I'd like to add my two copper about growth.

This thread opened two years ago. The concept of it and the desire for it have been around a lot longer. As a reminder, the title of the topic is New Schools, specifically, for dragons. In these passing two years we have seen a few new spells, claw strike, and gold rage getting nerfed. How many new adventure schools were added? 0. Though crystalshaper was added, it was not asked for or debated in this discussion.

We as a community haven't grown.

Every time I come back to this thread, hoping, maybe, this time it will be different. That people will have found something to agree upon, even if it isn't what I worked up, and that the devs will have agreed as well. But every time I come back, the topic has been derailed. There's always some divisive issue or non-sequitur that people attack or defend. It's never, "oh, I like this class more than that one" - it's, "I don't ever want this thing - yes you DO!" It's extremely disheartening.

It's also why we have 0 new adventure classes.

With the community being as small as we are, the devs really can't risk making a move that could alienate one side or another. So naturally, their only move is to make no move. I know we live in an exceptionally divided time and that the values many hold are so sacrosanct that they could never imagine even glancing at the other side. But if new schools is something that we truly want, we're going to have to compromise. That was my goal behind writing up all the classes and the lore that I did: I wanted to give us a starting point for us to rally around. For us to say, these classes are good and I would enjoy playing them, but they might need to be tweaked in X, Y, or Z way. And we can argue X, Y, and Z until we're blue in the face, but at least we will have said, yes: we want new schools.

And, as someone who does, I concede the point that it is possible that there are those that don't want new schools. And if that's the case, we need to stop coming back to this thread or find a compromise.

So let's keep it simple. No explanation, no argument for or against, just a vote. Do you want more dragon schools, yes or no?