Quote Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
There is so much changed in Istaria over the years, to name a thing: I personally don't like the strict "tiering of the world" but it has no use to let it spoil your fun.
^this, I may not have been around before virtrium got their hands on Horizons/istaria, but I sure as heck remember having to go through the eastern deadlands as a 30/40-ish hatchling only to get to Draak.

and see in the patch notes the week or so after I do that, that they added a land bridge to draak which made my whole journey obsolete, if I had waited a few days. And did you hear me whine about it? propably/most likely yes. Afterwards, they dumbed down the RoP even more, did I get "annoyed" over that? sure.

but to keep this short, istaria changes over time, a LOT even for a game of it's age/history, and though some changes are better than others.

so yeah, I'll agree with both Sigi and Calyndrell, these changes will happen, and basicly the only thing you can do about it is just go with the flow.