Quote Originally Posted by Smaug View Post
Hi fellow VoR dweller, I own the same plot on Chaos. Have to admit yours is laid out much nicer then mine and looks great. I've never been one for decorations as I go for as much storage as can get (not only a packrat I'm the postchild packrat) so I fill every inch of space I can cram a building or silo in.

A safe and wonderful Holiday Season to you too.

Also want to add...

One of my inspirations I had for a large plot such as this one...a gathering place. Whether it's a Craftfest, a watering hole during one's travels, or a place to hold parties (even have housing for overnight or vacation stays), or even a wedding (hence the gazebo) - wanted the place to be warm and inviting to all who might visit.

Also the reason the nice patio with a clock, benches, tavern and such are the first thing people see when they head that direction from the arrival pad.

Follow the road towards the woodworking area and you come to the nicely manicured lawns between the four houses - while all the 'industrial' stuff is tucked in the back, but again nicely laid out with some green open space between the shops.

And for those that want a quiet place to sit back and ponder the questions of the universe or curl up with one's favorite book, the library is tucked in the middle at the end of the Sidewalk of Honor where pennants are hoisted in recognition of all the races aligned against the Aegis.