORE. If enough of the community did that, those
    wishing to irritate the entire community with their RP would lose.
    Keep in mind, there are those that want to RP with an unusual
    twist Vs those that wish to make a negative impact on the community.
    It is the Latter I am talking about here.

    let these words be the words on the wind....*heaves a sigh*
    what Sephi said!


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