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Thread: I play Istaria because..........

  1. #21

    Default List Da Reasons

    I like the variety of Species to play including the rather fun extreme size differences of Dragon or Half-Giant compared to tiny Dryad. I like flying as a Dragon. I like testing out all the various combat school combination and what they can allow a character to do. I find the Saris, Sslik, and Dragons rather visually appealing and the Dryads rather pretty like a butterfly. I find the story in the game to be compelling and interesting and love the way they worked in things like why you do not die.

    I also find crafting personalized and personally shaped and colored gear to be a big draw as well as building my Plot or my Lair. I find I appreciate the "No randomness" aspect to crafting instead of having your efforts greeted with a very regular chance of failure.

    I like the Role Playing and how it can really be a central and important thing instead of just something that may rarely happen if you are lucky. I like how the world lends itself very well to Role Play and encourages you to build the world as a community.

    I play also because the Devs are always making the game a little better in time and seem to generally listen to their player base and make improvements.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  2. #22

    Default Re: I play Istaria because..........

    I can group when I want to and solo when I choose to.

    I can afk at the drop of a dime if needed completely without worry, having a 2 and 3 year old make this very appealing.

    And there are lots of good, good people here. the clowns are minimal and avoidable.

    My guildmates rock.

  3. #23

    Cool Re: I play Istaria because..........

    hmm i play istaria because of the friendly atmosphere. believe it or not I used to be a big time Roleplayer, but being a rper on a chat system was stressful and offten caused drama in rp and in rl. eventually i got away from it and soon found comfort in istaria.

    sure the crafting is a pain in the big ol hiny but u get to have fun making lairs and chatting with ppl u meet as you go.

    i especially like the many races istaria offers were as many other games offer more limited selection. plus the price to pay aint to shabby.

    another thing is the age difference. being a teenager who can some times be mature yet still b a teenager there r some adults who find fun in the particular personality and befriend u right away.

    also the team effort in the game is astounding. nearly every one wants to help some one else out in hopes they stay for a longer time then the 14 day sub or then the 1 month time u get for using a free account with any other toon other then a human biped.

    if u'r looking for a game that can be fun and friendly then istaria and its 3 shards r the place to b :3. sure yeah we get drama every so offten but its always best to ignore it.

    hope to see u in game
    ~KisaMoon Crescent

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