this time i'll post here vs re posting the the taking a leave one >_> this is more of a small poke for help post than omg i'm getting this build ...even thow i am XD but i'v been spending most of my time ..looking around the net at the parts to me pc and i'm starting to winder if i relly need a g-card i know yes in the long run but to start out with .. like can i play some games whit this build than get a g-card on down the road once i get the money sooo here the MB and cpu both come with a built in g-card stuff but i need to know whit the 2 working together well be be good enough to play ..most games like say Istaria MB 104.99 comes wiht a build in g-card
"heres the other web sit that gives batter info than newegg. cpu 129.99 come whit a build in g-card

motherboard g-card info
ntegrated AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series Graphics in Llano APU
Multi-VGA output support : HDMI/DVI/RGB ports *1
- Supports HDMI with max. resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz
- Supports DVI with max. resolution 1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz
- Supports RGB with max. resolution 1920 x 1600 @ 60 Hz
Dual independent displays support with HDMI/DVI and D-Sub
AMDŽ Dual Graphics technology support *2
Supports DirectX 11

CPU info
AMD Radeon HD 6550D kina all i found on that