So someone did the EQ2 vs. Horizons and since I have been in the beta for over a month now and have experienced most of what WoW has to offer I feel I can make a comparible analysis for you interested in WoW but havn't gotten to play it yet.

Graphics- Horizons graphics are beautiful but we all know it requires a very high end computer to run with smooth FPS. WoW is made by blizzard and blizzard is superb at taking very simple graphics and making them look good. So, in this scope, WoW wins. Lower end computers can run it very very smooth and they don't look bad. Lighting is pre-rendered on items and its done so well that you don't notice.

Sound, Music- Horizons has great music, but no atmosphere. WoW has tons of atmosphere but some annoying music that seems to repeat all too quick. So, in this, Horizons wins in music but WoW wins in sound.

Community- Blizzard players vs. mature Horizons players. Need I say more? However, in WoW you CAN find mature players if you play on an RP server, but there are plenty of bad apples. Hz wins hands down.

Character creation- Character creation in WoW is terribly limited. I found that I really couldn't find a look that really suited me. You have 8 races to pick from, but nobody really looks that different at the start. Hz wins here.

Character customization- As you progress in WoW you can find really cool armor and weapons. Every piece alters the way you look so you can make yourself look very cool after awhile. Dyes were a great addition to Hz, but we still havn't seen anything reallyu unique come into play yet that really makes us look different, so WoW wins here.

Quests- Hz has the worst quests in MMORPG history, WoW has TONS. In fact, it has so many, you are ALWAYS on a quest. WoW wins here.

Combat- Hz still has its problems with large battles and WoW's large battles run smooth as pie. Hz has a great variety of new mobs now, butWoW has that x10. Combat in WoW is very fast paced and you can do something that is sadly missing from Hz... You can run after or from a mob and attack at the same time... WoW wins here.

Crafting-Simple and boring in WoW. Ground breaking and brilliant in Hz. Hz wins here no contest.

Storyline-Still waiting on one in Hz that we can actually interact with. Rich and deep in WoW. WoW wins here.

Customer support- Hz has gotten tons better on this issue, but WoW has ingame GM support which makes WoW win here.

Dungeons- Hz has none, WoW has them in droves and they are instanced!! WoW wins here.

Bottom Line-I hate to quote David Bowman but he was right when he said, "They have things they will do and do well, and so do we." It couldn't have been said any better. When I play WoW there are so many things it lacks in that I miss from Horizons, but when I play Horizons I miss so many things in WoW. The bottom line is, I will play both, but I feel that Horizons, if given a year or two more, will progress into a much deeper, richer multiplayer exerience and blow WoW out of the water in all areas. I hope this has helped some of you :)