I am angry, beyond belief. I had a wonderful christmas present dropped right into my lap with a howdy do Merry Christmas.

In a nutshell, the howdy happy merry christmas was a nice joke, as whomever decided to break into my house and steal a locked heavy safe filled with my medication, irreplaceable items such as a rolex watch that my father bought right after the korean war. He left it to me to give to my son. Its gone. Tons of jewlery is gone too. They stole my sons xbox 360 but left the brain of it behind, as it could be traced to whoever stole it. They stole a sterling silver bracelet with charms that my mom had given me before she died. They stole my moms birthstone ring and and my sons girlfriends computer. We are still finding missing stuffs.

In another nutshell they took my christmas away. They invaded my privacy and my life. They broke me down to tears that just dont seem to stop.

If I have upset anyone with this post, I am terribly sorry. It just plain sucks for all that was lost, but moreso, my dignity.

There is nothing more I can say, I am choked beyond belief with the flooding of tears. Why me? Why my son? Why my husband. Why hurt us so much?