First I went up Cleric to level 21 (rating at 21), but I wasn’t crazy about all the melee. I changed to Mage and took that to level 20 (rating now 23). I love being mage, but I still like being able to heal too, so I used my Cleric points to add Healer to the mix. Healer started out at level 20, so now my rating is at level 25!

I feel like I have messed up my character’s rating at a very young age, but I am pretty happy with the Mage/Healer mix. I am determined to stick it out, but I have a few questions now…

  1. Best XP - Do I have to fight level 25s for the best XP, or do I still fight at level 20?
  2. Tokens – Is my token list going to now be based on level 25 mobs or will they still be level 20?
  3. Groups – If I group with other level 20s, is it going to negatively effect the XP for me or for them?
  4. Rating – If I leap frog the two classes up at the same time, is my rating going to just keep getting worse, or will it always just be 5 points over my current class level?