Quote Originally Posted by Alisto View Post
.... Imo, daily quests turn the game into a chore - gotta do this or that thing otherwise that daily is gone until the next day....
I can relate to this.

One of the things I hated about WOW and Rift was the daily quests you had to do to get /craft tokens/rep/whatever else...

It really gets a chore mentality to it. You feel like OMG I gotta login and do the daily quest, and at some point you just get sick of it. It's like raiding. Have to be on at certain time or OMG the guild is pissed, didn't get to kill raidbossX,-50 DKP!

What is it the dev's are trying to accomplish with the daily quests? Is this back to the tokens for purchasing all the weapon pieces?

I think I had suggested something along the lines of "let the boss drop say 10 to 30 tokens per kill", then players can divide them up. No one has to go and say " man 3 months I have never won a random for loot off an epic boss", we just evenly divide them. We can random for the 1 leftover token, etc. but everyone still gets a very even reward.

If the goal is to limit the amount a player gets. So that group 1, which only has 2 players, both dualboxing, don't get all 30 tokens for themselves, instead the npc hands out 1 per kill, to make it a more even and fair distribution of tokens... well, I would say make it not "daily" quest, but maybe give it a few hour cooldown on the quest. It would almost be the same thing.

But, I doubt the above would accomplish what the dev's are (I think) trying to accomplish. Where group 1 is 4 toons, 2 players dualboxing, group 2 is 10 individual players, and group 1 gets more per kill if the boss directly drops the tokens. All that will happen with the quest being the sole provider of the tokens, is that group 1 will get 6 more alts in their group, just to get the quest kill credit, and still wind up with same number of tokens if the boss had simply dropped them directly...

Do it both ways. Have the boss directly drop some tokens we can evenly divide, so adjust drop count up, with 10 being minimum so that a full group of 10 everyone would get one, and then make a separate timed quest (can take it say once every 6 hours) which grants 1 additional token if the boss is killed. Upon turn-in, quest 6 hour cool-down timer starts, and player cannot re-do it for 6 hours. And its just a small extra bonus, not the primary way to acquire these tokens.

Then, on the vendor adjust the prices up x10, since 10 tokens are dropping instead of 1. Just calculate it out so that 1 kill per day will reward the typical player with item x/desired time dev's think it should take to earn it. So if a BHM should take 6 months to acquire (assuming that is an item the vendor will sell), assuming player kills the epics once a day and gets an average of 6 tokens total per day, price it at 1100 tokens. Of course you would have to factor in what bosses drop tokens, and at what quantity. Gruk, Daknor should not drop as many as fafnir, who shouldn't drop as many as the big 3.

Another way, since I am not a fan of the lowbie bosses being able to be farmed for epic rewards such as Reklar's Sash of Fury, would be to use the daily or timed quest, only in regards to these easy bosses. And only reward 1 token per kill, or even 1 token once all three were killed. And keep the BHM at 1100 tokens. Player could skip the daily gruk kill and not feel guilty about it, or feel as pressured to kill them in their quest to obtain toy-prize X. Leave the epics as dropping enough so that they can be divided up.

feels like I'm rambling hope that makes some sense.