So, one thing I did when I played Istaria was that I wasn't too fond of the dragon sounds and how they all seemed similar no matter what age they were. I have a lot of beastly sounds and can mix together quite a number of them as replacements. I'm going to start opening them up for usage if anyone likes the idea / the first installation!

This first one (I named it SlitheryDragon) is what I used for Symazok. In resources_override, go into (or make) resources --> sound --> characters --> and put it into any one of the three folders you want. Dragon_u is adult, dragona_u is adult, dragonj_u is juvenile.

For Symazok, I had it set up like so: Istaria --> resources_override --> resources --> sound --> characters --> dragona_u. Just extract the files all into that last folder and it should work.

I'm going to make one for the juvenile dragon next, and I have a lot of sounds set up for a much more bellowing, thundering, powerful roaring dragon, which I'm going to call DeadlyDragon. Whenever I include a new .zip, I'll post all the previous ones at the end of my post, so that if you're looking for a specific one, all you have to do is scroll to the last page for easy access.


Slithery Dragon: