Not sure if any of you know this, but I'm trying to figure out how to add a "glow" effect to an.. well, an effect. An example of these is the unlooted effect and the sunscrop effect - they lighten up the area around itself.

Looking at sunscope's definition, I just see
	string effectEntName = "effect_sunscope_01.ent"
..which isn't very useful since that just leads to here:
	string	type = "special_effect"
	string	effectDef = "effect_sunscope_01.def"
	float	impactTime = 1
	float	DVPSsphereSize = 3
	bool	worldEffect = false
	bool	selectable = false
	bool	playerSelectable = false
	bool	boundVolCollide = false
	int		effectMinLevel = 1
	int		effectMaxLevel = 1
Knowing that sunscope brightness levels change per tier, I compared the two entity files and nothing was different besides which definition file it pointed to.
Unfortunately this led to a dead end, as I can't open binary effect files and those are the only ones left. (.rtm)

Now, I investigated "unlooted" to see if that helped any.

This one's definition file is a lot more beefed up, but I'm not hugely sure how to read it fully. I'm also not sure if any of these really gives a "glow" effect either.. diffuse RGB (or differential), ambience RGB, specular RGB, radius, flicker rate, flicker magnitude, pulse rate, etc etc.

For the heck of it, I threw this:
				float	diffR = 0.3
				float	diffG = 0.3
				float	diffB = 1
				float	ambR = 0.01
				float	ambG = 0.01
				float	ambB = 0.1
into my file to see if anything happened, which nothing did, sadly.
Funnily enough, none of these had a .sha file to look at, either.

So I'm worried that the environmental glow effect is hidden in the rtm files.. which I can't access. Anyone know how to find it?