NBC - NoBody Cares

has anyone been paying attention to NBC's coverage lately? the inane banter of the two idiots during the opening ceremony, and to top it off, it was TAPE DELAYED. they tweeted about the ceremony before IT WAS EVEN BROADCAST. they set up a livestream to show the events live, but you have to sign in with a Cable provider just to see it? what the **** NBC. people are going to Pirated streams to watch it... why the hell can't NBC show them ON LIVE TV AS IT SHOULD BE? is the almighty dollar that worship worthy, where they cannot even show the olympic games in live tv? it the olympics, where the entire world gets together, but NBC has ideas just to make money off of it, to cut content, and not even show them live, and even require a cable provider just to see them? what the hell NBC? and another thing... the comment from one of the commentators during the opening ceremony about our Health care? really? injecting Politics during the games?

is NBC that screwed up?


APPARENTLY NBC also cut a segment that was honoring the victims of a terrorist attack in london... instead to show an interview with Ryan Seacrest and micheal phelps. NBC, putting politics and money ahead of everything else.
