Tondargaet has, once again, returned to the lands of Istaria (or, will as soon as today's maintenance is finished).

We moved from our home of nearly 14-years into a much smaller (but, much nicer) apartment over the last couple of months, and, the required physical activity and added stress took a bit more out of me than I expected...even having the assistance of two half-giants and a semi-crazed hatchie wasn't quite enough. But, I recovered and was ready to return to the game.

Unfortunately, I'm now using a wireless connection to our little home network, and quickly discovered that our apartment complex had a rather large number of other wifi connections that conspired to interfere with my connection...slow speeds, intermittent outages...all sorts of difficulties. The local guys from our cable company were very helpful, even having one of their high-level techs spending a couple of days here working on things. To no avail...there were at least a dozen other wifi signals in the immediate area, and the interference from them seemed to be insurmountable.

It took a police raid to finally sort things out, though. Apparently, our next door neighbor was involved in some sort of nefarious activities involving the internet...a combined raid by the local police and the FBI took place a week ago, and they carted off quite a lot of electronic equipment and other things...all rather exciting, as I was making my way back to our apartment from the laundry room when the authorities arrived in a convoy of black vehicles...just as I was approaching the door to our building, a dozen or so armed men, all wearing flak-jackets, were running towards the same door..."Could you wait outside here, please, sir?" I may not be the brightest bulb in the lamp, but, I'm smart enough to do whatever a heavily armed man asks of

Anyway, after they carted everything away, I discovered that my wireless connection suddenly worked at its full capacity...and, that 7 of the different wifi signals that my software had seen were now gone....Don't know what my ex-neighbor was doing (other than it was something "financial") but he must have had some wild stuff going on as far as the internet is concerned.... dragons will soon be will once again be done on my lair...and, the white dragon will be flying hither and yon, annoying all and sundry, and smishing any who are within range....

It's good to be home!