Logged into--
woah I started raining and it's sunny out.

I logged into Istaria earlier to go and convert a file for my friend Ceyra into .agh since she can't. I typed in "/aghconvert <filename>" like usual. And I get this:

"There is no command or macro called /aghconvert."

Okay, maybe I fiddled with my commands file? I went to go and check that, and it's still right there.
string name = "aghConvert"
string abbrev = "agh"
string usage = ""
string description = "Converts an image to AGH format"
int numParams = 1
int minParams = 0
(Yes there's another } above that //aghCvonvert)

So why doesn't it work? There aren't any conflicting Commands_Player files in my resources_override, and every other "custom" command (/setTime, /setScale, ect) works fine. It just stopped working out of the blue. There were no alterations to this file between when it was working and when it didn't except adding a } before my /setTime command to make that work. But that wouldn't do anything to bother /aghConvert...

Any clue what's up?