For those who wondered what it is that we might need at Mithril's Bastion, here is the list, as follows, keep in mind all items are Tier VI:

Alchemist: 120 Construction Sources, 70 Spheres, 90 Jointing, 120 Sheeting, 84 Keystones, 69 Blocks, 150 Tapestries, & 150 Bolts

Mill: 120 Sources, 70 spheres, 90 jointing, 120 sheeting, 90 keystones, 90 blocks, 150 tapestries, 150 bolts

Stoneworking: 120 sources, 70 spheres, 88 jointing, 120 sheeting, 90 keystones, 90 blocks, 150 tapestries, 150 bolts

Clothworking: 120 sources, 70 spheres, 90 jointing, 120 sheeting, 90 keystones, 90 blocks, 150 tapestries, 150 bolts

Leatherworking: 120 sources, 70 spheres, 90 jointing, 120 sheeting, 90 keystones, 90 blocks, 150 tapestries, 150 bolts

Tier VI silos (total between the two): 300 jointing, 180 sheeting, 180 keystones, 300 blocks

Tier VI Pawn: 100 sources, 100 spheres, 120 jointing, 120 sheeting, 180 keystones, 250 blocks, 100 tapestries, 100 bolts

Confectioner: 120 sources, 70 spheres, 90 jointing, 120 sheeting, 90 keystones, 90 blocks, 150 tapestries, 150 bolts

Scholar: 120 sources, 70 spheres, 90 jointing, 120 sheeting, 90 keystones, 90 blocks, 150 tapestries, 150 bolts

Woodworking: 120 sources, 70 spheres, 90 jointing, 120 sheeting, 90 keystones, 90 blocks, 150 tapestries, 150 bolts